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By adam42381
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alabama24 wrote:$60 Million dollar fine (1 years gross football revenue)
Bowl ban 4 years
Scholarships down from 25 to 15 (for 4 years)
Athletes can transfer
all 1998 - 2011 wins vacated
5 years of probation
NCAA reserves right to impose sanctions on individuals
Other corrective issues
Bobby Bowden will be happy.
By 4everfsu
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adam42381 wrote:
alabama24 wrote:$60 Million dollar fine (1 years gross football revenue)
Bowl ban 4 years
Scholarships down from 25 to 15 (for 4 years)
Athletes can transfer
all 1998 - 2011 wins vacated
5 years of probation
NCAA reserves right to impose sanctions on individuals
Other corrective issues
Bobby Bowden will be happy.

Somewhere Eddie Robinson is smiling.
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By Purple Haize
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adam42381 wrote:
alabama24 wrote:$60 Million dollar fine (1 years gross football revenue)
Bowl ban 4 years
Scholarships down from 25 to 15 (for 4 years)
Athletes can transfer
all 1998 - 2011 wins vacated
5 years of probation
NCAA reserves right to impose sanctions on individuals
Other corrective issues
Bobby Bowden will be happy.
He won't need to do any more Capital One commercials!
and on top of all that, penn state has to sign a decree saying the covered it up an helped Sandusky to attract victims. Also have to sign on to an integrity agreement. If they don't sign th eintegrity agreement, NCAA has reserved the right to drop the death penalty hammer.
ncaa didn't do a tv ban, but penn state will be so uncompetitive, it will virtually guarantee it. i wonder how much money PSU will additionally lose in the future from lower attendance, less tv revenue, less merchandise sales, etc.

I also read that PSU won't be able to field a team with 85 scholarship players until 2020.
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By NotAJerry
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Not quite as big as some of the rumors, but still an enormous ruling. It says something about how big it is that I see you guys mentioning the B1G booting PSU out and it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. I don't think that will happen, but the PSU football program has effectively been turned into Indiana for the next decade. Since PSU isn't a long time conference member, maybe they do get tossed.
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By thepostman
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I highly doubt that Penn State will ever recover from this. I am glad they aren't punishing the players and letting them leave, that is really my only concern. Don't punish the players that had nothing to do with this. Other then that I couldn't care less what they do with them because it is clear the ones in power at Penn State couldn't care less about children getting abused in an attempt to keep their clean name. I will never understand that mindset. If you come out with things right when you find out the American public is very forgiving. Not so much when it is clear you were trying to hide it for years and years.
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By NotAJerry
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Each successive statement made by the Paterno family lowers my opinion of JoePa even further. There just seems to be so much effort in spin control to try and preserve an image that no longer exists.
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By Purple Haize
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I know I'm in the small minority, but this has turned out like I thought. Instead of the monster that IS Jerry Sandusky, this whole scandal is being associated with JoePa. While he is certainly not blameless, it was SANDUSKY who molested those boys. It was SANDUSKY who is a pathological liar. But as time goes on, when people mention Penn St, it will be forever tied into JoePa and Child Abuse. Not Jerry Sandusky, the actual criminal and pedophile.
Secondly, what football rules did Penn St break? Isn't that what the NCAA is supposed to enforce? Let the courts deal with the legal civil and criminal aspects of the case. If not, where does it end? What about a player accused of rape? Will the NCAA hold schools responsible? Murder? Internet Piracy? I don't know what this judgement proves and Penn St. is handling it gracefully. But I still don't like the precedence it sets.
Go ahead, rip away.
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By thepostman
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Purple Haize wrote:I know I'm in the small minority, but this has turned out like I thought. Instead of the monster that IS Jerry Sandusky, this whole scandal is being associated with JoePa. While he is certainly not blameless, it was SANDUSKY who molested those boys. It was SANDUSKY who is a pathological liar. But as time goes on, when people mention Penn St, it will be forever tied into JoePa and Child Abuse. Not Jerry Sandusky, the actual criminal and pedophile.
Secondly, what football rules did Penn St break? Isn't that what the NCAA is supposed to enforce? Let the courts deal with the legal civil and criminal aspects of the case. If not, where does it end? What about a player accused of rape? Will the NCAA hold schools responsible? Murder? Internet Piracy? I don't know what this judgement proves and Penn St. is handling it gracefully. But I still don't like the precedence it sets.
Go ahead, rip away.
Even though I, for the most part, agree with the NCAA ruling because they clearly lacked any kind of real control over that program, I also agree with this. I think it is pathetic that Sandusky is pretty much forgotten about because people are so focused on JoePa. Even though the cover up was terrible and absolutely deserved to be punished for, Sandusky is the pervert here and that should NEVER, EVER be over shadowed.

