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By Sly Fox
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Just saw this posted on the CSN Liberty board. Apparently army56mike is hospitalized with COVID and is very bad shape. He just retired from the Army this past month and was applying for jobs at LU. Mike is a great guy who I have enjoyed interacting alongside for years.

army56mike on June 23rd wrote:Dang’it. I have COVID. 03-weeping
Prayer Request Thread for Mike on CSN Board

Here are the updates from his wife:
June 23rd wrote:Hi-this is actually Mike's wife, hope I'm doing this correctly. He asked me to come here and ask for your prayers. He's currently hospitalized with Covid. Prayers please for his recovery and that his stay will not be the 10 days they are expecting. I'll check in to read him any replies and well wishes.

Thank you. He said you can share this on the ASUN board as well.
Update on July 2nd wrote:Sorry for long wait-Mike has been placed on ECMO and will be in hospital quite possibly for several months. If you want updates you can find me on facebook- Michelle Ulrich Hieb
Prayer has kept him alive. Please keep on praying. Feel free to leave a comment on my FB posts as I will be reading them to him daily.
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By Sly Fox
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Updates posted by CardinalJim on CSN BBS from Mike's wife Michelle:
7/4 PM-If I could title this day it would be Peace, Praises, and ticked.

I love Jesus, but I cuss. Mike is here, but this was a rough shift. He's back on the paralytic for tonight, his blood pressure which was at 250/something this afternoon, is back to normal with medication. But his oxygen was only high 80's when I left. This is what we were warned about. The forward, back , up, down, left, right. His nurse is waiting on a hemoglobin lab to determine if that may be why he's not oxygenating well. Those poor cells get really beat up going through these machines, hopefully, it's as simple as needing more blood to help his oxygenation. I did get to see his x-rays from today and he is improving.

Here's the thing, through the entire day I always had peace:about Mike, his recovery, just peace. Then about 2:00 I realized I was having another emotion-it took until 3:00 to identify it. I guess I've entered the anger stage. I'm not angry with God and Satan can take a seat because he will not steal my faith. I'm just ticked.

So pray for Mike to have a restful oxygenated night. As he finishes his 4th day of ECMO and thank you Jesus for another day with him. Thank you for making us so complex that I can feel all these things at the same time. You are a good father, and I already know Mike is going to read this post and not be pleased that I cussed a little. But, I need to keep it real for y'all and me. (He'll really be not pleased when he learns what I said in front of the Chaplains Tuesday night-but that's what I love about him, he keeps high standards based on the word of God and has grace when we fail).
7/5 10:21 AM after a night of interrupted sleep and a happy pill (see prior slightly incoherrent middle of night post) I woke at 9:40. I haven't spoke to a nurse yet. One thing several people have mentioned to me is that we are the one's, all to varying levels, experiencing the trauma. As my brother put it, Mike is actually having some of the best days of his life. He's sleeping while receiving the best medical care available, he won't remember this OR he meets Jesus face to face. He's in a win/win right now. We however, are on the other side waiting and watching-aware of every up and down. Mike is resting in the knowing-we are resting in the wondering.

We are in the ground battle: our vision is short, however our General's vision is full and long, and I trust our General even if I question and argue with his choices. I know that he sees the big picture and he's working all things not just for my good, but my kids, my extended family and yours. Keep praying my friends, keep seeking God, not just for this VERY BIG thing, but for every small thing you need as well. Now, I'm going to shower, visit Mike, and start reading Lamentations and learning about lamenting and thanking God for each of you.

7/5 prayer alert: at approximately 1:00 CST his nurse will attempt a feeding tube through his nose. This is a one shot deal due to bleeding risks from his blood thinner. Please pray for this, for it to be the smoothest ever. Otherwise he is on his paralytic and deep sedation and oxygen was at 87/88. I’ll go back to see him at 4:00 and read/talk to him.

