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yeah not buying it. I just literally laughed out loud at almost ever sentence you typed out.

- I hear more of my fellow christians gripe about welfare than any other people group
- i'm not sure God recognizes country lines therefore could care less about legal/illegal immigration. psst God probably could give a rip about our constitution too!
- our country (built on christian principles) has treated minority groups terribly so i don't even know what you are talking about.
- the party we voted for mostly did nothing to defend life while in complete control. its a rouse.
- "Most Christians respect the governments civil unions law for others." this i laughed that hardest at.

like i said, we are sending them away, but we keep looking around at them fleeing and saying, bbbbut it can't be us! it must be them! we are RIGHT!

The Gospel message gets lost in our aspiration for the great american life. we try and preserve that life through our political beliefs most often. i may not be talking about you, i'm talking about christianity as a whole in the US.

we are quick to not understand and label something so that we don't have to. that's not a Christian thing, its a human thing. The "other" side isn't truly the moral fortitude we are looking for either, those movements are steeped in hypocrisy and $.
rmiller1959 liked this
RubberMallet wrote: May 3rd, 2021, 3:16 pm yeah not buying it. I just literally laughed out loud at almost ever sentence you typed out.

- I hear more of my fellow christians gripe about welfare than any other people group
- i'm not sure God recognizes country lines therefore could care less about legal/illegal immigration. psst God probably could give a rip about our constitution too!
- our country (built on christian principles) has treated minority groups terribly so i don't even know what you are talking about.
- the party we voted for mostly did nothing to defend life while in complete control. its a rouse.
- "Most Christians respect the governments civil unions law for others." this i laughed that hardest at.

like i said, we are sending them away, but we keep looking around at them fleeing and saying, bbbbut it can't be us! it must be them! we are RIGHT!

The Gospel message gets lost in our aspiration for the great american life. we try and preserve that life through our political beliefs most often. i may not be talking about you, i'm talking about christianity as a whole in the US.

we are quick to not understand and label something so that we don't have to. that's not a Christian thing, its a human thing. The "other" side isn't truly the moral fortitude we are looking for either, those movements are steeped in hypocrisy and $.
Well, laughter is a good thing. Hope I made your day a little better 👍 :lol:
Apparently Hank and Peggy Hill reflect reality in some of our churches. When you become a Christian you suddenly find yourself associating with people that you otherwise would have never engaged with as an unbeliever. But if you take the time to listen, you may find yourself understanding their story a little better.
paradox wrote: May 1st, 2021, 5:36 pm The notion that a certain ideology must be embraced in order for a person to be in good moral standing is uneccessarily divisive to say the least. That's what most seem to be objecting to. And of course, you can't question their orthodoxy without getting barraged with insults. So, that's why no one speaks up.

The extremism is out there and it's very real for those who are positioned inside the broader mainstream public culture. (and outside the Christian sub-culture.)
Of course the extreme right has the same litmus test for others. There are almost always two extremes.
RubberMallet wrote: May 3rd, 2021, 3:16 pm yeah not buying it. I just literally laughed out loud at almost ever sentence you typed out.

- I hear more of my fellow christians gripe about welfare than any other people group
- i'm not sure God recognizes country lines therefore could care less about legal/illegal immigration. psst God probably could give a rip about our constitution too!
- our country (built on christian principles) has treated minority groups terribly so i don't even know what you are talking about.
- the party we voted for mostly did nothing to defend life while in complete control. its a rouse.
- "Most Christians respect the governments civil unions law for others." this i laughed that hardest at.

like i said, we are sending them away, but we keep looking around at them fleeing and saying, bbbbut it can't be us! it must be them! we are RIGHT!

The Gospel message gets lost in our aspiration for the great american life. we try and preserve that life through our political beliefs most often. i may not be talking about you, i'm talking about christianity as a whole in the US.

we are quick to not understand and label something so that we don't have to. that's not a Christian thing, its a human thing. The "other" side isn't truly the moral fortitude we are looking for either, those movements are steeped in hypocrisy and $.
There is a lot of truth here. Although I am a traditional conservative, I have to keep those principles in check with biblical principles, especially in attitude. Often the conservative thing to do is be more frugal with welfare-type programs, encouraging work but with compassion and not a superior attitude. Some Christians/churches do a great job with that, others not so much. As for the life issue, I sometimes wonder if the GOP really wants to win that battle. It's a big wedge issue with it's base. When the Cold War ended it also ended a political strength for the GOP.
A one world government is never explicitly described in the Bible. Simply someone with great power and influence.

I don't think anything happening today can be definitively placed as "signs of the times" unless of course you're always looking for "signs of the times"

Regardless your post is filled with conspiracy theory fluff which also includes the typical antisemitic based George Soros conspiracy theories.

But you're right about one thing. No matter what, we are one day closer to God moving along his timeline regardless of what crazy theories people come up with.

