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Jonathan Carone wrote:What about all the other reports? The mall banning him? Other people saying it was a known thing? Are those all not credible as well?

This may have been brought to light because of dirty politics but it's overwhelmingly obvious that Moore liked young girls.
i don't know why people are falling on the sword for this wierdo.
RubberMallet wrote:
Jonathan Carone wrote:What about all the other reports? The mall banning him? Other people saying it was a known thing? Are those all not credible as well?

This may have been brought to light because of dirty politics but it's overwhelmingly obvious that Moore liked young girls.
i don't know why people are falling on the sword for this wierdo.
Pride, maybe. Who knows.
*breathes a sigh of relief*- That was not that bad. Jerry did not support him or sexual assault. He just made a statement that accusations are sometimes false in political gamesmanship.

@Jim Ziegler - Mary was a virgin you goofball.
I have been saying that for months. Thats my only problem of jr in all this discussion. Simply state you think hes the best option and use the sunday school analogy. You cant possibly defend all of trumps actions as a christian. Its a battle and argument that you cant win. I think he was right but he just didnt describe his support the way he should have.

As far moore. Byd is correct. Most people that are moderate or right leaning or far right simply have zero respect for the media. Their narrative is so predictable and biased that its difficult to believe anything they say. Weve gone from reporting to nothing but opinion and support your position in the media.

The biggest part that doesnt make sense for moore is that if he was known to be such a creep then why wouldnt these folks have come forward. I totally get it if this guy was a standup guy with a great rep. It would be tough to challenge. But if hes the town flirt and creep then it should have been easy. He did present a pretty good defense against one of the claims today i saw. Basically the accuser was grinding an old ax from a divorce proceeding that he was over. Havent heard much of a defense on the others.
jinxy wrote:As far moore. Byd is correct. Most people that are moderate or right leaning or far right simply have zero respect for the media. Their narrative is so predictable and biased that its difficult to believe anything they say. Weve gone from reporting to nothing but opinion and support your position in the media.
If we're talking purely politics, I can see this viewpoint. However, switch the lens you're looking through for this story. When you look at this through the post-Weinstein lens, you see it's another example of something that has been exposed by legitimate journalism. The stories and research being written on the sexual assault by men in power (Weinstein, Spacey, Louis CK, etc) have been nothing short of unbiased, great journalism. It's my belief those stories are what allowed these women to have the confidence to speak publicly. That confidence was then amplified because of politics.
Another revelation that Roy Moore is guilty!! ‘Unwanted Advances’ is a pretty broad (pardon the pun) phrase. I would wager every single one of us have made some type of ‘unwanted advance’. And when denied let it be. We apparently are now all criminals

Al Franken:

Bob Menendez:
Too much to link, but Google about the sitting US Senator and his ongoing corruption trial that possibly involved underage prostitutes.

Roy Moore should probably concede to his primary opponent (even though this is obviously dirty politics), and these two above should resign immediately.

Can we stop putting trash on the ballots?
Not sure I have seen "legitimate" or "great journalism" in many,many years, but I tend to be more cynical than most. In addition, I am older than dirt, so I do remember when one could primarily count on the news to be somewhat truthful.
I have already heard a journalist on the tv today, saying how different the Roy Moore and Al Franken situations are. (She was defending AF). The only difference that I see, is that there are pictures of AF doing his thing and none of Roy Moore.
Based on the information that has come out on RM the last couple of days, I am more inclined to believe there may be something to the accusations against him. But I am still open to giving him a little more time. Some of the RM accusers family members have called them liars and there appears to be some question over the veracity of the signatures in the yearbook.
Interested in seeing where this goes. Can't see how AF survives this one, but he is a Dim-o-crap, so it is always a possibility. Looks like Menendez has dodged a major bullet.
RubberMallet wrote:
Jonathan Carone wrote:What about all the other reports? The mall banning him? Other people saying it was a known thing? Are those all not credible as well?

