The gathering place for LU alumni to wax nostalgic about their glory days and tell current students how easy they have it. Old hags & bright-eyed and bushytailed recent grads both welcome.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

By LUconn
Registration Days Posts
The male cheerleader at :58 (right after THE dunk) is hilarious. I thought he was going to go out onto the court.
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By RagingTireFire
Registration Days Posts
LUconn wrote:The male cheerleader at :58 (right after THE dunk) is hilarious. I thought he was going to go out onto the court.
Registration Days Posts
LUconn wrote:The male cheerleader at :58 (right after THE dunk) is hilarious. I thought he was going to go out onto the court.

Thats funny! He is telling the guys they just got dunked on! I can't wait to see more. I have more vhs that needs to get converted too.
Registration Days Posts
LUconn did you like the cross over at the end?!
By coolhandluke
Registration Days Posts
SCAR wrote:LUconn did you like the cross over at the end?!

I don't know about LUConn... But I loved it! You are a beast Scar!
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Im VERY impressed, any clips on Coach Leary on there
Registration Days Posts
Leary is in the background on the clip above a few times. #24.
Prayers please

Oh say no more. I'll be praying even harder now :[…]

Family Travel Obsession

We'll do cruises when our legs and backs don't[…]

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[rob lowe voice]I am LITERALLY in Dublin next […]

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