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Leroy Kinard Former Running Back

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 8:35 pm
by Knucklehead
This is the first of 3 clips of the Leroy Kinard interview from Flames Focus 1990. I'll post the other 2 Monday or Tuesday!
This ones starts with an urban outreach PSA I did featuring me as a homeless dude with lots of hair!

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 8:46 pm
by Sly Fox
That was fun. Somewhere Leroy's kids are busting a gut laughing at their dad.

Any Morgan Hout shows available?

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 8:50 pm
by Knucklehead
You will like the other 2 of Leroy and the bloopers at the end.
I hav zero Morgan Hout show copies. I need to ask LBN if they have any!

Posted: March 8th, 2008, 7:58 am
by Baldspot
Love to see more highlights if you can find any.

Posted: March 8th, 2008, 10:36 am
by Knucklehead
Baldspot wrote:Love to see more highlights if you can find any.
There's a ton more in the last 2 clips that I'll post Monday or Tuesday!

Posted: March 8th, 2008, 6:47 pm
by 4everfsu
I bet he is glad he transferred from BJU. Also I don't think BJU has a football team.

Middle Part of Leroy Kinard Interview

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 8:57 am
by Knucklehead

And the Last Part

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 9:01 am
by Knucklehead
Stay for the bloopers/credits at the end for yet another Knucklehead with hair sighting.
Also, anyone care to guess where the "Oh Yea" at the very end came from?

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 1:25 pm
Kinard was a close friend of mine back then. His fresh cut was a Stephon Leary original much like mine back then. Leary used to tighten all of us up before games pretty much on a weekly basis for free. Our room was like a barber shop. Kinnard was the highest jumping brotha that couldn't dunk! He could hurdle the hoop but he had no hands. We used to tease him about it all the time. Angela Chaffin was the girl at the end of the commercial too. She was a good friend as well. I believe she was the head cheerleader our senior year.

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 1:34 pm
by Rocketfan
SCAR wrote:Kinard was a close friend of mine back then. His fresh cut was a Stephon Leary original much like mine back then. Leary used to tighten all of us up before games pretty much on a weekly basis for free. Our room was like a barber shop. Kinnard was the highest jumping brotha that couldn't dunk! He could hurdle the hoop but he had no hands. We used to tease him about it all the time. Angela Chaffin was the girl at the end of the commercial too. She was a good friend as well. I believe she was the head cheerleader our senior year.
We need to start a thread....who don't you know?

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 1:35 pm
Eric Carrol and Gina are still married! That was great seeing those folks. Knuckle with hair! That was crazy man....After seeing that video, I actually remember you from school now Knuckle! That is crazy. You look like a different person...I guess we all do :lol: :wink:

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 1:56 pm
by Knucklehead
Totally different. I run into college acquaintences all the time who have no clue who I am any more. Angela was the Head Cheerleader and a very good friend. I had to feed her most of the questions b/c she didn't know a lot about football at the time. I was actually on the football hall one year and Leroy was across the hall. He was cool. Dude had the biggest calves I've ever seen. His vert Jump (mentioned in the video) was crazy!
Scar, you keep up with Leroy or Eric? If so let them know the vids are up. They might like to see them.

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 1:57 pm
by Knucklehead
SCAR wrote:Eric Carrol and Gina are still married! That was great seeing those folks. Knuckle with hair! That was crazy man....After seeing that video, I actually remember you from school now Knuckle! That is crazy. You look like a different person...I guess we all do :lol: :wink:
The hair is bad enough, but how about the pegged pants? lol

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 4:51 pm
by matshark
Angela Chaffin... WOW! havent heard that name in YEARS!

I think she was one of my dad's students. Fairly certain she came over to the house once or twice for cookouts.

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 5:52 pm
by Knucklehead
If you are who I think you are, I think she may have babysat you too! :lol:

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 8:45 am
by bigsmooth
leroy is a great guy. it was also cool to see eric and gina as well. good stuff knuckle.

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 10:26 am
by Knucklehead
It only took me 18 years to do something with it. I waited so long that the quality of the tape had gone away a lot. 3/4" tape is junk anyway!

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 11:00 am
by Sly Fox
My wife and I just threw out several boxes of 3|4" tapes from our small market days in the Early '90s. We couldn't find any place that still had working decks. I am old enough to even remember 2".

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 11:09 am
by Knucklehead
We still have 1 3/4 deck!
I remember 2" as well!

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 7:44 pm
Rocketfan wrote:
SCAR wrote:Kinard was a close friend of mine back then. His fresh cut was a Stephon Leary original much like mine back then. Leary used to tighten all of us up before games pretty much on a weekly basis for free. Our room was like a barber shop. Kinnard was the highest jumping brotha that couldn't dunk! He could hurdle the hoop but he had no hands. We used to tease him about it all the time. Angela Chaffin was the girl at the end of the commercial too. She was a good friend as well. I believe she was the head cheerleader our senior year.
We need to start a thread....who don't you know?
If they went to Liberty in the 80's or early 90's I probably know them. True story.

Posted: April 10th, 2008, 11:35 am
by jvegas14
Does LBN (or whatever it's called now) still have copies of all the old games from back in the day?

The reason I ask is because I'd like to get some DVD copies of the 89-91 seasons.

Also, and I can't remember who we were playing, but in one game, it shows a ref get totally destroyed. A safety and linebacker were converging on a receiver. The receiver ducked to avoid the hit and the ref got "hi-lowed" by the two Liberty defenders. Brutal, indeed.

Posted: April 21st, 2008, 4:46 pm
by jvegas14


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 12:26 pm
by Knucklehead
Incidently I was doing some searching for something unrelated and came across this interesting very old story! ... A967958260

Posted: May 12th, 2008, 3:26 pm
by Baldspot
Unknown vintage :lol:

Re: Leroy Kinard Former Running Back

Posted: March 29th, 2010, 3:29 pm
by GoEagles
Had to bump this thread.

I had Coach Kinard as my health teacher @ EC Glass and got to know him a little bit more than most of my other teachers because he liked to golf---and he can kill it. Coach K was and is still the man as far as I'm concerned, a great guy. Also, and he will tell you himself, he was nearly unstoppable with the NY Jets in the first version of Tecmo Bowl on the NES. Glad I stumbled upon this thread.