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Examples would certainly help your credibility but I doubt those are coming.

I'm not saying it is right or wrong but what you have laid out in this thread sounds exactly like the way people talk about any large, influencial businesses in a community. Especially small communities like Lynchburg.

Explain to me why LU is so different than that...
A funny story...I once submitted a bid on project at Liberty, and after a few days was contacted by some guys who knew certain Admins and some folks in upper offices about doing some sub work. Being open to work in general, we met with them and they presented their proposal. Not knowing we were actively bidding, they identified the job and asked us if we could do the job at a certain price... yes, the same price we quoted. That doesn't happen at UVa or VaTech without the risk of arrest. Do I need to single out these people? Saying that Lynchburg is a small town and that this is normal is really a pile of you know what. I deal with companies much bigger than Liberty here in town and have never dealt with such nepotism and cronyism.
rogers3 wrote: September 4th, 2019, 9:14 pm I've been in business for 33 years...Liberty is in a class of its own.
where have you done this business? 33 years under the shadow of Liberty university?

sounds like sour grapes on the surface without more information which is quite frankly understandable.
i've sat in meetings where things were laid out for multiple vendors with huge organizations knowing full well they had already picked their vendor, already even had pricing. who do you think writes the specs on these projects? as one who has written proprietary specs for our customers on a number of occasions.

That said, being price checked against your own number is pretty funny and definitely BS. Getting numbers from my competitors through GC's was a near must in the construction supply market. It felt icky and is a reason I got out of it. It still exists here in IT bidding but you can carve out a market without having to do it.
RubberMallet wrote: September 5th, 2019, 11:01 am

That said, being price checked against your own number is pretty funny and definitely BS. Getting numbers from my competitors through GC's was a near must in the construction supply market. It felt icky and is a reason I got out of it. It still exists here in IT bidding but you can carve out a market without having to do it.
We actually laughed about it, too. I still see those yahoos around town and feel sorry for them. Hate to be owned by a customer who doesn't really value your service.
i once called a gc i'd not done a ton of business with and he didn't realize who he was talking to and was like, yeah i haven't gotten (my company)'s numbers yet. when I do I'll let you know and get a number. I had no idea who he thought i was, but said "alright" and hung up. waited like 5 minutes and then called him (way before caller id was something everyone had) and i gave him my number. I took all the markup off. went straight cost. I knew that either the other guy would have to either eat some cost (no way he could beat my price) or would just let it fly and I'd try and make it up off the backend with change orders (a certainty with that project)

after 10 minutes he called me back and was like are you sure that is your #? wanted to go over quantities and brands. All matched up. he said i was super low. I said it is what it is.

amazingly i didn't get the work. I was low with every other contractor. My boss was furious with that contractor.
By Saint Augustine777
thepostman wrote: August 28th, 2019, 8:37 am I am just curious as to when the media will learn the danger of using such tactics. This is why the media assault on Trump doesn't work because they get angry about every little thing so when there is something that is legit, it gets lost in the noise and does little to change anything. This is why he won and this is why he continues to tweet. He knows how to work the media.

In this case, something so small is made into something it never should have been made out to be. It is just the world we live in now, but I am not a fan.
You answered your own question. Like the current Trump scandal...POTUS is bringing attention to Biden's corruption. I would not be surprised if the "whistleblower" was someone blowing the whistle at POTUS' request.

The media will never learn and that's why no one trusts the media anymore except progressive fools.
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