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By stokesjokes
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You’re not answering my question, so I assume you don’t have anything. They’re genuine republicans who have the audacity to not kowtow to trump, that’s why you don’t like them. That’s why you throw mittens in there too, that’s the only common thread.
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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 9:54 pm You’re not answering my question, so I assume you don’t have anything. They’re genuine republicans who have the audacity to not kowtow to trump, that’s why you don’t like them. That’s why you throw mittens in there too, that’s the only common thread.
All three knowhow to the self-serving swamp critters. :lol:

Here's a question for you. Would you support a DeSantis Scott ticket? Given a choice between lets say DeSantis or Pete Buttigieg or Bernie Sanders Who's your guy?
By stokesjokes
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Desantis has shown himself to have blatant disregard for the first amendment on at least two occasions now. If things like the constitution and individual liberty are important to you, that should give you pause.

I know you may not care as much since the speech he wants to use the power of the government to punish is speech you probably don’t like either, but imagine instead of punishing Disney for supporting LGBTQ issues or the Tampa Bay Rays for supporting gun control, it was Hobby Lobby for playing Christian music or Cookout for printing verses on their cups.
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By TH Spangler
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Spin. Disney is free to speak. Free to get involved in politics. Why should they get a carve out Sea World dosen't.

You didn't answer my question. Who's your guy?
By Yacht Rock
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He literally only pushed the change in law due to their speech. That’s the government punishing an organization for their speech.

Also, the law was written to punish Disney specifically. There are still other special improvement districts, but it was written the way it was not because he had an issue with the existence of improvement districts, but because he had a problem with Disney’s speech.
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By thepostman
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TH Spangler wrote:Spin. Disney is free to speak. Free to get involved in politics. Why should they get a carve out Sea World dosen't.

You didn't answer my question. Who's your guy?
I don't understand your first sentence. Can you try to speak in full sentences?

Disney losing it's designation as a self-governing body is fine from a policy standpoint but the 2nd and 3rd order effects need to be considered before moving forward. The state would be on the hook for a lot of the public services Disney now handles, etc. However, taking that designation away based on politics? Not a great look. DeSantis isn't interested in long term effects. He is only interested in making superficial "progress" in the culture wars. It isn't good governing and sets dangerous precedence. For some of the very reasons stokes mentioned.

Side note. What has stokes ever posted that makes you think he would be a Bernie guy? You have bought into the trumpist idea that one can only support him to be a "true conservative ". If you aren't a Trump guy you must be a Bernie guy? That is just bizarro world. :dontgetit
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By TH Spangler
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I meant stoakes was just spinning.

I have no idea who you or he supports. That's why I ask my question.

On LGBT issues. As a Christian I personally don't celebrate pride month. I find it an odd celebration. I had coworkers for 2 decades that I enjoy a friendship with that chose that lifestyle. I still don't feel a need to celebrate it.
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By thepostman
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With all due respect, you are constantly not answering questions.

Why is it ok for DeSantis to violate 1st Amendment rights? You as a citizen have every right to not give your business to companies based on their poltics all you want. The government shouldn't be in that business. That is a pretty standard conservative ideal. Or at least it use to be.
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By TH Spangler
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thepostman wrote: June 12th, 2022, 11:14 am With all due respect, you are constantly not answering questions.

Why is it ok for DeSantis to violate 1st Amendment rights? You as a citizen have every right to not give your business to companies based on their poltics all you want. The government shouldn't be in that business. That is a pretty standard conservative ideal. Or at least it use to be.
Who lost their 1st amendment?

Are you in favor of your k-3 children being taught about sex.
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By thepostman
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:lol: :lol: :lol: . That wasn't happening my man. But your echo chamber certainly knows how to play into your fears.

Let's have the government punish private businesses and citizens for their poltical views. As long as they are views I disagree with. What could go wrong!!???

To answer your 1st question. The 1st Amendment was violated when DeSantis tried to punish them for poltical speech. Pretty simple. It is wrong. End of discussion. Especially as a conservative. Even if I don't like or disagree with the speech.

To answer your 2nd insane question. No I'm not in favor of that. That isn't my concern here though.
By Yacht Rock
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Imagine if a law were narrowly written to take away some kind of tax benefits for bakers but it was written to just impact those who didn’t want to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples.
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By stokesjokes
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TH Spangler wrote: June 12th, 2022, 9:49 am Spin. Disney is free to speak. Free to get involved in politics. Why should they get a carve out Sea World dosen't.

