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By Sly Fox
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Anybody have impressions of Rabbi Eric Yoffie (President of Union for Reform Judaism) since he was on campus today?


There is very little we have in common with this guy. But I applaud Jerry for bringing him in nonetheless. It further attacks the perception that we are so closeminded that we can't even listen to divergent viewpoints.

But I know, I know. Nobody goes to convo anymore. :roll:
Last edited by Sly Fox on April 26th, 2006, 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By PAmedic
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I'm sure HMO was there! probably sitting right next to ATRAIN
By LUconn
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alright, that was just deliberate post padding.
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By BJWilliams
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Sly Fox wrote:Anybody have impressions of Rabbi Eric Yoffie (President of Union for Reform Judaism) since he was on campus today?


There is very little we have in common with this guy. But I applaud Jerry for bringing him in nonetheless. It further attacks the perception that we are so closeminded that we can't even listen to divergent viewpoints.

But I know, I know. Nobody goes to convo anymore. :roll:
I was there and he had some good things to say honestly. Yes when he talked about their views on abortion and gay marriage there was a noticeable rumble of disagreement among the students, but all in all everyone was very respectful.
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By jcmanson
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JF said at the end that he was thankful for him letting JF speak at synagogues, and was "returning the favor." Jf also said our young kids respect you very much. I like this move. As stated above, it lets others know we are not so close-minded.
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By PAmedic
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Rabbi speaks of 'moral crisis'

By Sue Lindsey
April 27, 2006

ROANOKE -- The leader of the largest branch of American Judaism yesterday urged evangelical Christians not to compromise church-state separation as a quick fix to the "disturbing collapse of public morality."
Prayer in the schools is not the answer to moral decline in the United States, Rabbi Eric Yoffie said at a chapel service at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg. Mr. Yoffie, president of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, publicly has criticized the Christian right in the past, drawing the distinction on issues such as abortion and same-sex "marriage," both of which most evangelical Christians oppose.
"But as significant as these issues are, my hope is that they will not overwhelm us," Mr. Yoffie said. "I can discuss these issues and believe what I believe without calling you a homophobic idiot, and you can do the same without calling me an uncaring baby killer."
Mr. Yoffie called for Christians and Jews to "build bridges, find shared values and join together" to fight what he called a "moral crisis" in the United States.
"We live in an era of rampant materialism and no-strings-attached sexual encounters," Mr. Yoffie said. "Every night television assails our children with mindless reality shows that present self-gratification as the only goal worth pursuing. Pornography ... has become a staple of our culture."
The left and the right are at fault, he said. The left has ignored public morality "in the name of personal choice," he said, while the right has been too tolerant of corporations that "reach into our homes and relentlessly market sex and violence."
Despite the assault, Mr. Yoffie said, religion is not imperiled.
"Neither do I want to ask the government to impose its problems by imposing its will," Mr. Yoffie said, noting that the Founding Fathers were careful to make sure that government was not an agent of religion.
"The bloody rise of theological politics in the Islamic world, and especially in Iraq, reminds us how rare and fragile an achievement the separation of church and state really is," he said.
Religious leaders should work with leaders in the press to come up with a content-based rating system to protect children from on-screen sex and violence, Mr. Yoffie said. And he said religious leaders should remind their followers to turn off the television.
"We need to make our churches and synagogues into safe places, where kids know that they matter and where they are shielded from the pressures of premature adulthood," he said.
Mr. Falwell was not available late yesterday for comment on Mr. Yoffie's remarks.
The Union for Reform Judaism says it represents about 900 synagogues in North America with an estimated membership of 1.5 million people. Of the three major streams of U.S. Judaism -- Orthodox and Conservative are the others -- the Union for Reform is the only one that sanctions homosexual ordination and supports civil "marriage" for same-sex couples.
About 20,000 students attend Liberty University, which Mr. Falwell founded.
Last edited by PAmedic on April 27th, 2006, 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By SuperJon
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I had a dream about some rabbi speaking at convo.

Ok, that was a lie. I was just sleeping through it.
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By PAmedic
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Prayer in the schools is not the answer to moral decline in the United States, Rabbi Eric Yoffie said at a chapel service at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg.
bet THAT one raised some eyebrows
By ATrain
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The most rumblings came after he began talking about his views on abortion and gays...most notably "we believe that gays pose no threat to their friends, neighbors etc..."
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By Brokeback Flamer
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ATrain wrote:The most rumblings came after he began talking about his views on abortion and gays...most notably "we believe that gays pose no threat to their friends, neighbors etc..."
Pedophiles yes. Gays no.
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By PAmedic
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Brokeback Flamer wrote:Pedophiles yes. Gays no.
I actually agree with you on this one, for what its worth.
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By Sly Fox
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Here is the take of one prominent gay website called 'The Advocate':
Rabbi to Liberty University: Gay couples deserve rights

The leader of the Union of Reform Judaism spoke at antigay televangelist Jerry Falwell's Liberty University on Wednesday and called for the acceptance and support of gay and lesbian couples, the JTA news service reports.

"Gay Americans pose no threat to their friends, neighbors, or coworkers, and when two people make a lifelong commitment to each other, we believe it is wrong to deny them the legal guarantees that protect them and their children and benefit the broader society," Rabbi Eric Yoffie said to shocked murmurs, scattered hisses, and boos at the packed campus stadium in Lynchburg, Va.

Falwell chastised his students, telling them he had never been booed in a synagogue. Aside from that, the reception for Yoffie was warm. Falwell said it was the first time in the 32-year history of Liberty University that a rabbi helped him deliver the weekly convocation.

