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By cruzan_flame13
olldflame wrote: February 26th, 2021, 7:34 am
All media and channels from the propaganda box are owned by six companies (Warner, Viacom, GE, CBS, NewsCorp, Disney). Forty years ago, there were around thirty or more companies. That should tell you what's going on. Just like how people went berserk with the war of the worlds 1938 broadcast, our society has been doing the same thing [over and over]ever since the new device (t.v) was introduce into all household/businesses. Nothing new under the sun.
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in the 1930s covering-up mass liquidation of Soviet peasants. His work was published in the NY Times. So, yeah, it's been going on for a long time.

As far as Cuomo goes, his Emmy was well-deserved. Probably one of the best acting jobs that we've seen in some time.
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By cruzan_flame13
paradox wrote: February 26th, 2021, 1:13 pm Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in the 1930s covering-up mass liquidation of Soviet peasants. His work was published in the NY Times. So, yeah, it's been going on for a long time.

As far as Cuomo goes, his Emmy was well-deserved. Probably one of the best acting jobs that we've seen in some time.
Mainstream propaganda/theater: "Oh my gosh, Ted Cruz left Texas during turmoil to go in vacation with his family!!!"

Person with common sense: "What about Cuomo covering up deaths of people and sexual harassment of his staff?"

Mainstream propaganda/theater: *crickets*
By paradox
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cruzan_flame13 wrote: February 26th, 2021, 1:26 pm
paradox wrote: February 26th, 2021, 1:13 pm Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in the 1930s covering-up mass liquidation of Soviet peasants. His work was published in the NY Times. So, yeah, it's been going on for a long time.

As far as Cuomo goes, his Emmy was well-deserved. Probably one of the best acting jobs that we've seen in some time.
Mainstream propaganda/theater: "Oh my gosh, Ted Cruz left Texas during turmoil to go in vacation with his family!!!"

Person with common sense: "What about Cuomo covering up deaths of people and sexual harassment of his staff?"

Mainstream propaganda/theater: *crickets*

Cruz fully deserves that criticism. It proves he's a phony.
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By cruzan_flame13
paradox wrote: February 28th, 2021, 10:50 am
cruzan_flame13 wrote: February 26th, 2021, 1:26 pm
paradox wrote: February 26th, 2021, 1:13 pm Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in the 1930s covering-up mass liquidation of Soviet peasants. His work was published in the NY Times. So, yeah, it's been going on for a long time.

As far as Cuomo goes, his Emmy was well-deserved. Probably one of the best acting jobs that we've seen in some time.
Mainstream propaganda/theater: "Oh my gosh, Ted Cruz left Texas during turmoil to go in vacation with his family!!!"

Person with common sense: "What about Cuomo covering up deaths of people and sexual harassment of his staff?"

Mainstream propaganda/theater: *crickets*

Cruz fully deserves that criticism. It proves he's a phony.
He sure does, but it's not better to have double standards.
By paradox
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I think French is a good guy. But he offers no rebuttal here. All he really needs to do is hold up his issue regardless of Biden/Trump. If he doesn't speak out, then Tucker actually did expose a little hypocrisy. btw....everyone's got at least a little hypocrisy going on, if we can he honest.
By paradox
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For some, that's just going to sound a lot like politi-speak. People will disregard the nuance of the issue, if you made passionate statements in the past. Stay balanced, and then you can bob and weave better.
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By Purple Haize
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When did David French become this great Oracle? Ugh. I have unkind non ASOR words to describe his ilk
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By Just John
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Purple Haize wrote: March 2nd, 2021, 9:47 pm When did David French become this great Oracle? Ugh. I have unkind non ASOR words to describe his ilk
I'm not sure how many mortals I would award the title of "great Oracle" but in my view French is a pretty good guy.

Here's a link to his receiving the Ronald Reagan Award from the American Conservative Union at the 2012 CPAC convention. Some have since changed ideology but I don't think it was French.

stokesjokes liked this
By paradox
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Tucker may have a point. French may be wearing his halo a little too tight these days. Liberal self-righteousness combined with religious superiority may be just a tad bit overbearing.
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By Just John
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paradox wrote: March 7th, 2021, 9:30 am Tucker may have a point. French may be wearing his halo a little too tight these days. Liberal self-righteousness combined with religious superiority may be just a tad bit overbearing.
What are his "liberal" viewpoints you speak of?
By paradox
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DF says things like "Tucker frequently misleads his audience." Does he, though? Wasn't it Tucker who exposed Sydney Powell, ahead of the mainstream press? DF seems pretty sympathetic to most lib talking points IMO. And not being able to distinguish Hannity from Carlson pretty much sums it up for me.
By stokesjokes
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I mean, Tucker did have the saga of “losing” the Hunter Biden “proof,” that was pretty ridiculous.

And the only “lib” talking points I’ve seen him be sympathetic towards are anti-Trump talking points. Recently, anti-Trump has been often confused for anti-conservative, but these are far from the same. As far as policy, French is pretty down-the-line standard conservative.
By paradox
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IMO, French appears to be morphing into an evangelical version of Max Boot. Some people would call that pseudo-conservative at best.
Last edited by paradox on March 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By thepostman
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There isn't a poltical commentator on any of the major networks that doesn't mislead their audience. Which is part of why there is so much division in our country.

But I mean Tucker? Fox News admitted in court that his viewers know not to watch his show without some skepticism. So yes, I don't trust a word out of Tucker's mouth. ... me-1534357
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By thepostman
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That is certianly one way to spin it. That isn't what Tucker or any of these hacks on cable news does and I think you know that.
By paradox
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Tucker's negative/positive ratio on Trump commentary seems as balanced as any editorial program. Probably the most balanced. Nearly every talk show is either all negative or all positive.

But, is he partisan? Of course he is. But again, he's a far cry from Hannity.
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By Purple Haize
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