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RubberMallet wrote: February 18th, 2020, 3:02 pm bloomberg was a desperate hailmary by the DNC. which is basically bankrupt financially.
The mishandling of this presidential primary by the DNC will be studied by political scientists as a textbook case of how a primary should NOT be conducted. It was always obvious that Joe Biden is half senile, and Elizabeth Warren is a liar and an opportunist. So where does that leave the DNC, now that they've realized that too late. All they have left is a NY billionaire and an octagenarian USSR socialist. If Bernie wins the nomination, Trump should have an easy victory. If Bloomberg wins the nomination, it will be closer, but, considering Bloomberg is less qualified and less charismatic than even Hillary, which is saying something, I can't see Bloomberg pulling this one out. I can count the number of people who are genuinely enthusiastic about Michael Bloomberg on a single hand.
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By RubberMallet
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i agree. the things that are already coming out about him are not good when you think about the typical democratic voter. he is definitely a more centrist choice and something that the DNC can work with for the undecided voters but the reality is that regardless of who is running if the economy is still chugging along the way it is. its ovah.
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By Ill flame
thepostman wrote: February 18th, 2020, 2:56 pm Cautiously optimistic? This race is already over.I hope you have your thank you cards ready to send to the DNC.
Didn't the democrats and media say the same thing when Trump became the nominee last time? Unless I'm just not picking up on your sarcasm
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By Purple Haize
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Ill flame wrote: February 18th, 2020, 9:21 pm
thepostman wrote: February 18th, 2020, 2:56 pm Cautiously optimistic? This race is already over.I hope you have your thank you cards ready to send to the DNC.
Didn't the democrats and media say the same thing when Trump became the nominee last time? Unless I'm just not picking up on your sarcasm
That’s why I’m not celebrating. Trump was still a long shot and Republicans fractured 4 years ago this time.
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By thepostman
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I guess the dems did the same thing 4 years ago but the key difference is I'm a fairly neutral observer at this point. I see the Democrats making so many mistakes and I see the media continually doing the things that fired up Trump's base last time around. I just don't see anything changing over the next few months.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote: February 18th, 2020, 11:44 pm I guess the dems did the same thing 4 years ago but the key difference is I'm a fairly neutral observer at this point. I see the Democrats making so many mistakes and I see the media continually doing the things that fired up Trump's base last time around. I just don't see anything changing over the next few months.
I hope you’re right. I
I don’t think you can trust polling when Trump is involved. There’s such a negative stigma around supporting him publicly that many who will vote for him aren’t going to say that out loud to people because they don’t want to hear insults. We saw in 2016 the numbers for him were much higher than any poll suggested and I think you’ll see the same this year.
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By RubberMallet
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yeah we are in a place where the candidate you support has consequences whether fair or unfair. But the reality is that trump got at least 30% of the vote in every blue state in 2016. The people who will vote for him now I think is greater than the people who voted for him in 16 and won't in 20.

better a devil you know than a devil you don't.
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: February 19th, 2020, 11:32 pm Tonight has been a train wreck.
Bloomberg got eviscerated early. But then disappeared. He stepped in it with NDA’s. His best bet is to say as little as possible
Lizzy throwing cheap shots and burning it all down
Pope Pete gets taken down a peg by Amy