You didn't answer my question. Who's your guy?
They already had it and it was revoked specifically because of their speech on LGBT issues. That's not being "free to speak." In fact, it's the exact opposite. They received government retaliation because of their speech, which is literally the exact thing the first amendment is meant to protect against.

Besides that, revoking Disney's special improvement district places the burden to provide all of the things Disney was providing for itself (fire, police, etc) back on the taxpayers. So, basically, in an effort to score culture war points, Desantis wants to violate the first amendment and financially burden the citizens of his state. Real winner you got there.

But to answer your question, I think it's a pretty irrelevant question until we know who's actually in the race. Give me a compassionate conservative whose platform isn't just antipathy. For frame of reference, I was a big Kasich fan in 2016. I was also hopeful for Corey Booker in 2020 (at least as far as the dems went). Very different guys, but both seemingly high-character guys with positive visions. Also, imagine first lady Rosario Dawson :lol:
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By lynchburgwildcats
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stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 1:04 pm This is where I get frustrated- people dismissing pathologically dangerous character traits as “mean tweets” or “a temper.”

If you’ve ever been close to a malignant narcissist you would see it- the lengths they will go to protect their self-concept and the seething rage when someone pushes back against it. It doesn’t end anywhere other than destruction and chaos and it’s pitiful that so many justified minimizing it and supporting him because they thought he could be useful towards an end.

Thank God for Mike Pence, someone who had character when it mattered, even when it had great potential personal cost to him. It’s scary to think where we might have ended up without him.
You would think Liberty folks would understand this after going thru the Falwell Jr. saga
By stokesjokes
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I think you've got it backwards- Liberty went through this precisely because of this mindset. Listen to how Prevo and others continue to talk about Jerry Jr. They glow about how useful he was.
By olldflame
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stokesjokes wrote: June 13th, 2022, 9:01 am I think you've got it backwards- Liberty went through this precisely because of this mindset. Listen to how Prevo and others continue to talk about Jerry Jr. They glow about how useful he was.
There is no real reason Prevo and Co. should be making any comments at all about Jr, and the fact that they are unable to restrain themselves is troubling. If there is not a significant purge of the board, I will quite frankly be surprised if he is not eventually reinstated.
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By JK37
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I would still be surprised if JJ is reinstated. But the same problems will persist for darn sure.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 9:27 am
TH Spangler wrote: June 10th, 2022, 5:36 pm
After watching the Jan 6 show I might have to reconsider. Pull for Trump to run again. The Washington established really fears an outsider. The drama continues :roll:
“I’d rather vote for the guy who said his Vice President deserved to be hanged than the people making a big deal about it.”
I’m a little behind. When did Trump say Pence should be hanged?
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 2:33 pm What? Mitch McConnell killed the actual independent bipartisan commission after it overwhelmingly passed the house. Then they used a "congressional select committee" as a workaround, McCarthy submitted 5 R names for the committee, Nancy said "no" on the two names that were going to be implicated by the commission (so shouldn't serve on it), so McCarthy withdrew all 5 of the names. There were plenty of Rs that would have been acceptable for the committee, but McCarthy refused to nominate them. Even so, we ended up with two Rs who have impeccable GOP bona fides, other than not having unwavering loyalty to Trump, on the committee. Heck, they both voted for Trump in both elections.
“Implicated by the commission “? Who is in charge of overseeing the security of the Capitol? That person should be called in front of the Commission not hand picking them. EVERY member of Congress that day, including Liz, was a possible witness. Pelosi didn’t want a bipartisan commission. She wanted a narrative and bucked decades of precedent to get it. One side should not dictate to the other who is and isn’t allowed to be selected
By stokesjokes
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Purple Haize wrote: June 13th, 2022, 3:44 pm
stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 9:27 am
TH Spangler wrote: June 10th, 2022, 5:36 pm
After watching the Jan 6 show I might have to reconsider. Pull for Trump to run again. The Washington established really fears an outsider. The drama continues :roll:
“I’d rather vote for the guy who said his Vice President deserved to be hanged than the people making a big deal about it.”
I’m a little behind. When did Trump say Pence should be hanged?
You mean you weren’t watching the prime time event??

