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By adam42381
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4everfsu wrote:I have got a friend who posts on facebook the videos of people being beheaded, executed by ISIS. I am debating about putting them here.
Don't. People can find them on their own if they want.
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By Sly Fox
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It appears ISIS loved the attention from their execution of the 21 Christians in Libya. So they are following that up on Syrian Christians ....
CNN wrote:(CNN) Assyrians in northeastern Syria villages awoke Tuesday to ISIS militants at their doors, with the Islamist extremists abducting scores from the Christian group and forcing hundreds more to run for their lives, an advocate said.

The ISIS fighters bust past a few men guarding the village of Tal Shamiram around 4 a.m. (9 p.m. ET Monday) and abducted children, women and the elderly, said Usama Edward, the founder of the Assyrian Human Rights Network.

Talking to CNN from Stockholm, Sweden, Edward said that between 70 and 100 people total were kidnapped in that village and others in the same cluster near Tal Tamer in Al Hasakah province.
Click Here for Full Story
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By BJWilliams
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And here I am again, thinking that the only good way to handle these monsters is brute unending force starting with continuous bombing for a solid month, followed by boots on the ground to ferret out (and kill in the most graphic way possible) anyone of them that is left.
By ATrain
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thepostman wrote:Wow been. I'm glad you're not running the world.

I'm also glad I'm not running the world.
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By BJWilliams
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Yeah...the way I see it, the only good terrorist (Islamic or otherwise) is a dead one, and anyone who supports or is complicit in their acts, is to be punished as well...swiftly and decisively.
By SuperJon
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BJWilliams wrote:Yeah...the way I see it, the only good terrorist (Islamic or otherwise) is a dead one,
This is such a horrible statement.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:Wow been. I'm glad you're not running the world.
Seriously? You can't even spell his name correctly?

Actually, he is on the right track IMO. Let our Marines and Soldiers "off their leash" and do what they do best. We have troops stationed (again) in Iraq, yet we don't let them do anything other than be down range targets. You can't really defeat anyone that way.
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By thepostman
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I am not going to get into a debate on this since everybody on here knows who I work for and it wouldn't be appropriate but my post dropping bombs for the hell of it is never the answer.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:I am not going to get into a debate on this since everybody on here knows who I work for and it wouldn't be appropriate but my post dropping bombs for the hell of it is never the answer.
Which is apparently, and unfortunately, what we appear to now be doing
By SuperJon
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BJWilliams wrote:And here I am again, thinking that the only good way to handle these monsters is brute unending force starting with continuous bombing for a solid month, followed by boots on the ground to ferret out (and kill in the most graphic way possible) anyone of them that is left.
Whoa. I didn't even see this post when I made my earlier post.

Beej - you need to seriously re-examine your view on this. And this time do it through the lens of a Christian worldview that says all of those innocent bystanders who would be killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time are made in the image of God and have done nothing wrong.
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By BJWilliams
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Here's my thing:

My original thought was to do a leaflet drop and give the people 72 hours notice to pack what they could and get out of Dodge (with assistance from soldiers and aid workers), before the planes fly in and rain down hot metal (and napalm) judgement. The concern with that is that terrorists or terrorist sympathizers get a hold of them and clue the bad guys in and then they slip people in with the refugees, and they move back in after the smoke clears.

I probably could think of an alternate, more humanitarian solution to minimize collateral damage, but it may take having to deal with the fact that it may mean showing no distinction in order to take out the bad guys in the short term
By SuperJon
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What concerns me the most about you is how much you enjoy the thought of hot metal and napalm judgment.
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By thepostman
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When I was 14 I had that same mindset. I've grown up a bit since then. I know that is a douchy way to say this but come on BJ.
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By TH Spangler
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For the past two weeks large military aircraft have surrounded the maintenance facility near my work. They look like refuelers (kc-10's). They might be seeing more action or being scraped, you never know what this administrations up to?
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