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ballcoach15 wrote: November 19th, 2019, 3:43 pm No one should give anything to LBGHT community. (or whatever they call themselves). If they want to live a sinful lifestyle, stay in the closet. Don't force the agenda on others. And if you're gay, keep it to yourself.
Aren't you forcing your opinion on others right now?????

Also what did CFA give to them?

They are helping the poor and hungry. End of discussion in my opinion.

Now all I want is Mac and Cheese.
CFA donates to the less fortunate but let’s hate them because they don’t like the charities they give to. The homeless and all the less fortunate are the victims here and it’s pathetic. I don’t see CFA giving up its values. They still close on Sundays and a lot of them still play Christian music. At least the local one by my place does.

And the irony in BC post :lol:
They are absolutely confirming lgbtq attacks on salvation army by pulling funds. That should be obvious. Sure the rest of the company hasnt changed and they provide a good product. Duh. But to argue they arent leaving the salvation army hanging like a flag is absurd. Its their right to do so but their logic is so easy to debunk with their terrible statement and timing.

The act alone is fine. Its the reasoning behind the act that is being questioned and rightfully so. It also just “happens” to come at a time when chic fila is expending into new more liberal markets and when the salvation army is under fire for the cowboys thanksgiving day performance. Every company should be able to donate to whoever but their are many other implications of this decision that have been highlighted countless times
jinxy wrote: November 19th, 2019, 5:55 pm They are absolutely confirming lgbtq attacks on salvation army by pulling funds. That should be obvious. Sure the rest of the company hasnt changed and they provide a good product. Duh. But to argue they arent leaving the salvation army hanging like a flag is absurd. Its their right to do so but their logic is so easy to debunk with their terrible statement and timing.

The act alone is fine. Its the reasoning behind the act that is being questioned and rightfully so. It also just “happens” to come at a time when chic fila is expending into new more liberal markets and when the salvation army is under fire for the cowboys thanksgiving day performance. Every company should be able to donate to whoever but their are many other implications of this decision that have been highlighted countless times
I agree wholeheartedly with this. If a private company can be attacked for association with the SALVATION ARMY, an organization that literally feeds and clothes the homeless, we are on an ominous path in America. I worry for the future of all Christian organizations here in the US. Beto was the first to speak of attacking Christian organizations based on an ideological purity test, and slowly that will become mainstream if it isn't fought against. Luckily the Constitution is one sturdy document, that's the only thing holding Christian organizations at a safe distance from the vicissitudes of the left.
sstaedtler liked this
Jonathan Carone wrote: November 19th, 2019, 2:33 pm I really think this is more a PR move than anything.

The Chick Fil A Foundation had donation agreements in place with these organizations. When those expired, they changed who the Foundation donated to based on the direction the Foundation was heading in the future. They also said, “No organization will be excluded from future consideration — faith based or non-faith based."

Nowhere did they say their franchisees - who are put through rigorous screening and who are largely Christian - couldn't donate or support FCA or the Salvation Army.

They donated $1.65 million to FCA last year and $115,000 to the Salvation Army. That's not a ton of money in the grand scheme of things. That's $747 per location that could easily be made up at the franchise location level if people really wanted to step up.

The outrage around this is based on how the conversation is being framed. For people who like to fight the media and say the media is biased, the people outraged at this are buying into the same bias. If the headline was "Chick-fil-A Foundation Choosing To Focus On Hunger, Homelessness and Education" instead of "Chick-fil-A Stops Giving to 2 Groups Criticized by L.G.B.T.Q. Advocates" then this wouldn't even be a story. But the media knows it can strike against the addiction to rage our country has by making the headlines more racy so they do that because it gets clicks.

And you know what?

It worked.
Exactly. It’s a PR move and it was a bad one. It won’t be enough for the groups opposed to what CFA stood for and it is too much for those who stood by CFA.
Will they reup with FCA and SA in the future? Maybe
Will local establishments be able to donate to FCA and SA? I hope so
Will I still eat there? Yes
Will it hurt their sales more than keeping their course? Absolutely
Purple Haize wrote: November 19th, 2019, 6:56 pm
Jonathan Carone wrote: November 19th, 2019, 2:33 pm I really think this is more a PR move than anything.

The Chick Fil A Foundation had donation agreements in place with these organizations. When those expired, they changed who the Foundation donated to based on the direction the Foundation was heading in the future. They also said, “No organization will be excluded from future consideration — faith based or non-faith based."

Nowhere did they say their franchisees - who are put through rigorous screening and who are largely Christian - couldn't donate or support FCA or the Salvation Army.

They donated $1.65 million to FCA last year and $115,000 to the Salvation Army. That's not a ton of money in the grand scheme of things. That's $747 per location that could easily be made up at the franchise location level if people really wanted to step up.

The outrage around this is based on how the conversation is being framed. For people who like to fight the media and say the media is biased, the people outraged at this are buying into the same bias. If the headline was "Chick-fil-A Foundation Choosing To Focus On Hunger, Homelessness and Education" instead of "Chick-fil-A Stops Giving to 2 Groups Criticized by L.G.B.T.Q. Advocates" then this wouldn't even be a story. But the media knows it can strike against the addiction to rage our country has by making the headlines more racy so they do that because it gets clicks.

