The gathering place for LU alumni to wax nostalgic about their glory days and tell current students how easy they have it. Old hags & bright-eyed and bushytailed recent grads both welcome.

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By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
This is the all time old man thread. Give us all the details to any and all of your sports related injuries. I've got some oddities, including a hyperextention you've probably never heard of. Most gruesome story gets an imaginary trophy. Only real stories need apply.
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By PAmedic
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oh no you dih-int.

I'll have to take the time to sit down and compile a list for this one.
By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
Ok...but they're both embarassing.

I was playing tennis for LCA, and our courts had really huge crac, uh...seismic fault lines running through them (and we played balls off them about homefield advantage) and during practice I happened to trip on one and fell, and broke both my ulna and radius in my left forearm. It looked pretty cool too, my hand was totally out of line with the rest of my arm, and didn't hurt that bad actually (until they stuck huge needles in it to numb it so they could set it). I also skinned my knees up pretty badly to in that accident...there was a lot of blood on em. Didn't actually cry or anything, as a matter of fact it took a minute before any realized that it was more than just skinned knees, I had to yell at the coach to come over and help me. "Did you kill yourself A-Train?"-coach
"No, but I did break my arm"-me
coach laughts out loud
I'm still on the ground
"A-Train get up"-coach
"Want to come over here and help me, my arm is broken"-me
Coach comes over, along with the rest of the team...they look at it and their faces at the sight of it, I'll never forget. Needless to say, my season was over my sophomore year...but they did let me tag along on away trips and stuff so it was all good :D

Last year, I got a "severe high ankle sprain" playing ultimate frisbee on the intramural fields on East Campus. It was for the game, my RA throws the frisbee really high, and I had to jump to grab it, but I land on my ankle wrong and go down. By the time I got back to the dorm, my ankle was swollen up to the size of a grapefruit. However, b/c I held onto the frisbee, it counted as a catch and so I scored the game-winning point.
By Thelaxman

Check out the Lacrosse section. I have a mission for you.

By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
I got a few I can think of (I'll leave out my elementary school football/soccer days. i was oblivous to danger back then)

My sophmore year in highschool, all of the wideouts were practicing with the receivers' coach and he was giving us long balls over our shoulder so we could get used to which way our head was supposed to be turning. Anyway, on one of my routes, he way overthew me but I really thought I could speed up and get to it and when it was clear I was gonna come up short, I just completely laid out for it. It was real stupid becuase I was still about 5 yards short. So not only did I look like an idiot diving after a completely uncatchable ball my middle finger on my right hand jammed into the ground first. My knuckle to this day has lost all pigmentation some of the bone (I think) is crooked. I have a large knot sticking out. It worked fine and didn't hurt after a few days so I never went to the doctor or anything. I'll have to upload a picture of it later and maybe you guys can tell me what's wrong with it.

My senior year I was playing DE in our first scrimmage of the year. I was, and still am, way undersized for a DE but I guess I had a knack for getting around the end and getting after the QB. But I obviously couldn't do it every time so when I didn't, I just got abused by linemen my entire career. In this particular game the tackle was mean and nasty and getting fed up with my quickness. (I'm not that quick, he was just a big slow lineman) Anyway, they snapped the ball and he immediately hit my outside shoulder with his outside hand and gave my an openpalmed uppercut to the bottom of my facemask. After the play I noticed I was bleeding and I went to the trainer and asked for a bandaid or something. But what had happened was he hit me so hard that my chinstrap pulled the skin under my chin apart. The doctor who had to sew me up called it a hyperextention of the skin. I had never heard of such a thing.
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By PAmedic
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Hey LUconn Happy Birthday. the big 2-4?
By LUconn
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yeah yeah, only 1 more year until I'm on the downward slope out of the 20s. :( The years just keep going by quicker. It's pretty depressing. Imagine how I'm going to be at 40. Maybe I'll have enough material possesions then to keep me occupied.
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By PAmedic
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LUconn wrote: Imagine how I'm going to be at 40. Maybe I'll have enough material possesions then to keep me occupied.
Think SLY, SCAR and me. Thats what you have waiting for you.

I'm not the rich one, that would be His Majesty Scarborough.
By TDDance234
Registration Days Posts
I'm only 21, but I've broken something in my legs playing basketball atleast 4 times. Broke my right ankle in Karate about 10 years ago. Both my wrists in baseball.

I've lost count of how many concussions I've had (I still get shaky going across the middle in football, even in flag or two-hand touch.. :))
By thesportscritic
Registration Days Posts
Back in my sophmore year in High School, I was playing kickball for spirit week for school at Peaks View Park. When I was running around the bases, I fell and hurt my knee. I tried to get up on my own power but couldn't. I was on crutches for about 3-5 weeks. It was definitely painful.
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By PAmedic
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kick ball? I think we're gonna have to disqualify that one. At least fabricate something better- like jousting, or running w/ the bulls.
By thesportscritic
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PAmedic wrote:kick ball? I think we're gonna have to disqualify that one. At least fabricate something better- like jousting, or running w/ the bulls.
HO HO HO :roll:
By thesportscritic
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I did play some other sports but not for a team. Kick ball is a sport in my opinion. And that was the only sport to my knowledge that I hurt myself in.
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By Big -e-
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Sorry guys for late post. I'm new, so I'm trying to catch-up.