Its not as sexy to talk about on tv because Sandusky wasn't nationally known...kind of pathetic.
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By NotAJerry
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thepostman wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:I know I'm in the small minority, but this has turned out like I thought. Instead of the monster that IS Jerry Sandusky, this whole scandal is being associated with JoePa. While he is certainly not blameless, it was SANDUSKY who molested those boys. It was SANDUSKY who is a pathological liar. But as time goes on, when people mention Penn St, it will be forever tied into JoePa and Child Abuse. Not Jerry Sandusky, the actual criminal and pedophile.
Secondly, what football rules did Penn St break? Isn't that what the NCAA is supposed to enforce? Let the courts deal with the legal civil and criminal aspects of the case. If not, where does it end? What about a player accused of rape? Will the NCAA hold schools responsible? Murder? Internet Piracy? I don't know what this judgement proves and Penn St. is handling it gracefully. But I still don't like the precedence it sets.
Go ahead, rip away.
Even though I, for the most part, agree with the NCAA ruling because they clearly lacked any kind of real control over that program, I also agree with this. I think it is pathetic that Sandusky is pretty much forgotten about because people are so focused on JoePa. Even though the cover up was terrible and absolutely deserved to be punished for, Sandusky is the pervert here and that should NEVER, EVER be over shadowed.

Its not as sexy to talk about on tv because Sandusky wasn't nationally known...kind of pathetic.
Sandusky has already been dealt with. When he was defending himself, and doing interviews, he was getting properly lambasted for it. Now we're on to other issues, such as an iconic figure being just as guilty because he enabled Sandusky to continue being that monster for years. JoePa deserves every bit of this and his family/apologists are just making it worse.
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By jbock13
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Purple Haize wrote:I know I'm in the small minority, but this has turned out like I thought. Instead of the monster that IS Jerry Sandusky, this whole scandal is being associated with JoePa. While he is certainly not blameless, it was SANDUSKY who molested those boys. It was SANDUSKY who is a pathological liar. But as time goes on, when people mention Penn St, it will be forever tied into JoePa and Child Abuse. Not Jerry Sandusky, the actual criminal and pedophile.
Secondly, what football rules did Penn St break? Isn't that what the NCAA is supposed to enforce? Let the courts deal with the legal civil and criminal aspects of the case. If not, where does it end? What about a player accused of rape? Will the NCAA hold schools responsible? Murder? Internet Piracy? I don't know what this judgement proves and Penn St. is handling it gracefully. But I still don't like the precedence it sets.
Go ahead, rip away.
Beautifully said Haize.
By 4everfsu
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NotAJerry wrote:
thepostman wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:I know I'm in the small minority, but this has turned out like I thought. Instead of the monster that IS Jerry Sandusky, this whole scandal is being associated with JoePa. While he is certainly not blameless, it was SANDUSKY who molested those boys. It was SANDUSKY who is a pathological liar. But as time goes on, when people mention Penn St, it will be forever tied into JoePa and Child Abuse. Not Jerry Sandusky, the actual criminal and pedophile.
Secondly, what football rules did Penn St break? Isn't that what the NCAA is supposed to enforce? Let the courts deal with the legal civil and criminal aspects of the case. If not, where does it end? What about a player accused of rape? Will the NCAA hold schools responsible? Murder? Internet Piracy? I don't know what this judgement proves and Penn St. is handling it gracefully. But I still don't like the precedence it sets.
Go ahead, rip away.
Even though I, for the most part, agree with the NCAA ruling because they clearly lacked any kind of real control over that program, I also agree with this. I think it is pathetic that Sandusky is pretty much forgotten about because people are so focused on JoePa. Even though the cover up was terrible and absolutely deserved to be punished for, Sandusky is the pervert here and that should NEVER, EVER be over shadowed.

