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Inside Higher Ed wrote:‘The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education’
Authors discuss new book about the diversity and strength of religion in academe -- as well as some of the tensions.

By Scott Jaschik
January 11, 2019

William F. Buckley Jr.'s 1951 book God and Man at Yale popularized a view of higher education as hostile to faith. A new book, however, The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education (Baylor University Press), finds faith alive and well in American higher education. The authors find that resilience evident both at public and private institutions. And they find it at religious institutions with varying ideas about their missions.

To be sure, the book does not present issues of religion in American higher education as simple or without tensions. But they find "a surprising openness" to religion in academe.
They wrap up their discussion with us related to Trump (yeah, I know):
Q: During the Trump presidency, Liberty University has emerged as the president's favorite college and its president has become a consistent advocate for President Trump. How is this shaping public perceptions of religious higher education?

A: The alliance between Liberty University and the Trump administration contributes to the cynicism many Americans have about religion and public life. While such coalitions go back to the Reagan administration (and are rooted in the fraught racial history of white evangelicalism), there is a growing sense that evangelicals will do anything for political power. Because of its immense online footprint, Liberty looms large in public perceptions of Christian higher education. Yet scholars at dozens of other evangelical institutions (see, for example, the work of Kristin Kobes Du Mez, John Fea and Soong-Chan Rah) do not identify with Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham. They are also alienated from the 81 percent of white evangelicals who voted for Trump. Many faculty have ditched the evangelical label. Others have articulated an alternative vision of evangelicalism that rejects misogyny, racism and xenophobia, though it is hard to shout louder than Falwell and Graham.
Click Here for Full Story
You want to say that about Christians, I would say you probably have a very uninformed and narrow view of Christianity. News flash: there will be Presbyterians, Episcopals, Anglicans, Quakers, Baptists, Lutherans, and even Catholics in heaven.

There will most definitely be liberals in heaven.

If you want to say that about Americans, you most definitely have an uninformed view of America.

My point is this: you and your ilk do not hold a monopoly on correct ideas. Even when you are right, a little civility and openness goes a long way. Try to understand others’ perspectives. You may still end up disagreeing, but both sides will be better for it.
JK37 wrote:You want to say that about Christians, I would say you probably have a very uninformed and narrow view of Christianity. News flash: there will be Presbyterians, Episcopals, Anglicans, Quakers, Baptists, Lutherans, and even Catholics in heaven.

There will most definitely be liberals in heaven.

If you want to say that about Americans, you most definitely have an uninformed view of America.

My point is this: you and your ilk do not hold a monopoly on correct ideas. Even when you are right, a little civility and openness goes a long way. Try to understand others’ perspectives. You may still end up disagreeing, but both sides will be better for it.
There are certainly views held by both parties I find troubling as a Christian
thepostman wrote:
ballcoach15 wrote:I would think all Christians voted for Trump. I cannot see Christians voting for Clinton. Actually, I cannot see Americans voting for Clinton.
I didn't vote for either.
Well Jesus doesn’t like you anyways :D
thepostman wrote:
ballcoach15 wrote:I would think all Christians voted for Trump. I cannot see Christians voting for Clinton. Actually, I cannot see Americans voting for Clinton.
I didn't vote for either.
It's comments like his that made me even more decisive to not vote for either major party candidates.
Trump is a big government fake conservative and Hillary has accomplished very little in her life. It is still odd to me that these 2 were the ones chosen to represent the 2 major parties in our country.

Made me long for the days of PH's love affair with mittens
ballcoach15 wrote:Hillary was worst candidate for public office in history of the world, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Totally unqualified . Only reason she got votes was she's a democrat and a woman.
I believe that honor is bestowed upon George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election.
ballcoach15 wrote:Hillary was worst candidate for public office in history of the world, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Totally unqualified . Only reason she got votes was she's a democrat and a woman.
Trolling again?

I hope so because hyperbole in this statement is insane.
thepostman wrote:
ballcoach15 wrote:Hillary was worst candidate for public office in history of the world, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Totally unqualified . Only reason she got votes was she's a democrat and a woman.
Trolling again?

I hope so because hyperbole in this statement is insane.
I get suckered into responding every time...
thepostman wrote:
ballcoach15 wrote:I would think all Christians voted for Trump. I cannot see Christians voting for Clinton. Actually, I cannot see Americans voting for Clinton.
I didn't vote for either.
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