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By thepostman
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We have had an ongoing Trump thread (actually 2) for the past 4+ years. That thread will live on as there will certianly be Trump news in the coming days and weeks.

This thread will be used to discuss Biden news and what are sure to be controversial policy changes. Discuss those here.

Today the President's focus will be the economic recovery.
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By Purple Haize
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I’m pretty hot
By stokesjokes
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There was a RadioLab episode this week about the impact of injecting stimulus money into the economy- the conventional wisdom is that “printing money” just causes inflation to equally rise and doesn’t really fix the problem. Apparently during the Obama-era bailouts, they found this to not be true, injecting money into the economy didn’t change the inflation rate at all.

The currently accepted explanation is that “printing money” only devalues the currency depending on what it’s spent on. For example, if everyone who gets a $1000 check goes out and buys a TV, TVs get more expensive, simple supply and demand stuff. However, if that money is just going to pay for debt, rent, utilities, etc., it doesn’t have an impact on the price of goods, and subsequently no inflation.

And since we have a fiat system and we’re just making up money, we’re not even borrowing it from anywhere, so it’s not a national debt burden either.

Interesting ideas related to possible additional stimulus checks.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 9:18 am This thread has gotten off to a great start :roll:
What did you expect? :D
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By Class of 20Something
stokesjokes wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 10:00 am There was a RadioLab episode this week about the impact of injecting stimulus money into the economy- the conventional wisdom is that “printing money” just causes inflation to equally rise and doesn’t really fix the problem. Apparently during the Obama-era bailouts, they found this to not be true, injecting money into the economy didn’t change the inflation rate at all.

The currently accepted explanation is that “printing money” only devalues the currency depending on what it’s spent on. For example, if everyone who gets a $1000 check goes out and buys a TV, TVs get more expensive, simple supply and demand stuff. However, if that money is just going to pay for debt, rent, utilities, etc., it doesn’t have an impact on the price of goods, and subsequently no inflation.

And since we have a fiat system and we’re just making up money, we’re not even borrowing it from anywhere, so it’s not a national debt burden either.

Interesting ideas related to possible additional stimulus checks.
Of course if you pretend that it never needs to get paid back then it all makes sense. Everything seems like a great idea if there aren't consequences.
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By thepostman
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It would be easy to pay for if we eliminated wasteful spending throughout the government, including the DoD, but that is radical thinking for Republicans and Democrats.
By ATrain
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JK37 wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 8:12 am
rogers3 wrote: January 22nd, 2021, 4:14 pm
stokesjokes wrote: January 22nd, 2021, 4:04 pm
Well, she isn't bad looking. Nothing else good to say.
Would you have said that if she was a he?
Rogers3 probably not, but I probably would...
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By TH Spangler
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Class of 20Something wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 2:20 pm
stokesjokes wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 10:00 am There was a RadioLab episode this week about the impact of injecting stimulus money into the economy- the conventional wisdom is that “printing money” just causes inflation to equally rise and doesn’t really fix the problem. Apparently during the Obama-era bailouts, they found this to not be true, injecting money into the economy didn’t change the inflation rate at all.

The currently accepted explanation is that “printing money” only devalues the currency depending on what it’s spent on. For example, if everyone who gets a $1000 check goes out and buys a TV, TVs get more expensive, simple supply and demand stuff. However, if that money is just going to pay for debt, rent, utilities, etc., it doesn’t have an impact on the price of goods, and subsequently no inflation.

And since we have a fiat system and we’re just making up money, we’re not even borrowing it from anywhere, so it’s not a national debt burden either.

Interesting ideas related to possible additional stimulus checks.
Of course if you pretend that it never needs to get paid back then it all makes sense. Everything seems like a great idea if there aren't consequences.
I'm old so I don't have to pretend, you guys can pay it back after I'm gone. :lol:
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By Purple Haize
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TH Spangler wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 6:20 pm 2 👍👍

Yellen: Offshoring tax penalty would incentivize US companies to ‘create and maintain jobs at home’ ... bs-at-home
Yes let’s make it more expensive for US companies to produce and manufacture goods and as an added bonus let’s raise everyone’s taxes
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By TH Spangler
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Penalty taxes should be more targeted. National security-related stuff should be made here. And nothing should be imported from communist countries that behave like China.
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By Cider Jim
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I just watched a video that zoomed in and showed that the "executive orders" that President Biden was signing were BLANK pieces of paper! :shock:
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By Jonathan Carone
Cider Jim wrote: January 23rd, 2021, 7:05 pm I just watched a video that zoomed in and showed that the "executive orders" that President Biden was signing were BLANK pieces of paper! :shock:
You really gonna fall for the same type of pettiness the left leveled at Trump?
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By thepostman
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A. They weren't blank
B. I mentioned this when it was pointed out when Trump did it, that it is fairly normal for photo-op type stuff.
C. Who cares?
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By TH Spangler
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I really hope Washington starts serving Americans and not just themselves. Establishment R's and D's are one and the same. Trump was their wake up call. Listen or get another outsider :lol: .

I appreciate Trump's effort to protect religious freedom, first amendment and second amendment rights and to do what one man could do for the unborn. So far Biden shows no sign he'll do the right thing on any of these issues. But he's our potus .... we have another election in 4 years. Hope there's something left. Christians/churchs better buckle up, next 4 will be challenging.

Stop offshoring, bring back manufacturing, secure the boarder and organize imagination and you get higher wages and don't need government doing this. ... -per-child
Last edited by TH Spangler on January 23rd, 2021, 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By thepostman
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Challenging how so? The church and my faith isn't centered on who is in the White House so I really don't get that last sentence @TH Spangler .

The first week of Biden's presidency has made conservatives and progressives upset for one thing or another. He is still a Democrat and I'm going to disagree way more than I agree but nothing he has done is really a drastic change from what we have seen. I appreciate his more openness in regards to covid relief but that is honestly about it. Everything else I either disagree with or we have to wait and see.

Even if it was all just awful it has zero effect on my faith or on Christ's church.
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