Here’s a short clip:

Early reporting says that testimony came from Meadows. We’ll know more as the hearings continue, so you better tune in 8)

As per the committee selection, I think both sides were playing politics, I think McCarthy knew the Jims wouldn’t be acceptable, so he could grandstand when they got rejected. I also think Nancy didn’t want anyone purposely gumming up the works on the commission. I’m also of the opinion that there’s more involvement to the two Jims than we’ve heard. I would not be shocked if either are among the members of congress who asked Trump for pardons afterwards.
By rtb72
They need to start putting these political dramas (aka hearings) on the Sci-Fi channel. Regardless of party, they're saturated with nothing more than grandstanding ideologues who lean on conjecture and hyperbole to "motivate" their base. I would hope the populace would one day grow tired of the theatre....but I guess so long as their are those who live, breathe, and embrace this stuff....both sides will do it. I'm hopeful we can see a new focus if there are changes in November, but I'm sure the Repubs will dig stuff up to have "hearings" on the left. Meanwhile, regular people will continue to struggle to afford gas, food, and negotiate a hopeful retirement. The vast majority of them are so far out of'll take a generation to get things somewhat "representative" again.
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: June 13th, 2022, 7:22 pm
Purple Haize wrote: June 13th, 2022, 3:44 pm
stokesjokes wrote: June 11th, 2022, 9:27 am

“I’d rather vote for the guy who said his Vice President deserved to be hanged than the people making a big deal about it.”
I’m a little behind. When did Trump say Pence should be hanged?
You mean you weren’t watching the prime time event??

Here’s a short clip:

Early reporting says that testimony came from Meadows. We’ll know more as the hearings continue, so you better tune in 8)

As per the committee selection, I think both sides were playing politics, I think McCarthy knew the Jims wouldn’t be acceptable, so he could grandstand when they got rejected. I also think Nancy didn’t want anyone purposely gumming up the works on the commission. I’m also of the opinion that there’s more involvement to the two Jims than we’ve heard. I would not be shocked if either are among the members of congress who asked Trump for pardons afterwards.
I’m not currently in a position to watch a lot of US television. So if you could post a named source or a quote of Trump saying Pence should be hanged that’d be great.
At least you admit politics were being played. But I wholeheartedly disagree with you regarding anyone being acceptable or unacceptable. If your goal is bipartisanship then you let each side pick their people. With Nancy rejecting members and having members on the record opposed to Trump, this committee lost any pretext of fairness or bipartisanship.
By JK37
Registration Days Posts
No question the timing and process of this committee are first playing politics.

Trump didn’t say Pence should be hanged. When people at the rallies were chanting “Hang Mike Pence”, his staff has testified that he said aloud, “Maybe they’re right.” Tongue in cheek. Very poor taste. And not properly representative of the esteemed office he held at the time. And wrong to be sure. But not the same as what’s being purported.

And that’s where this committee loses ground. There’s enough here to accomplish what you want by sticking to facts and testimony. You don’t have to make it worse than it is; it’s already bad enough!
By JK37
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Btw, this is also why Trump would be doing the RNC a big favor overall if he would just go away. But he’s only interested in doing himself favors, so that’s not going to happen.

Any R candidate would do themselves a favor by distancing themselves from Trump. But the margins in many districts and nationally are so slim that they won’t take the risk of losing Trump supporters by doing so. Not for nothing, but I think the ones who did would sew up victory then and there.
By stokesjokes
Registration Days Posts
JK37 wrote: June 15th, 2022, 8:46 am Tongue in cheek.
If I had a nickel for every time someone said of Trump “well, that’s not what he really meant,” when he said something terrible or ridiculous I’d have a lot of nickels. The testimony is that Trump said “he deserves it,” which doesn’t mean that Trump was actively looking to hang Pence, but it seems pretty clear that he wouldn’t have minded, since Pence had the gall to undermine his plans to overturn the election. That’s not tongue-in-cheek, that’s his MO of bullying and intimidation. It’s textbook narcissistic abuse. Do exactly what he says or you’re dead to him and you’ll get what you “deserve.”

And PH, you don’t know much about TV do you? They can’t give everything away in the first episode or no one would watch the next one. Stay tuned to hear the actual testimony.
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