Update: tube in -it took her an hour but it’s in and the mouth tube is out. She ordered an X-ray to confirm if it’s placed as deep as she wanted.
And an update from this morning:
7/6 24/16/6
I think today I will begin one daily update, but update the update if you will. I will just edit this post and add to it through the day, to keep things a little simpler. I slept last night to the Hieb's Army playlist and when it ended spotify took over. How lovely to sleep with God's word playing over me. And here I wake at 7:30 indicating another beautiful shift has ended, and God has continued to answer our prayers keeping Mike on this side of heaven. I realized why I was angry. It seemed wrong to me that the world is still spinning, and people are still doing all the ordinary life things, even I with shopping, eating, and talking while Mike is present and absent at the same time. Then I read this verse yesterday-1 Samuel 12:16 Now therefore stand still and see this great thing that the Lord will do before your eyes. It is my job to stand still and watch and report to you this great thing God is doing, not anyone else. To call people into repentance to receive the forgiveness of the great God Mike and his family serves. Throughout the Old Testament and New the intent of suffering is not punishment but to draw us close, to turn our hearts to God, because what a good God he is. So I shall put on my armor, stand firm, and report back to you.
It is your job to take action, what your particular action is? Ask God. He will show you, and if you obey the action he has called you to, I promise we will all be blessed.
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By Sly Fox
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Latest update from Mike's wife Michelle via CardinalJim at CSN BBS and it sounds like he is headed to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio:
7/7/21 7:49 AM CST 25/17/7

Good morning sweet friends, I hope you rested well. I slept, but I've begun dreaming again. So sleep isn't the beautiful blackness of a few days ago, but it is restful and I wake up with Peace. Another shift and Mike is still here. I did talk to his nurse in the around 9 and then slept, woke, and called at midnight for an update. The 9 call was that his Dialysis had clotted over (expected-we had discussed the possibility 2 nights before) and I consented for a line change. But, when I spoke to her (Whitney, night 3 of caring for Mike) again she said they didn't change anything. Her 5 years as a PICC nurse gave her concern for the veins in his arms, believing they won't support a line. And they chose to leave the line he has due to the access they need being greater than the threat of infection. I believe the plan is to let BAMC deal with it. I'm satisfied with that, as Mike is pretty sensitive to any changes these days and he has a big change coming. I'm on my way over to learn today's plan for his care. I don't have any details for us yet, so please bear patiently. And pray for me to have wisdom, it's a big thing to go so far from my boys and they need the stability and familiarity of FLW right now, especially my youngest. (who is nearly a man himself)

Update #1 I just learned that I am allowed to fly with Mike! Praise God! So I’m packing a Go bag now. Just waiting for a time.

Update #2 First-another stable day, praise God. Mike received a couple units of blood which seemed to make him happy. The plan is to just keep him stable through the night. I spoke to his night nurse and she's a fellow milspouse stationed at FLW. I've been told to be at the hospital by 0900. Keilah has gone back to FLW and she and the boys will drive to San Antonio on Friday (at least that is the plan today, but we know how my plans have been going lately. :D. I am still filled with peace and adrenaline. Our niece Erin stayed with me and we went to a delicious dinner together at 4:30 and here I am ready for bed at 8:30. Who Am I?

I am so grateful for you and our good and gracious father who has been making the impossible possible on Mike's behalf. It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that 1 week ago I was called in to say goodbye and not only has be been placed on some of the most advance life sustaining equipment to give a chance to heal, we'll be moved via advanced medical transport to a one of the best ECMO hospitals in the world (NOT that his care here has not been excellent) but God just keeps fighting for him while we are still. Oh friend, please know whatever your situation is our same God is fighting for you!
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By Sly Fox
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Michelle’s update
7/8 6:16 AM 26/18/8

Good morning! And it was a beautiful sunrise. I’m up and at the hospital. Transfer crew should be landing at Springfield airport now and arrive by 7:00, so I want to be near. Mike has remained stable, his mil spouse nurse Lindsay (they are at FLW too) got him all clean and fresh for his ride. I also made sure to wear my Planting Roots tshirt. Want every woman (and man) to know my Jesus.

Update 1: just met Colonel Mason
First step switching machines-happening any moment. Each piece of transport is challenging. Mike is very sick. Praying for God’s sustaining hand to continue to work miracles through these people. FYI-40 flights last year. But timeline as it is may not be leaving here until 2:30.

Update 2: praise God who sustains-he survived the switch. Col Mason just gave me a thumbs up.