With all of that said, what does any of that have to do with John Cooper claiming wokeness will somehow wreck Christianity? 🤔 It is always interesting to see how you move these kinds of topics to end times prophecy.
adam42381 liked this
thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:10 am With all of that said, what does any of that have to do with John Cooper claiming wokeness will somehow wreck Christianity? 🤔 It is always interesting to see how you move these kinds of topics to end times prophecy.
Maybe woke theology is the "great deceiver doing his thing".
Last edited by TH Spangler on May 4th, 2021, 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
So let's say for the sake of argument that woke theology is even a thing. How is it something so powerful that it can somehow wreck Christianity? Could false teachings do some damage to the church? Of course but to completely wreck it? Come on man. You know that is impossible. Nothing will wreck Christianity. God promises that.
Just John liked this
thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:28 am So let's say for the sake of argument that woke theology is even a thing. How is it something so powerful that it can somehow wreck Christianity? Could false teachings do some damage to the church? Of course but to completely wreck it? Come on man. You know that is impossible. Nothing will wreck Christianity. God promises that.
absolutely nothing wrecks God's story (timeline) :wink:
thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:33 am Then why post what John Cooper said to begin with? It clearly isn't based on Biblical truth but on poltical ideology. That is kind of backwards.
I clearly said to you in an earlier response, that I posted a couple of interesting articles. Doesn't mean I agree with the content. I do agree with GotQuestion's though.

thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:28 am So let's say for the sake of argument that woke theology is even a thing. How is it something so powerful that it can somehow wreck Christianity? Could false teachings do some damage to the church? Of course but to completely wreck it? Come on man. You know that is impossible. Nothing will wreck Christianity. God promises that.
True. And he sounded a little like a seminarian with his relativism rhetoric. We've been warned of the dangers of this for decades. Probably peaked in the 90s. But relativism was always more in the art world than in the main culture. These people are generally easy to converse with. Probably more open than most. Always got the impression that they were searching and open to matters of faith.

Now, a hardcore ideologue may try to attack your beliefs by using relativism. That's different, but also a significant contradiction. And, most of all, the English-speaking world is not "built" on relativism as he claims.
Just John wrote: May 4th, 2021, 12:17 am
paradox wrote: May 1st, 2021, 5:36 pm The notion that a certain ideology must be embraced in order for a person to be in good moral standing is uneccessarily divisive to say the least. That's what most seem to be objecting to. And of course, you can't question their orthodoxy without getting barraged with insults. So, that's why no one speaks up.

The extremism is out there and it's very real for those who are positioned inside the broader mainstream public culture. (and outside the Christian sub-culture.)
Of course the extreme right has the same litmus test for others. There are almost always two extremes.
Agreed. It shouldn't though. Real Christianity is not moralism as many pretend it is. There's both justice and mercy. And the judging is God's business. Only He knows the true intensions of the heart. He's the only one qualified to separate the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares. And that day will come.
Just John liked this
TH Spangler wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:30 am
thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:28 am So let's say for the sake of argument that woke theology is even a thing. How is it something so powerful that it can somehow wreck Christianity? Could false teachings do some damage to the church? Of course but to completely wreck it? Come on man. You know that is impossible. Nothing will wreck Christianity. God promises that.
absolutely nothing wrecks God's story (timeline) :wink:
Not even George Soros????
Just John wrote: May 4th, 2021, 8:51 am
TH Spangler wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:30 am
thepostman wrote: May 4th, 2021, 6:28 am So let's say for the sake of argument that woke theology is even a thing. How is it something so powerful that it can somehow wreck Christianity? Could false teachings do some damage to the church? Of course but to completely wreck it? Come on man. You know that is impossible. Nothing will wreck Christianity. God promises that.
absolutely nothing wrecks God's story (timeline) :wink:
Not even George Soros????
No, like I said he's moving God's story along without knowing it :lol:
To bring it back to the original topic here, @SumItUp’s new thread got me thinking about one of the great ironies of the past election season, and I think we touched on it back when the election was fresh.

Donald Trump is a deeply postmodern figure, especially in his relationship to truth. The Q-cult and lesser election conspiracies are deeply postmodern, “my truth,” movements. The irony is that these aren’t things borne out of liberal, progressive places. These are borne out of very conservative and very Christian spaces.
An example of postmodern would be a novel like "A Clockwork Orange" or a film like"8 and a Half." It regards all of our collective activities as essentially meaningless. The Met on the Upper East Side would be another good example. It's a legitimate point of view for an unbeliever. They view our faith as an escape. Tearing apart their beliefs isn't helpful. They are open to conversing, but you'd need to express the subjective side of your faith and why it's valid for you, and not just another escape from listlessness and despair.
It’s also convenient to continually try to name the biggest “threats” to the church as things generally outside the church. It deflects blame and responsibility. We can demonize postmodernism and CRT and the like, because that’s a them issue. Much harder to focus on the logs in our own eyes like abuse cover-ups, celebrity culture, political idolatry, the evangelical industrial complex, etc. If those were seen as the real issues, we might actually have to do something about them.
Just John, rmiller1959 liked this
Can't argue with that. There are many issues in the church. Each denomination has its own distractions that keep people from focusing on Christ. It's up to the individual to move beyond these things and on to the real thing.

Also, it would only stand to reason that many in the church have not been truly converted. This would especially be likely in states where close to 70% claim to be Protestant. The majority are probably nominal at best.
I'll try and be susinct. I think we can agree that "woke" beliefs, moral relativism, etc. are infiltrating and often supplanting Christian theology and teaching to the point that what are commonly held beliefs inside even our Liberty bubble here, are foreign and incompatible with publicly sharing for fear of being cancelled or doxxed.

I'm not saying any of that is right or wrong. I probably won't take "party lines" for either side when it comes to some of what is upcoming for the SBC. But the world should know where the Lord stands on issues, not the political flavor of the week.
Here's a personal take. My kids are all teenagers now, except for my son who just turned 20. They all attend state schools.

A few takeaways from some of their feedback: Expressions of faith are rare, but when students present them, they are carefully fused with acceptable social doctrines first. There is a liberal bigotry that detests all conservative opinion so strongly that no one dare utter an honest thought on anything in fear that it may not be progressive enough. By the time they get to college, everyone is completely silent and opinion-less. That would even include one-on-one conversations at Christian fellowships.
Sly Fox, Purple Haize liked this
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