And meanwhile Trump is having a MASSIVE rally in AZ.
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By Tnobes
Purple Haize wrote: February 9th, 2020, 9:21 pm
Ill flame wrote: February 9th, 2020, 8:51 pm I was under the impression that he hates all religions except for Islam because of identity politics. I would love to see the guy win the primary just to see him blown out in the general election.
My money has been on mayor Pete from the beginning. He’s the best at speaking calmly and soothingly without actually saying anything. He is no less liberal than any of the others but packaged better and able to score voters Woke Points
Mayor Pete is Beto 2.0 he'll burn out soon
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By Tnobes
Jonathan Carone wrote: February 19th, 2020, 9:15 am I don’t think you can trust polling when Trump is involved. There’s such a negative stigma around supporting him publicly that many who will vote for him aren’t going to say that out loud to people because they don’t want to hear insults. We saw in 2016 the numbers for him were much higher than any poll suggested and I think you’ll see the same this year.
In 2016 a few weeks before the election I told a friend that if trump was less than 10 points behind Hillary he would win because he had 10 to 15 points of silent support from people who didn't want to be bullied or called names.
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By Purple Haize
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Tnobes wrote: February 19th, 2020, 11:54 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 9th, 2020, 9:21 pm
Ill flame wrote: February 9th, 2020, 8:51 pm I was under the impression that he hates all religions except for Islam because of identity politics. I would love to see the guy win the primary just to see him blown out in the general election.
My money has been on mayor Pete from the beginning. He’s the best at speaking calmly and soothingly without actually saying anything. He is no less liberal than any of the others but packaged better and able to score voters Woke Points
Mayor Pete is Beto 2.0 he'll burn out soon
He’s the Gay Obama and afternoon tonight he’s one step closer to the nomination
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By TH Spangler
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LGBTQ money/ activist have picked the D candidate recently. Told my minority, demacrat buddy last year Pete would find his way on the ticket regardless how many people voted for someone else. His biggest problem in the general will be that the minority community is more socially conservative than most realize.
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By Cider Jim
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Jonathan Carone wrote: February 19th, 2020, 11:32 pm Tonight has been a train wreck.
My democratic brother called the debate a "hot mess."
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By Ill flame
Jonathan Carone wrote: February 20th, 2020, 2:08 pm I don't understand why Bernie has so much more support than Warren. They're essentially the same policy wise and she's much more personable than him.
One thing Ben Shapiro points out that I agree with is that Bernie is genuinely a socialist while Warren comes across like someone that is only pretending to be socialist because it's her clearest path to the nomination.
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By Purple Haize
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Bernie is much more personable than Lizzy. He reminds people of the old crazy uncle we all have. She reminds you of the busy body that gets in everybody’s stuff
Purple Haize wrote: February 20th, 2020, 3:51 pm Bernie is much more personable than Lizzy. He reminds people of the old crazy uncle we all have. She reminds you of the busy body that gets in everybody’s stuff
I see this totally differently.

Bernie is the crazy old guy yelling at everyone who won't shut up.

Warren is the woman that's tired of having to step in and fix everything the crazy old guys broke.

It's probably my disdain for Bernie Bros that clouds that view.
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: February 20th, 2020, 5:01 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 20th, 2020, 3:51 pm Bernie is much more personable than Lizzy. He reminds people of the old crazy uncle we all have. She reminds you of the busy body that gets in everybody’s stuff
I see this totally differently.

Bernie is the crazy old guy yelling at everyone who won't shut up.

Warren is the woman that's tired of having to step in and fix everything the crazy old guys broke.

It's probably my disdain for Bernie Bros that clouds that view.
Yeah, Warren’s personality is like the annoying study hall supervisor or the over eager soccer mom who doesn’t actually have a kid on the team
I will say your dislike is more towards Bernie Bro’s than Bernie. They are annoying
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By thepostman
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It's been really interesting to read such conflicting takes on Sanders and Warren. I've had liberal friends be critical and/or praise both.

That's all I've got to add because I find all politicians to be annoying.haha.
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By alabama24
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Jonathan Carone wrote: February 20th, 2020, 5:01 pm
Purple Haize wrote: February 20th, 2020, 3:51 pm Bernie is much more personable than Lizzy. He reminds people of the old crazy uncle we all have. She reminds you of the busy body that gets in everybody’s stuff
I see this totally differently.
I agree with Haize. One thing about Bernie is that he is honest. He is a socialist and he admits it. I don't like Trumps name calling, but Lizzy is opportunistic. She will claim to be a "capitalist" when it benefits her politically.
By JK37
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Agree with a lot said here. Put me in the side of Warren just being awful. She’s a terrible person. Zero morals.

I’ll just say this: why are Dems just so bad at politics? Mayor Pete has shown flashes of brilliance, and I like Amy K. the most out of the remainders. But the hole field are just bumbling, stumbling idiots. Why can’t dems get this right?
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