Update 3: praising through the playlist playing in my ear. I should probably kick off my shoes (but germs) cause I’m standing on Holy ground. The doctors keep telling me what is possible-but Our God keeps doing the impossible!
Update 4: loaded up and on our way to the airport. He’s been stable all morning. Better o2 than I’ve seen in days

Update 5: loaded onto the plane, he’s doing great, military family is treating me amazingly well. C-130 instead of c-17. Whatever gets us there.
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By Sly Fox
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I don't need to tell you of all folks tht it is never too late to pray. :D

Here is an update from over the weekend in San Antonio:
Michelle’s update
7/10/21 28/20/10

Good morning! Another night of no calls. I tried calling a couple times, but the nurse was busy with Mike, he was stable, but I just didn’t get an update on his responsiveness. And stable off the paralytic and using his own lungs a bit more is big to me, Given when it was tried on the 3rd/4th he struggled. The kids are here and sleeping in. It’s so good to have them here! So thankful for this big house! Just wish I’d written down the wifi password! First world problems, right? Oh well, cellular hotspots it is! Thank you for sharing specific prayers that y’all have prayed and how God has answered them. The kids brought me mail yesterday and the cards I received had me in tears of gratitude. It was just a strong reminder of the impact we have on our world through our relationships. So my ask of you today. Tell someone from any point in your history how some thing they did has encouraged you. You all are praying and speaking life into us so well! Let’s speak it over everyone!

PRaYeR need: they will bring down his sedation again and attempt a spontaneous oxygenation. Please pray that this is successful-I don’t know the exact time but pray through the day.

So, the oxygen test didn't happen during the first shift. He needed another circuit change (I didn't know I was married to Steve Austin-google it) but oh man, am I praising my God today. When I first arrived at the hospital the charge nurse came out to meet me and explain that my husband is very sick (why do they think they need to tell me that?) and we powwowed with Mike's nurse about what visitation would look like through the weekend, including the kids seeing him. His nurse also gave me tips about figuring out Mike's responsiveness. After we got to know each other a bit and I got to see Mike wiggle his toes and give thumbs up in response to his nurses requests, I left to get Shepherd and bring him back. He was absolutely awesome in explaining things to Shepherd, various machines, blood gasses, etc. They needed to do some minor procedures so I told them we'd wait in the waiting room to be out of their way. And when they brought us back I got to gown up and go in with Mike, they even let me stay through a circuit change on his dialysis machine. (Mike's blood keeps clotting up the machines-this was his 4th or 5th since arriving I don't even want to know the cost of one of those). But all through the 5 hours I was with Mike he became more responsive. And by responsive I mean he opened his eyes for a brief moment. He'd move only his thumb up, move feet, and cough before kind of zoning out for another hour. By the time I left though, we was becoming more aware and nodding yes or no, thumbs up both hands and squeezed my hands. I told him about all of you and the prayers, When I asked "Do you want me to tell you more about the prayers," he nodded yes. He gave me a thumbs up to tell me he loves me, he pressed his fingers against mine on his own. YALL- MIKE HEARD ME SAY I LOVE YOU! How GOOD is our God to give me another chance to say that. So, I am flying high at all these micro improvements. He was contributing to his own oxygenation and it got up over 90, it hasn't done that in a few days. His blood pressure was high, and his heart rate was high as well. So not all sunshine and roses.

Prayer points: They will be making a choice for extubation or trach. Of course, I'm praying for extubation that Mike can support that. His nurse said in the path of healing it will soon be determined if he is on the path to recovery or the path to a transplant. I'm asking for HEALING, complete and total.

And as I keep telling the nurses, every request I don't make is a guaranteed no. God alone knows what His will is for Mike's life right now. And we will submit to his will over our own everyday. But I won't stop asking the Big Asks, and asking you to ask with me.

God bless you for your faithfullness, love and support!
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By Sly Fox
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Michelle’s update

7/12 30/22/12

Good morning saints-another shift with no calls. I have arrived at the hospital to get today’s plan in person. I am praying for favor today as multiple people were sure to caution me that come Monday-I may not be allowed in. Pray that the bleed will be stopped. For his intubation (today is day 14 I believe). protection for his heart and healing for his kidneys. For wisdom, discernment and creative insight for his medical team, and that God get all the glory!
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By Sly Fox
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The updates have been slow the past few days because the guy passing them along now has COVID symptoms of his own. Ugh.
Michelle’s updates

7/14- 4:00 sorry for the radio silence. But they got him stable enough for a scope and now I’m waiting for a update from the docs regarding scope and next steps.