Fall 1985...I partially tore my rotator cuff while attempting to dunk on Gary Yoder(Old Schoolers know who he is), trying to walk-on the team. Went for the tomahawk, ball hit square on the front of the rim, and stayed there. Uncle Mo and the rest of my body kept going...POP-POP-POP!!!! Just like the blooper reels...

But this injury's a little more grotesque....

Eight weeks ago, I completely ruptured my patellar tendon; layman's....the tendon connecting the kneecap to lower leg.

To preface, the last time I even touched/shot a basketball was two years ago at my boy M35's house.
I'm Scar's age, so it was gonna take time to get in the flow, but I was determined. College memories, whole nine. So buy a pair of adidas a3 for 36 bucks on e-bay...brand new!!! Played a couple games, burned up the lungs, left the court in one piece. Had been jumping rope for five months now, so I was in good shape.
Went back out the second time in two years, went up and down the court two possessions. Posted up on the left block. Got the entry pass, squared toward the hoop, faked right, went left, one dribble, left foot, right foot.....

I don't remember my tendon snapping away from my shin. I remember planting my right foot, then I remembered rolling around on the floor, grabbing my right knee; and I looked down at this pit/cavern where my kneecap USED to be thinking...."WHERE THE @$#% IS MY KNEECAP!?!" Little did I know that while I was holding my right knee, my left hand was covering it. It had moved up to my lower quad. Imagine your kneecap being 3-4 inches higher than its original place. Three guys got sick on the court immediately after I found my kneecap. Trauma/Shock or both, for some reason, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it should, so I thought, "I'll just push my kneecap back into place. It's just dislocated."....DISLOCATED!?! My kneecap's in Milwaukee while I'm in Suburban Chicago!!!

I'm 6'6", so naturally, every gurney, from ambulance to operating room, was six feet long, including my hospital bed where my right leg was hanging off. 25 XL staples from top of knee to bottom. Heavy-duty sutures
anchored in four spots holding my kneecap in place so that the tendon can heal properly.

Sorry the post was so long. This was my first major injury, and since it was so recent, it's on my mind every moment, and will continue until full recovery. Started rehabbing on my own a week ago, and I'm gaining more flexibility, so it's coming along.

Couldn't have gotten thru it without the prayers and support from my family and friends. A real blessing from God.....just to be able to WALK again....a real blessing.....

7AM Chicago St. Time/8AM Louisville St. Time.....Sun's out.....Time for bed.....PEACE.....

BTW are there any rehab physical therapists out there?
By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
kneecap stories make me queasy. That's always been a weakness of mine. Thank you.
By ATrain
Registration Days Posts
^^Shinbone stories make me queasy...I cringe at the very thought of someone breaking that one
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By PAmedic
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very nice indeed. and I can attest to the fact that ambulance cots are @ 6' even, so anyone taller hangs over nicely. This allows us to slam your legs in the doors, into walls and against nurse's stations nicely- just to add to the overall experience.

My own experience w/ torn PCL/MCL pales in comparsion- nicely done! how do you tolerate Tylenol 3 (w/ Codeine)?
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By Brokeback Flamer
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Oh Golly, let me see of my 12 knee operations........

1. Tore ACL/MCL/LCL and I believe my HdL and LdL!! in a church league. I have never felt so much pain. If you have ever tried to tear a card board box, that is the sound I heard and everyone else on the court heard!! On a lighter note, the Ast Pastor in charge of the league told me I brought back a lot of memories. He said he hadn't heard that kind of language or phrases since his days on Paris Island!!! I sucked down two bottles of what ever type of gas they gave me for the pain. Not sure they wanted to stick me with a needle for fear of what I might do to them.

2. Knee injury in an E. Europen country. They wheeled me into the OR that had all the windows to the outside OPEN!! The Dr told me it would be a few minutes until one of the hosptals two heart monitors was available and I should enjoy the breeze b/c it was a nice day.

3. Dislocated my ring finger sliding. It replaced where my pinky was and vice versa. The first time they re set it it wasn't so bad. But when I got into an ortho and they had to RE SET it............(See above Paris Island reference)
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By BJWilliams
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I was in karate class and we were doing movement drills. I was trying to change directions about as fast as the teacher called them. Well I was moving left to right and he called to go backward...well as I was changing to do that, all my weight kept going to the right and I tore my meniscus. Not 2 weeks later I fell down a hill and partially tore my ACL (an injury they didn't discover until they had gone in to fix my meniscus)
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By Big -e-
Registration Days Posts
PAmedic wrote:how do you tolerate Tylenol 3 (w/ Codeine)?

That was the only prescription drug/med that I had any faith in. It broke three fevers while I was in the hospital.

BTW....Morphine PCA Drip.......way overrated. Viccodin, too.
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By PAmedic
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Morphine pushed IV as a 20 mg bolus is much more effective. and quicker.

works on rib fractures too, oh- and shattered pelvis(es). Or so my patients tell me.
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By Brokeback Flamer
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PAmedic wrote:Morphine pushed IV as a 20 mg bolus is much more effective. and quicker.

works on rib fractures too, oh- and shattered pelvis(es). Or so my patients tell me.
Dude that stuff is the bomb diggity doo!! RIps your stomach up the next day, but WELL WORTH IT!!
(got any I can score? :D )

I agree about Vicoden. Ty 3 is good. Unless you are allergic to codeine but don't realize it and take about 6 or so!!! :(
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