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If I had it to do all over again, I'd be in some form of computer program....something that would fall in the web design area or maybe ecommerce. However, back in my day there wasn't much out there in the world of computers except for maybe...PONG.

I'm from the class of 83 and I was one of the many Broadcasting majors (Radio Production) with a minor in PE (don't ask me the time I just looked at which minor had the shortest goal line). I did some volunteer radio work around Richmond (home) where I could play what I wanted to because I grew so tired of formats that play the same top whatever over and over. Worked 20 years for what used to be Reynolds Metals / ALCOA until my branch was closed in 2005. Thank God for severance packages.
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By Sly Fox
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That's a very good question. I don't regret majoring in COMS at all since I have enjoyed the past twenty years in the business.

All that said, now that I am an Old Hag whose priorities in life have evolved with additions to the family. And being in a line of work that offers traditional business hours is very appealing right now. I honestly believe I could be happy in any number of occupations.

I guess I never really answered the question. In retrospect I would do it all the same.
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By PAmedic
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1. I would have had to actually FINISH History Ed to have a legitmate answer here, but...

2. Sport Management- since it seems like any yutz can successfully pull it off 8) :twisted: :pbjtime :flamethrower

(that, and I could've taken Golf for credits)
By SuperJon
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You can take golf for a credit in any major. It's called elective.

You can take coaching classes for credit in SMGT.
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By El Scorcho
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This one is really tough for me. I majored in Religion with a specialization in Youth Ministries. I did alright, but my heart just wasn't in it. When I finished up my internship I became certain that I wouldn't be using my degree. It all went very well, but I just knew it wasn't what God would have me doing with my life, for a number of reasons. I don't really want to get into all of them here.

So, given what I do now, it would be easy to say I should have majored in Computer Science. That's the only related degree they offered at the time. Now they have the Management Information Systems program, which is even more applicable. I don't think I would have done well in CompSci, though. It's too much math and I was too lazy back then.

What I should have done is waited a few years to pull in some greenbacks and then come to college. I would have been more serious and ready to work at it. However, I'm very thankful that I did not take that path. Life worked out well for me.
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By Cider Jim
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I would have stayed with an English major, but I would have taken ROTC at Marshall, which my girlfriend (whom I later married) talked me out of. I'd probably be a major or colonel by now, had I stayed with ROTC.
By 4everfsu
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Lets see in 1972(class of 1975) the main majors was Bible, Youth, Radio/TV, education, psychology. I was torn between my two loves at the time, Bible and Sports, so I majored in Bible, minored in PE, History and Theology.
Now today I would be majoring in Computer Engineering that starts this fall. And yes besides a engineering major not being offered back when I was in school, I would have wished ROTC would have been offered. I would have made the Army a career for me, seeing I wanted to attend West Point.
BTW God has directed my path, I have been in the IT field since 1980 starting as a computer operator and am today a system programmer. Romans 8:28
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By PAmedic
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El Scorcho wrote: What I should have done is waited a few years to pull in some greenbacks and then come to college. I would have been more serious and ready to work at it.
preach on, brother man.

I wasn't ready either
By SuperJon
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Community college for a year is where it's at.
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By BJWilliams
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Honestly if I had to do it all over again Id probably be either an English major with elementary ed teacher licensure or a youth ministries major. I love working with kids and I would have probably pursued one of those and either gone into the youth pastorate or taught at a public school and really tried to make spelling and grammar exciting for kids
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By flameshaw
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GIRLS, the same major I had when I was at LU the first time. :lol:
By jack_sparrow81
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don't be burning the Sport Management department now. Everytime I was studying in the dorms or wokring on projects, I'd always here Youth Majors and Psych majors outside having a good ole time.
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By Sly Fox
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Ladies & gentlemen, a rare public appearance of Capt. Jack.

Come one, man. I know you have more insight than what you've been sharing with us lately.

And smoothie, the problem with Pre-Law is that it eventually you have to be a lawyer. :wink:
By paradox
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Definetley male-nursing. I think I'd pass on all of the bureaucracy associated with being an MD so that I could focus soley on patient care, just like my good friend, Gaylord Focker.
Last edited by paradox on May 28th, 2008, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By TDDance234
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KINE/Physical Therapy for me.
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Anything but Psychology 8) . I really wish I had stayed with Math or Communications. Information Technology too if they had it back then. I have had success in IT and Communications but Ironically I didn't study either. I would say IT first then Communications if I had to do it over again.
By cheerbren
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I would finish my elementary education major.
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By 62Strat
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Pastoral, youth, IT one of these days I really need to finish up, but like the commercial says life happens. I still hold out hope though, maybe distance learning programs or something. I tried that once after I left the army, but my military benefits didnt cover nearwhat they thought they would at the time.
By ATrain
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I just graduated, so if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably still pick Print Journalism...though maybe I should've minored in government or biology (did extremely well in both subjects as part of my "core courses,"-didn't even have to study, lol). However, as it stands right now, I'm starting my MBA through Liberty in August.
By LUconn
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definately accounting. If you're not gonna like your job, you might as well make good money doing it.
By Knucklehead
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I would go to Law School and be a prosecutor ! :twisted: :jail Crybaby :D
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By Cider Jim
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Why does no one ever want to go back and be an ENGLISH major? :oops:
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By Fumblerooskies
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Cider Jim wrote:Why does no one ever want to go back and be an ENGLISH major? :oops:
Would you? Be honest.
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By Cider Jim
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Good point, Fumble. You are probably right, or I would have at least taken ROTC to learn a trade along the way or picked up a minor other than history or religion.
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