Yoffie has been a vocal critic of the religious right, and Falwell's invitation was a signal of reconciliation after some difficult times between evangelicals and Jews. Yoffie began Wednesday's speech by emphasizing common ground on issues such as Israel and defending persecuted religious minorities overseas. He received warm applause when he praised evangelicals for their resolute opposition to what he called "the moral crisis in America."

But according to JTA, he also laid out Reform Judaism's fundaments, including church-state separation, a woman's right to be the ultimate arbiter about whether to have an abortion, and legal protections for gay couples. Falwell said Yoffie's tone was as important as his message. "He came across in a loving, respectful way," Falwell told JTA after the convocation.

Students said they were happy to hear differing views and hoped to find common ground on other issues. "This is an opportunity to respect and recognize as legitimate different viewpoints," said Jenni Thurman, a sophomore majoring in journalism.

Yoffie said he hoped Wednesday's appearance was the start of a relationship. "I would hope as we move forward there will be follow-up and there will be coalition building," he said. But Falwell, who said the idea to invite Yoffie came during an interview with journalist Zev Chafets, was noncommittal about a follow-up. He qualified future relations with those with whom he disagrees: "We can differ on many things not essential to the freedoms in our country."

Did those "essential" things include the continued denial of legal protections to gay couples? Falwell was evasive. "We do not believe in gay marriage or polygamy or any other family form than a man marrying a woman singly," he told JTA. (The Advocate)
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By Sly Fox
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Here is the AP story running now:
Jewish leader urges bridge to Christians

Associated Press

ROANOKE, Va. - The leader of the largest branch of American Judaism told evangelical Christians at the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University on Wednesday that prayer in schools is not the answer to moral decline in America.

Instead, Rabbi Eric Yoffie urged Christians and Jews to "build bridges, find shared values and join together."

Yoffie, president of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, asked those at a chapel service in Lynchburg not to compromise church-state separation by making it a quick fix for the "disturbing collapse of public morality."

"The bloody rise of theological politics in the Islamic world, and especially in Iraq, reminds us how rare and fragile an achievement the separation of church and state really is," he said.

Religious leaders should work with media industry leaders to come up with a content-based rating system to protect children from on-screen sex and violence, Yoffie said.

"We live in an era of rampant materialism and no-strings-attached sexual encounters," Yoffie said. "Every night television assails our children with mindless reality shows that present self-gratification as the only goal worth pursuing. Pornography ... has become a staple of our culture."

He said religious leaders should remind their followers to turn off the television.

"We need to make our churches and synagogues into safe places where kids know that they matter and where they are shielded from the pressures of premature adulthood," he said.

Falwell was not available late Wednesday for comment on Yoffie's remarks.

The Union for Reform Judaism says it represents about 900 synagogues in North America with an estimated membership of 1.5 million people. Of the three major streams of U.S. Judaism - Orthodox and Conservative are the others - it is the only one that sanctions gay ordination and supports civil marriage for same-sex couples.
By Hold My Own
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yall are so right about the closed minded thing...I think even having McCain here to speak also proves that, even though I think we have more in common with him then the Rabbit
By Jasmen8182
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We know that the gay lifestyle has been around for quite some time (Sodom and Gomorah, for instance) but it is also evident that many have agressive agendas to force people to accept this chosen lifestyle as "normal"; also, hospitals with religious foundations and other such businesses should not be forced to accomodate when it contradicts their tenets (such as the Catholics in Boston-I think it was info. sent by JF- that stopped being involved in adoption services for that very reason.
BrokeFlame made a good point in distinguishing btwn. pedaphiles and gays in general. I worked with the latter more than once (maybe even the former w/out knowing). One woman shared how painful her relationship with her mother had been. I was also on the receiving end of "reverse discrimination" b/c I didn't keep it secret that I was a church-goer... and one of my part-timers decided to help stir up trouble even though I never said anything abt. her gay brother....
By Jasmen8182
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The homosexual lifestyle has been around for quite a while (Sodom and Gomorah....) BrokeFlame did well to distinguish btwn. pedophiles and gays in general. Nevertheless, the agenda is very agressive, finding its way into school programs for even young children. Organizations shouldn't have to go against their core beliefs such as the Catholics in Boston that stopped being involved in adoptions rather than compromise (I think it was in e-mail from JF).
I worked with a gay woman who knew my general belief system.... She shared with me the painful relationship she had with her mother. She had authority over me but came to see where the boundaries were in what she could talk abt..... On the other hand-same company- I received reverse discrimination in a managerial position partly b/c a part-timer had a gay brother and took offense at my Chritianity though I said nothing neg.....
One last point- Focus on the Family has a couple of godly men that are blessed now in spite of the years the "locusts" took. They now have wives and children; God strengthened them through the rough transitional times....
By Jasmen8182
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I thought the bug problem did away with my first post-sorry
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By Sly Fox
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We all have had our issues so don't feel bad. I'm just glad that bug is gone.
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By Sly Fox
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Baltimore Jewish Times wrote:Yoffie Stepping Down as Reform Leader
June 14, 2010

New York
JTA Wire Service

The longtime leader of the Reform synagogue movement, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, announced that he will be stepping down in two years.

Yoffie, 63, president of the Union for Reform Judaism for the past 14 years, made the announcement Thursday in remarks at a meeting in Brooklyn of the organization’s board of directors.
Click Here for Full Story
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