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By jbock13
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By R i
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JK37- I dont have a good feeling with the NCAA manual, the two things I think that open this up to the NCAA to rule on lack of institutional control are:

Several attacks took place in athletic locker rooms, and Sandusky was being given athletic benefits. Tickets, Use of the facility things like that. This turns it into an NCAA problem as well.
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By RubberMallet
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this guy will have to answer to JK37 and his "good feel" for the NCAA manual if he decides to levy penalties against ped st.
By JK37
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RubberMallet wrote:this guy will have to answer to JK37 and his "good feel" for the NCAA manual if he decides to levy penalties against ped st.
I forgot: you're a Michigan football fan, right?
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By Cider Jim
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RubberMallet wrote:ped st.
By JK37
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The symantics of "institutional control" do not define its application by the NCAA. Of course Emmert is going to reserve the right of the NCAA to act of it sees fit. But I GUARANTEE they will give the Pennsylvania state legislature ample time to respond. And I believe the legislature's decisions will be enough to satisfy the NCAA.

Ri, you do make a good point. I just don't believe that will be enough to cause the NCAA to act before all other jurisdictive bodies have had ample opportunity to respond.

Mallet, I like Michigan too. My vocation has necessitated my intimate knowledge of the NCAA Division I manual for many years now. Michigan was slapped with penalties regarding a lack of institutional control during the RichRod tenure. If the NCAA chooses to act on this - especially if they do so vociferously - it will set the boldest precedent it ever has. They must reserve the right to exert such power, but I don't believe they will. I believe their rooting for the state legislation to do it well enough that they don't have to step in.
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By RubberMallet
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i've already said, i think they are hoping that its taken care of for them. but i would not be surprised at all give the heinous nature of the crime and the NCAA's proclivity to use institutional control as its blanket charge.
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By Sly Fox
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It seems like some in the State College area are living in some parallel universe ... wrote:Penn State Football: 4 Alternatives to Death Penalty as University Prepares Response to NCAA
by Ben Jones on July 19, 2012 6:00 AM

As the NCAA begins to sort through the avalanche of information that Penn State's independent investigation brought to light, it will have the difficult task of appropriately handling perceived justice in a case that found its way to the highest offices in the university's administration.
Click Here for Full Story

The comments at the bottom will leave you speechless.
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By adam42381
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Joe Paterno in 1987 about SMU's football scandal:

"It's unbelievable to think that kind of corruption came right from the top of the power structure."
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By jbock13
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Purple Haize wrote:Joe Pa was a pedophile?! I thought it was just Sandusky! :roll:
It sounds like they're all about to kill Joe Paterno.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:Can't believe they actually did it. It was the right move that is for sure.
I hope it gets put back up in a few years when this blows over.
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