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By TH Spangler
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I just remembered getting a letter in the mail about "mail in voting". It looked a little official but since I was planning to vote in person during the early voting period I just glanced at it and tossed it. Did registered voters in NC get unselected ballots? If that's what it was there was nothing preventing me to filling it out and handing it to some crooked campaign staffer after I had voted early in person. He could deliver them in bulk. If the vote counters in certain states/cities were not comparing the voter rolls to see who had already voted you have a real problem.
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By thepostman
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Purple Haize wrote:
stokesjokes wrote: November 6th, 2020, 3:44 pm There’s no evidence. No one “found” votes. They counted them. Yes, in the middle of the night. All of the votes that have been counted so far were there on election night.

Twitter and Facebook are labeling false information as false, aka “fake news.” That’s what we want, right?
But where did they come from?
Well that is easy...The mail from people sending them in. Same way the mail in ballots were processed in Florida except Florida was able to process ballots prior to election day except for ones that were received on election day. Pennsylvania wanted to start processing them earlier but the republican lead legislator didn't want to do that even though it was known there would be an influx of mail in ballots.

Had they been able to count mail in ballots early this wouldn't be a story. We would've known election night.

Also, according to PA officials they haven't even started counting ballots that arrived after election day. These have all been ballots arrived prior or the day of.

PH, you're a smart guy. You know all of this. It is easily accessible info.

An article from a couple of days ago. ... d=73993649

You guys can cling onto your conspiracy theories and that is your right. There just isn't much meat to them.

The good news for the conservative movement is Republicans gained some seats in the house and will keep control of the senate. I much prefer this personally, as it keeps more checks and balances in place.
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By Purple Haize
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Yet there are people sitting in jail because the were producing fraudulent ballots. There is documented proof of dead people voting. It generally doesn’t affect large elections like this but again none are this close. Add to that States completely changing their voting procedure on the fly and you have a recipe for fraud. Don’t believe me? ... 1586557667
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By chris leedlelee
lynchburgwildcats wrote: November 6th, 2020, 3:23 pm Take a break from 4chan and Qanon
You realize Qanon is propped up as a boogeyman by the media to discredit actual dissent right? To say that a significant number of Trump support is based off of a silly conspiracy poster is absurd. The media latched onto that in order to paint Trump supporters in a negative light.
You really think the party willing to support the dismemberment of children from the womb and riots this past summer which caused over $2 billion in damage and had over 30 people killed, would play nice when it comes to an election. Read how socialist regimes have risen up during the 20th century. 2020 Dems check all the boxes: riots, violence, censorship, total media control, control of academic institutions, and intimidation of contrarians.
By ballcoach15
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I did what all Americans should have done. I went to polls on election day and voted.

All that early voting and mail in voting should be outlawed.
By ATrain
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ballcoach15 wrote: November 6th, 2020, 6:45 pm I did what all Americans should have done. I went to polls on election day and voted.

All that early voting and mail in voting should be outlawed.
Ok then, but only if we make election day a paid national holiday for all (which means you'll be unable to get a Whopper) - and establish polling sites at hospitals so patients can vote, find a way to open polls on military bases overseas making sure that each soldier, sailor, marine, and airman has the appropriate ballot, etc...
By ATrain
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ballcoach15 wrote: November 6th, 2020, 7:29 pm In the past, we didn't have the problems we had this election.
1. Does nothing to invalidate what I said
2. There aren't very many problems
3. In the past, Donald Trump's moral failings would've kept him out of the White House
By paradox
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After four years of imbecile claims of Russian fraud, I think you can handle a few moments of something that actually happens in time and space. After all, most people understand that big city politics is pretty corrupt.
By stokesjokes
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Russian interference definitely happened in time and space, that’s objectively true. Probably happened this year too.

But I’m not going to claim it unless there’s actual evidence.
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By jbock13
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When I die, I’ve asked to buried in Detroit so I can still be active in politics.
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By LU 57
jbock13 wrote: November 7th, 2020, 9:02 am When I die, I’ve asked to buried in Detroit so I can still be active in politics.
Now that’s funny.

As much as a Biden/Harris administration scares me, I think it is probably time for President Trump to stand down for the health of the country. We just have to pray gridlock can keep the radical left in check until 2022.
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By FlamesHighontheTide
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I for one hope Trump takes this to court with as much fishiness has gone on with the counting. For the integrity of elections to come I hope the supreme court gets involved. This projected win for Biden aint over yet.
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By Purple Haize
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FlamesHighontheTide wrote: November 7th, 2020, 12:53 pm I for one hope Trump takes this to court with as much fishiness has gone on with the counting. For the integrity of elections to come I hope the supreme court gets involved. This projected win for Biden aint over yet.
If I were a betting man I’d wager if he took every close state to court he’d flip one or two with evidence of voter fraud. Not enough to win but enough to expose it
Get ready for 4 years of “not my President “ and incessant claims of voter fraud. The difference between that and Russia is there will be actual cases of voter fraud (dead people voting etc) instead of the crap we saw with Russia Russia Russia. Remember when we were told the Intelligence Committee had evidence that Trump was an actual Russian spy? Still waiting on that
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote: November 7th, 2020, 1:57 pm
rhezick wrote: November 7th, 2020, 12:51 pm Yep, ballgame. Now let's all take bets on how long it'll take Trump to concede to loosing and the American people firing him.
He won’t concede.
He will step aside.
By rtb72
Purple Haize wrote: November 7th, 2020, 1:59 pm
Jonathan Carone wrote: November 7th, 2020, 1:57 pm
rhezick wrote: November 7th, 2020, 12:51 pm Yep, ballgame. Now let's all take bets on how long it'll take Trump to concede to loosing and the American people firing him.
He won’t concede.
He will step aside.

He may not have the votes at the end of the day...but if you believe there was not cheating in several states, you're either ignorant or biased. Concede to cheating...I wouldn't either, but he will step aside by January 20th. This silliness about escorting him out of the WH is nothing but mouthiness. He doesn't have to concede for Biden to win. Once electors are verified by state legislatures....Biden wins. Concession is just a formality really.
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By lynchburgwildcats
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One-term president that got FIRED by the American voters, two time loser of the popular vote, and the second time around it's going to end up being well over a 5 million deficit! Likely going to lose the Electoral College by the same margin as Clinton lost in 2016, which Trump deemed a landslide!

Repeat after me, L-O-S-E-R
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By Purple Haize
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Remember when people said they weren’t gonna vote for Trump because they wanted to heal our nation? Good luck with that

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