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By stokesjokes
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To me, it either means fully incorporating Trump-politics or fully repudiating/suppressing them. If the GOP lets them simply exist outside of the GOP, you’ll see an official break-away and maybe death of the old party.
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By TH Spangler
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stokesjokes wrote: January 20th, 2021, 2:44 pm To me, it either means fully incorporating Trump-politics or fully repudiating/suppressing them. If the GOP lets them simply exist outside of the GOP, you’ll see an official break-away and maybe death of the old party.
Establishment republican party has almost zero support. It consist of a small group of insiders in office. They would flip to the Democratic/globalist/wall street party. Voters would switch to the new workers party overnight.
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By adam42381
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Today was a huge sense of relief for me. I’m tired of worrying about what idiotic thing the President might say or do on a daily basis and get back to following sports and music more closely. Also, those poor Q folks must be so confused. :lol:
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By thepostman
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The Q stuff is really wild. I'm a glutton for punishment and keep up with a lot of that stuff and the way they keep moving the goalposts is really amazing but ultimately really sad.
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By TH Spangler
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I barely know who Q is. Trump voters I know never bring it up. They talk mostly about offshoreing our manufacturing. And these hugh monopolies like Google and Amazon etc going unchecked.
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By Jonathan Carone
thepostman wrote: January 20th, 2021, 7:46 pm The Q stuff is really wild. I'm a glutton for punishment and keep up with a lot of that stuff and the way they keep moving the goalposts is really amazing but ultimately really sad.
Where have they gone now? What's the new reasoning for things?
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By thepostman
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Very dark corners of the internet. Some have given up. Others believe that Trump is actually still president and what we saw today was all theater. It is phenomenal stuff. I follow a couple of Twitter accounts that share some of the craziest of theories but the overwhelming theme is the election was stolen all because of how scared the deep state is of Donald Trump. Sound familiar???

Also a side of satanic pedophilia ring craziness. Also I read one claiming the inauguration was a satanic ritual. Wild stuff as always.
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By TH Spangler
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thepostman wrote: January 20th, 2021, 7:46 pm The Q stuff is really wild. I'm a glutton for punishment and keep up with a lot of that stuff and the way they keep moving the goalposts is really amazing but ultimately really sad.
Do you follow antifa stuff to? I don't follow either. Foxnews is reporting that antifa is still organizing on Facebook and Twitter. What is going on in Seattle, Denver and Portland now? Fox said they attacked a pro-life group yesterday and are still burning things down. Do you think Biden will address it today?
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By Cider Jim
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TH Spangler wrote: January 21st, 2021, 6:12 am . What is going on in Seattle, Denver and Portland now? Fox said they attacked a pro-life group yesterday and are still burning things down. Do you think Biden will address it today?
No, President Biden is too busy closing the pipeline and opening the borders. :oldhag
By rogers3
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thepostman wrote: January 20th, 2021, 9:48 pm Very dark corners of the internet. Some have given up. Others believe that Trump is actually still president and what we saw today was all theater. It is phenomenal stuff. I follow a couple of Twitter accounts that share some of the craziest of theories but the overwhelming theme is the election was stolen all because of how scared the deep state is of Donald Trump. Sound familiar???

Also a side of satanic pedophilia ring craziness. Also I read one claiming the inauguration was a satanic ritual. Wild stuff as always.
I think most of the wacko crap that's going around on the internet is due to people who have too much time on their hands. The sheer lunacy of some of these theories is almost laughable. I think the folks who have spent a lot of time calling out the left as snowflakes are actually pretty much snowflakes themselves. They are mentally weak and gullible; they can't seem to realize that Trump, no matter what the press did or said about him, was his own worst enemy. As Christians, we should turn back to the Bible and stop getting our panties in a wad about politics. Embracing political theories and allowing your time to get absorbed by following them will not be the thing that God uses to enact change.
Of course, some will turn around and accuse me off burying my head in the sand.
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By TH Spangler
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rogers3 wrote: January 22nd, 2021, 8:03 amAs Christians, we should turn back to the Bible and stop getting our panties in a wad about politics. Embracing political theories and allowing your time to get absorbed by following them will not be the thing that God uses to enact change.

Of course, some will turn around and accuse me off burying my head in the sand.

Not Billy!
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By Purple Haize
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Hopefully Trumps team will be more prepared today than yesterday
Raskins did a great job opening today but the arguments got weaker as the morning proceeded. Swallwell had the weakest.
But let’s be honest, this is all just theater and the outcome is a forgone conclusion
By stokesjokes
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Assuming he doesn’t get convicted? I think the vote will probably mirror the constitutionality vote, 56-44, not enough to convict.
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By TH Spangler
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Past 4 years has been an eye opener. Establishment is sending a message to any other outsiders thinking about pulling a Trump. Forget it, or we'll distroy you :lol:
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By Purple Haize
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stokesjokes wrote: February 10th, 2021, 2:51 pm Assuming he doesn’t get convicted? I think the vote will probably mirror the constitutionality vote, 56-44, not enough to convict.
There are nowhere near the votes to convict. Nor should they. It stupid. If Trump had wanted those people at the Rally to storm the Capitol nothing could have stopped them and there would have been no doubt as to his intentions. If he rhetoric previously was encouraging violence where were the assaults on the State houses in PA MI GA etc?
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By thepostman
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I think there is plenty out there that could possibly be pursued by the justice dept but this impeachment is a waste of time. I'd rather the justice dept worry about if the Trump administration broke the law than this. I'm not saying they'll pursue anything but it is a better approach than this partisan side show.

I do think Trump underestimated the effect his rhetoric has had on some of his supporters and that is a huge part of why these people felt empowered to storm the Capitol. Doesn't mean he incited it.

My hope is we can just shut this thread down after this is over and never think about Trump again. But Trump and the media won't let that happen.
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By TH Spangler
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thepostman wrote: February 10th, 2021, 7:44 pm My hope is we can just shut this thread down after this is over and never think about Trump again. But Trump and the media won't let that happen.
I doubt we'll ever see another outsider try and stand up to a corrupt establishment again. This impeachment is a joke. Hope you caught Mark Levine's rant on Hannity tonight, he pretty much sums it up.
By paradox
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The only thing needed is opposition to the authoritarian left. Doesn't matter who it is. Perhaps, Rand Paul next? Who knows?
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By RubberMallet
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thepostman wrote: I do think Trump underestimated the effect his rhetoric has had on some of his supporters and that is a huge part of why these people felt empowered to storm the Capitol. Doesn't mean he incited it.
I think he definitely realized it after the fact and the reason why he basically stopped fighting and kind of dropped out of the spotlight immediately. Being banned from social media would not have truly stopped him if he wanted to continue.
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By Purple Haize
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RubberMallet wrote: February 11th, 2021, 1:25 pm
thepostman wrote: I do think Trump underestimated the effect his rhetoric has had on some of his supporters and that is a huge part of why these people felt empowered to storm the Capitol. Doesn't mean he incited it.
I think he definitely realized it after the fact and the reason why he basically stopped fighting and kind of dropped out of the spotlight immediately. Being banned from social media would not have truly stopped him if he wanted to continue.
That’s a pretty solid take. I’m still convinced that if Trump truly wanted his supporters to storm the Capitol and take over he would have said so clearly and nothing would have stopped them. Add that to your thought process and it makes you ask “when has Trump ever quit anything?” So yeah, maybe he did realize after the fact and stopped.
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