Its not as sexy to talk about on tv because Sandusky wasn't nationally known...kind of pathetic.
Sandusky has already been dealt with. When he was defending himself, and doing interviews, he was getting properly lambasted for it. Now we're on to other issues, such as an iconic figure being just as guilty because he enabled Sandusky to continue being that monster for years. JoePa deserves every bit of this and his family/apologists are just making it worse.

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By Purple Haize
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Sandusky is the one who molested children NOT JoePa. There is absolutely no moral equivellancy between the 2. It is absolutely asinine to even try. That is the unfortunate after affect that I spoke about. It is the Jerry Sandusky Child Molestation Case. Not the Penn State nor Joe Paterno Child Molestation Case because they didn't molest the children. Did they do things wrong? Sure. Those responsible were fired and dealt with and one even dead. The 'sizzle' is destroying Penn St and Joe Pa because in today's world we like to see things torn down more then built up.
By JK37
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thepostman wrote:it is clear the ones in power at Penn State couldn't care less about children getting abused
You're quite right. But haven't those directly able to avert it who didn't been removed and are in the process of being punished by the jurisdictions with right to do so? And if the lack of institutional control with regard to the Clery Act and other internal policies is an issue, isn't that for the PSU boards of directors and/or state legislators to address?

If either of those entities had enacted the same punishments as the NCAA, I would have zero issue. But as Haize said, I believe the NCAA's choice to step where it has NEVER dared before - due to external pressure and an opportunity for the academic elitists in power at the NCAA to do with little public blowback - will be the lasting legacy of these proceedings. For better or worse, the greatest thing to happen today was the HUGE shift in athletic landscape that the NCAA undertook today. I believe it is a slippery slope which time will prove actually has a very negative impact upon the institution o the NCAA itself.
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By Sly Fox
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I agree with most everything you stated, jk37. But it is also clear that the PSU Board of Trustees had zero interest in paying any penalty for the decade+ of cover-up. Most seemed stunned that they were being pressured to remove the statue. The complete lack of focus by the administration and the board is what the punishment was all about today.

No one argues the evil that is Sandusky. But too many in this thread seem more than happy to sweep the cover-up and enabling of the crimes by Paterno and the school under the rug. I get angrier every time I think about them piously claiming purity while allowing a man they knew was molesting children to have free reign of terror on children on their watch. Forgive me for not feeling much sympathy for anyone involved.

And let the record show that I am far from academic looking to club big time sports. I couldn't be further from that position. It would have been better if the guys in Harrisburg & State College had done the right thing themselves and not had to be forced into this punishment.
By Hold My Own
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This should be a prime example to all on how the mighty can fall...even when you're looked at as "god like"
By 4everfsu
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#396936 wrote:State Farm won't sponsor Penn State
Updated: July 24, 2012, 12:43 PM ET news services

State Farm Insurance has pulled its sponsorship of Penn State football in the wake of the child sex-abuse scandal that has resulted in drastic sanctions against the school.

The insurance company confirmed its decision Tuesday, stating that it will no longer advertise at Beaver Stadium or during television and radio broadcasts of the Nittany Lions' home games.

"As a result of all the activity that's happening, we decided to pull the sponsorship to continue to show our support for the victims," State Farm spokeswoman Arlene Lester said. "We have decided to cancel our football sponsorship for the coming season, but will remain sponsors for all the other (Penn State) teams we support."
Click Here for Full Story
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