This may have been brought to light because of dirty politics but it's overwhelmingly obvious that Moore liked young girls.
i don't know why people are falling on the sword for this wierdo.
Because both Republicans and Democrats in general are obsessed with supporting people form their party no matter what. Some politicians sometimes show they actually have a moral backbone, but it seems like 99 times out of 100 they don't. This whole idea of party > country nonsense is cancerous.
yeah its been fascinating. moore deny deny deny his supporters are split to me. some are "we don't believe it happened" and the other half is "who cares, we can't let a dem have it"

then on the other side, i don't see much denial. yet you see a lot of victim blaming on on one hand. then on the other hand you see these people who made these people their heros are like LOST

i'm like if you are "All my life I looked up to a guy who had bit parts on Saturday Night Live and wrote books with titles like Why I'm Really Really Smart And All Republicans Are Big Dumb Poopyheads." then you are an idiot and have bad heros.
RubberMallet wrote:yeah its been fascinating. moore deny deny deny his supporters are split to me. some are "we don't believe it happened" and the other half is "who cares, we can't let a dem have it"

then on the other side, i don't see much denial. yet you see a lot of victim blaming on on one hand. then on the other hand you see these people who made these people their heros are like LOST

i'm like if you are "All my life I looked up to a guy who had bit parts on Saturday Night Live and wrote books with titles like Why I'm Really Really Smart And All Republicans Are Big Dumb Poopyheads." then you are an idiot and have bad heros.
And then you have those with a new take on the situation. ... eir-purity
ElmersTwin wrote:
RubberMallet wrote:yeah its been fascinating. moore deny deny deny his supporters are split to me. some are "we don't believe it happened" and the other half is "who cares, we can't let a dem have it"

then on the other side, i don't see much denial. yet you see a lot of victim blaming on on one hand. then on the other hand you see these people who made these people their heros are like LOST

i'm like if you are "All my life I looked up to a guy who had bit parts on Saturday Night Live and wrote books with titles like Why I'm Really Really Smart And All Republicans Are Big Dumb Poopyheads." then you are an idiot and have bad heros.
And then you have those with a new take on the situation. ... eir-purity
I've seen that line pop up a few times now and I'm so sick of it. It doesn't matter if you have the parents permission. If he in fact did anything with underage girls he's a pedophile and I hope he rots in hell, with an extra layer of torment thrown in just for him.
rhezick wrote:
ElmersTwin wrote:
RubberMallet wrote:yeah its been fascinating. moore deny deny deny his supporters are split to me. some are "we don't believe it happened" and the other half is "who cares, we can't let a dem have it"

then on the other side, i don't see much denial. yet you see a lot of victim blaming on on one hand. then on the other hand you see these people who made these people their heros are like LOST

i'm like if you are "All my life I looked up to a guy who had bit parts on Saturday Night Live and wrote books with titles like Why I'm Really Really Smart And All Republicans Are Big Dumb Poopyheads." then you are an idiot and have bad heros.
And then you have those with a new take on the situation. ... eir-purity
I've seen that line pop up a few times now and I'm so sick of it. It doesn't matter if you have the parents permission. If he in fact did anything with underage girls he's a pedophile and I hope he rots in hell, with an extra layer of torment thrown in just for him.
So, he deserves this.........unless the girl was considered of legal age in the state she lived in, in which case it was OK? Or do you appoint yourself judge jury and executioner to determine what is acceptable? I understand the outrage in cases where a person who is clearly a child is involved, but the bottom line is, the law determines when that is, and since those laws vary depending on where you are, I tend to question looking at it in such black and white terms. If you break the law, you should pay the penalty the law imposes, but condemning men to hell is for God to decide. As far as the number of years difference in age is concerned, to say that having a relationship with a girl who is young, but is of legal age, is wrong for one man and not another based on how old they are, has no real moral basis. It is basically a matter of cultural acceptance.
Yacht Rock wrote:I’d feel confident saying that I’d not want a man who was trying to court high school girls while he was over 30 to represent me in government. It may be legal but that doesn’t mean he’s not a creeper.
Exactly. A man in his thirties dating a 16 year old is creepy and abnormal. What could he possibly have in common with a 10th grader? I don’t care if it’s legal or not.
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