And you know what?

It worked.
Exactly. It’s a PR move and it was a bad one. It won’t be enough for the groups opposed to what CFA stood for and it is too much for those who stood by CFA.
Will they reup with FCA and SA in the future? Maybe
Will local establishments be able to donate to FCA and SA? I hope so
Will I still eat there? Yes
Will it hurt their sales more than keeping their course? Absolutely
Even those on the "boycott CFA," side agree with you on that last one, Purple.
Why would you not agree with my proclamations? They are basically proven canon of greatness
But this move will hurt their bottom line. But the “front line” owners can stem that tide.
Again, I’m going to eat there for the reasons stated above. Good food. Great service. Friendly staff. Not mentioned. Frosted Key Lime and Peppermint shakes
thepostman wrote: November 19th, 2019, 8:27 pm It may hurt the bottom line for a short time but they won't stay away for long. The food and service is too good. I've never gone to a CFA, even in the DMV, where I felt like I was bothering anybody. That is quite the accomplishment in this region.
Yuuuuge accomplishment
Here's something I read yesterday that I found really interesting:
I’m not jumping on the Outrage Train against Chick-Fil-A. I know, I know, I should, after all, they CAVED to the cultural pressures and the protestors that have hounded them for over 7-years, after the founder’s son, and company COO, Dan Cathy, made public comments supporting traditional, Biblically defined marriage. But, did they cave, really? If they caved, why did they wait 7-years to do so? Why not cave immediately, in the hottest part of the controversy? Why not cave two-or-three years after the protests began, especially once it was well known that the hate wasn’t going to stop?

Or, could Chick-Fil-A be telling the truth, when they claim that they are simply refocusing their charitable giving to three specific areas? And their support for the Salvation Army and FCA was not cancelled, but instead their long-term contracts had expired and they chose not to renew with those two specific organizations? Their tax statements show they had already given north of one million dollars to FCA and nearly $200,000 to the Salvation Army. But, I know what you’re thinking! “You mean, you want me to trust and give the benefit of the doubt to THE company that is known for being founded on Christian principles?” “The company that has weathered the protests and the hate for 7+ years?” “The company that still closes on Sunday (worldwide), even at the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium, in Atlanta, despite the huge financial loss to the company?” “What has Chick-Fil-A ever done that would lead us to do that?” Either character and reputation matter, or they don’t. Based on social media posts in the past 24-hours, I’m beginning to believe it is a lost value in our world.
At what point is Chick-Fil-A, a private owned company, allowed to refocus or reallocate their charitable donations, and not be considered caving? What’s your approved timeframe? Are they required to support those specific organizations indefinitely? I love when my freedom loving American citizens will question people trying to trample on their rights by asking, “Who are you to tell me how many and what kind of guns I can own?” “Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot say?” I love it! Well, who are you to say what charitable organizations Chick-Fil-A has to indefinitely support?
I feel like people are being purposefully naïve here, and I'm not sure why, other than a) they like what's happening, or b) they want to be contrarian.

These moves are about money, particularly growth into Canada & Europe.
When you look at who they've cut ties with, and who they now support, there is a very big difference in the social philosophy of these charities. And the reasons for the public pushback are MUCH bigger than the strawmen that have been presented here.

It now appears CFA's "Christian values" have become limited to the music they play and the days they work, which honestly is just moral posturing to a dwindling audience.
as close friends with 2 CFA operators this is basically much ado about nothing. CFA still gives to plenty of charities the LBGTHAADFTSSAC community despises. the media latched onto the end of these 2 committments like its a huge deal. they've made corporate changes and have given their local owner/operators more control over the localization of charity dispersal. If thats FCA and /or salvation army great. But they are not bound contractually to give to those organizations like they had been.

Effectively the thought this would become such a huge deal was apparently surprising. And some of these pundit dopes on the right are falling for it hook line and sinker.

I by the way only eat CFA when its free. So i'm no groupie.
ballcoach15 wrote: November 19th, 2019, 3:43 pm No one should give anything to LBGHT community. (or whatever they call themselves). If they want to live a sinful lifestyle, stay in the closet. Don't force the agenda on others. And if you're gay, keep it to yourself.
Jesus helped the sinner before the boastful.
I certainly may not agree with a persons lifestyle or actions but those are the people that need to feel the love of the Word the most, IMHO.
oldflame wrote: November 24th, 2019, 11:24 am In case you haven't figured it out yet ballcoach, deleting a thoughtless post does not help much once it has been quoted. 8)
Most of his posts don’t contain much thought. But they do contain a ton of entertainment value :D
TH Spangler wrote: November 28th, 2019, 5:45 am donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center ... aw-center/

$2,500 in 2017. If I had to guess, whoever was reviewing applications for grants saw it was a small amount, saw the word "poverty," and instead of doing research into the organization, just rubber stamped an "Approved," on it (or maybe they pointed and clicked on the computer screen). That's the only logical explanation I can think of.
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