The gathering place for LU alumni to wax nostalgic about their glory days and tell current students how easy they have it. Old hags & bright-eyed and bushytailed recent grads both welcome.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By phoenix
Registration Days Posts
If I had it to do all over again:

Major in history, minor in theology. MA in historic theology, maybe another one in archaeology. MDiv in Biblical Studies. PhD in Medieval History.

Not that I've thought about this or anything ... :?
By dexterslab
Registration Days
I was a TV/Radio/Film Major and I'd do it again. But I'd study harder and ace all those courses I had no interest in.
I would have then jumped on the grad school wagon earlier.

It's funny that I never really used the major directly. I've been in the IT field since 1984. But now, have become involved in a production company and all those memories come flooding back. It all seems so familiar to me.

It's all worked out for the best. If I had to do it over again, I'm sure I would mess up what God gave me.
By Ed Dantes
Registration Days Posts
double major, business administration and sports management.

When both you and the wife are COMS majors... it gets kinda hard to pay the bills.
By shukcb04
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paradox wrote:Alright, since I'm the oddball here, I might as well be honest, and say that it would be Russian Literature for me (Dostoevesky, Chekov, and Gogal). :shock:

Math majors may make more money, but as the years pass on, meaning and purpose seem to become more important. These novels seem to be asking all of the right quetions. I'd love to be discussing them in a lit class somewhere.
you're a dostoevsky fan too??
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
Yes, as far as I'm concerned, no one better defines the human situation.

How 'bout you?

By shukcb04
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paradox wrote:Yes, as far as I'm concerned, no one better defines the human situation.

How 'bout you?

I haven't read much by him, but I do really like Notes from the Underground
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
"The Brothers Karamozov", "Crime and Punishment", and "The Devils" would qualify as his most definitive works. However, they are not short novellas, so there is some commitment required, but well worth it, in my estimation.
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By Sly Fox
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Ed Dantes wrote:When both you and the wife are COMS majors... it gets kinda hard to pay the bills.
That's why my wife left the broadcast business and I'm halfway out now myself. 8)
By paradox
Registration Days Posts
It's not unusual. A large majority of college graduates end up in a field that is different from thier major.
By Ed Dantes
Registration Days Posts
Sly Fox wrote:
Ed Dantes wrote:When both you and the wife are COMS majors... it gets kinda hard to pay the bills.
That's why my wife left the broadcast business and I'm halfway out now myself. 8)
Take me with you?
By Ed Dantes
Registration Days Posts
paradox wrote:It's not unusual. A large majority of college graduates end up in a field that is different from thier major.
The problem is, college costs are so absurd these days (check out this Ann Coulter column: ... rticle=111) that it becomes practically impossible to try to go back and earn a degree in a different field (ohhh, I've looked, trust me). I mean, gimme a break -- I'm already tens of thousands of dollars in the hole because of student loan debt, do I really want to be six-figures in the tank to get an MBA and start life again?

By SuperJon
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Not even done and I've decided I probably won't use my degree.
By shukcb04
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i'm going to grad school for business administration adn wont even use that degree lol
By kel varson
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I like my Coms major as it's great to know how to speak and write effectively. I would like to have Master of Arts in Religion. I've also discovered I have quite a bit of interest in Philosophy which would have gone well with a Religion type of major.
By kel varson
Registration Days Posts
Ed Dantes wrote:
paradox wrote:It's not unusual. A large majority of college graduates end up in a field that is different from thier major.
I'm in a different field but using my major.

When I was interviewing for print journalism positions at newspapers people were offering less than 20k. Might was well have worked at 7 Eleven.
By chefmom7
Registration Days
I was an elementary education major (1989). Unfortunately, I found out I didn't really like it while I was student teaching. Eventually, I ended up teaching special ed, for about 5 years until I got out of it. I'm now in the field of research administration.

If I could go back in time, I would major in piano performance and information technology...and then I would have gone to law school.

Hind sight is 20/20...but I'm glad that God gives us second chances.
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By Sly Fox
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Welcome to the board, chefmom. There are quite a few of us from the Late '80s. We refer to ourselves as the Old Hags. It is not meant as sexist or a shot at the elderly. It is just how we feel chatting with the youngsters on here. I am an '89 grad as welcome.

As for your choices, nice selections. Although I personally think we could live with a few less lawyers in the world.
By chefmom7
Registration Days
Thank you for the welcome, slyfox. I'm glad I stumbled across this message brings back some good memories.

Old hags...mmm...I suppose my 2 teenagers would agree with that description. :D

class of '89...we were able to see the beginnings of DC Talk and the repealing of the "holding hands rule" clay...the ravine...SAGA....ah, yes, I remember it well.
By Champion
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Well, first of all I would have went immediatly for my masters upon graduation. I have been taking classes now and then...and have been getting good grades, but IT IS TOUGH! No 40-something should ever go through this! I was a Broadcast major and even though I loved my college courses, friends, and activities and have stayed somewhat consistantly in the broadcasting field over the years I wish I had majored in something else. Maybe education. Broadcating is too transient if you want to improve yourself financialy or otherwise. Tough on a family.
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By Kolzilla41
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paradox wrote:Definetley male-nursing. I think I'd pass on all of the bureaucracy associated with being an MD so that I could focus soley on patient care, just like my good friend, Gaylord Focker.
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By Sly Fox
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Champion wrote:Broadcating is too transient if you want to improve yourself financialy or otherwise. Tough on a family.
I definitely agree with the latter although I never endured the transient aspect. I have never been in a city for less than six years.
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By Kolzilla41
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I was a Biblical Studies major but know I am a BSM and plan on getting my MBA and MSA
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