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Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 4:36 pm
by Sly Fox
My dad used to post on this forum years ago under the name GulfTX. He turns 78 tomorrow and is in need of some prayer support. He is currently in ICU battling COVID.

Last Thursday, along with my mom he made the decision that in spite of his vulnerable immune system he would take the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. He has been battling myasthenia gravis for over a decade. What he didn't know at the time was that he apparently had already been exposed to the virus and wasn't symptomatic yet. So when he started showing COVID-like symptoms almost immediately following the jab he thought it was a reaction. We have since learned they were not directly connected.

I took him to the ER yesterday morning because he was seriously laboring to breathe. Once there his breathing had reached critical lows and they intobated him waiting for an ICU bed. You probably have heard that every ICU bed in Houston is full and you just wait on someone to die to get a room. This morning he was able to get into a room in the hospital where his cardiologist, immunonologist and other specialists are located.

We are being told the next 48 hours are critical to his survival. Since he took the vaccine 8 days ago, the research shows that the 10-day mark is when the antibodies are strong enough in systems to begin to fight back against the virus. While the respiratory issues are what most folks recognize in regard to COVID, it is actually a much more so a pulmonary disease. Most deaths are due to COVID-induced heart attacks. So we are in watch and see mode for the next couple of days.

Only one family member is allowed to visit a day and only for a few minutes in the ICU. Since my mom and sister both still have the virus I was the one able to see him this morning. He's sedated in order for the respirator to do its job and restoring oxygen to his lungs. He has shown signs of improvement today but this virus is insidious.

Can you take just a few seconds as you read this to say a prayer for him. He just retired from over a half century of pastoring churches a year ago and was hoping to enjoy some retirement and time with grandkids & great grandkids. He still has plenty of reason to focus on fighting this virus.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 5:09 pm
by Honest Abe
Praying for your dad!

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 5:09 pm
by stokesjokes
Iā€™m so sorry, Sly. Your family has really been through it with this pandemic. Iā€™m praying right now for your dad.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 5:31 pm
by Baybird
Praying here as well.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 7:26 pm
by alabama24
Praying for GulfTX and your whole family.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 9:07 pm
by flamehunter
Praying for your dad and family Sly.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 27th, 2021, 9:15 pm
by flameshaw
Prayers for all.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 7:30 am
by olldflame
Praying for your family here in the DR.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 7:57 am
by JK37
Just prayed from NJ. Really sorry this has happened.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 10:36 am
by Cider Jim
I've met GulfTX in person, and I will certainly be praying for him.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 11:04 am
by TH Spangler

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 28th, 2021, 11:12 am
by Sly Fox
Thanks for the prayers! He has survived another day and his lungs are improving. Every day that this occurs raises his chances of recovery exponentially.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 29th, 2021, 8:38 am
by Sly Fox
UPDATE: Last night his cardiologist called and shared some fantastic news! When he began intobation on Friday morning he was 100% relying on the respirator to breathe. The doctor could hardly believe his improvement referring to it as "miraculous". Today is his birthday and the plan is take out the intobation! Completely!

The belief is that yesterday on his 10th day since vaccination that as expected the antibodies have been fighting back against the virus .... AND WINNING!

He is not out of the woods yet but his progress has blown away the specialists who are seeing him as a test case under his unique circumstances.


Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 29th, 2021, 8:42 am
by olldflame
GREAT news! Keep us updated.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 29th, 2021, 11:25 am
by CCWMichael
Praying here!!!

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 29th, 2021, 6:17 pm
by Cider Jim
Wonderful news, Sly! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 30th, 2021, 9:44 am
by Sly Fox
I saw him briefly on his 78th birthday yesterday and he had improved a bit from Saturday. he was able to nod and wave slightly to me in response to my speech. But the medical staff was slowing down their enthusiasm on removing intobation for a day or so. No report yet today but we do kno that his ICU room is highly coveted and they will work hard to get him to place where they can safely move him out.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 31st, 2021, 12:51 pm
by Sly Fox
I am not going to sugarcoat the fact that it is very frustrating having a loved one in ICU and no information coming out for days on end. Other than my very brief visits on Friday & Sunday, no one has been allowed access into ICU. He doesn't have a phone and frankly isn't up to passing along info even if he did.

This is our first report since I left Sunday afternoon from his cardiologist:
still intubated ... retraining his muscles ... when weaning oxygen drops but only because he needs to be weaned slow ... bp and hr good ... no afib. just slow goin'

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: August 31st, 2021, 4:11 pm
by Just John
Praying my friend.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 8:48 am
by Sly Fox
Unfortunately I do not have good news to report. My dad has taken a turn for the worse the past 48 hours. My mom and I have an appointment with his doctors this afternoon to discuss strategy moving forward. Essentailly if he doesn't improve in next day or so he likely will not be with us much longer.

As they have tried to remove intobation several times this week he apparently has had reactions each time indicating some form of shock even though he was breathing on his own. After tests for the past few days it appears his white blood cells are no being overwhelmed by the virus. The boost he got from the vaccine appears to be wearing off and the virus is winning.

Suffice it to say that I covet your prayers in regard to my dad. My mom has recovered in spite of her long history of heart issues. This disease is very much a pulmonary disease with respiratory entry. Heart attacks are the primary cause of death in response to the virus. That's how my father-in-law passed away. I was joking with my mom that she is on the 8th of her nine lives.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 9:43 am
by flamehunter
Sorry to hear Sly. Definitely keeping your dad and family covered with prayer.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 11:03 am
by flameshaw
Prayers for your dad and the entire family.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 11:06 am
by LU 57
Praying for you and your family.

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 11:22 am
by stokesjokes
Still praying, Sly

Re: Please pray for GulfTX

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 11:23 am
by Just John
So much havoc in one family from this freaking virus. Praying for a miracle today.