Ok: just spoke to GI doc, they found an active bleed and cauterized it, in a spot that was clear two days ago. Praying it was THE bleed. Time will show, still waiting on MICU (medical ICU to learn their next steps).

While I was in with Mike earlier it suddenly all became too much and I needed to get out before I upset Mike. I went into the hall and cried/breathed with the kids. We then went to get lunch and after lunch I felt the tears all over again. The Chapel and Chaplains offices are right next to the cafeteria. So I want to their offices (chapel was in use) to find a quiet place to just cry out to the Lord. I swear two minutes in and I felt this firm quiet voice in my gut say “Ok, you’ve had your cry now get your butt upstairs.” I arrived to the floor right before they began the scope. (Never know exactly when these things will happen) I’ve been at peace again ever since.

I finally got to go and see him. He was calm, resting, and all his numbers as they should be. So we are now home, calm and resting as well. His nurse from the last two nights should be caring for him tonight. Saints, let us praise God for carrying us through another day. The plan tonight (and I hope tomorrow) is to let him rest.
And we will ask God
1)that this bleed remain stopped.
2)His heart, especially right side be protected
3) his lungs continue to heal
4) his kidneys recover
5) no new issues from fluid embalance or anything else.

May God bless you and keep you.
May his face shine upon you and give you peace. Thank you thank you for being our stone and arm raisers!

7/15/21. 33/25/15

Good morning Sweet friends.
BLUF-he had a stable night. The nurse called me this AM just to give me the stable update. No evidence of continued bleeding. And they are gently pulling fluid. I did get good sleep, but I’m going to lay down and try to get some more.

After the nurse called, this is the song that was running through my head: exodus 14:14 continues to be my battle cry. The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.

Update: 2:30. Mike is stable, aware and uncomfortable. The plan is just to rest, start IV nutrition, and pull fluids. He asked his nurse this morning if he was going to die and also for me. I was later than normal in arriving. She told him no, he’s not going to die. Communication is challenging, he and I finally figured out he can spell on the back of my hand. And I was able to ask the nurses for pain meds. In our communication gaffes I managed to get a HUGE eye roll from him, which made me laugh. I also enrolled him in a study today to help in the search of answers.

Update 9:25 I left Mike about 8:30 sleeping. Today was a stable day. They were able to start pulling fluid at a higher rate and he’s tolerating it well. He participated with some PT on his legs. I’m so grateful to have the privilege to be with him. The doc came this evening and asked Mike if he would like to remove the vent. Mike declined and the doc and I both agreed another night of supported rest would be a good thing. Thank you for praying us through this day and every day prior and the days to come.

Could you please add Jennifer, and her father Lauren and Mother Linda to your prayers. She is here in San Antonio alone, her mother is a patient on the second floor and father was admitted to ICU this evening.

7/16/21 33/26/16

It’s 7:30 AM and I received no phone calls!! Heading over soon to learn today’s plan and see how the fluid draw went. Keilah and I sat up a bit last night and processed the last 48 hours, well the last month really. The overwhelming theme again was just that of being loved, and we spoke especially of Mike and how loved & respected he is by his fellow service members. We are so grateful to call him husband and father and all of you brothers and sisters. God is so good to us.
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By Sly Fox
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Latest update from his wife while he's still at Brooke in San Antonio:
7/23/21 41/33/23

Good morning saints, I slept well. I hope you did as well. When I called for an update before going to sleep, Melissa said Mike was still awake and frustrated. I think Keilah said it best -you’d be mad too if strangers made you stand in your sick bed for 30 minutes and then came and cut a hole in your neck.

Overnight they were just pulling fluids and hoping to wean him from the blood pressure meds.

The staff were happy to see he had some fight in him, he’s going to need it they said. Their goal is that he walks out of the hospital. No additional rehab necessary. During rounds yesterday I learned of a gentleman who was going home after 51 days in the hospital.

Update 1: I’m at the hospital, Mike is awake and alert, but mad. He’s mad at me, the staff, and God. (I asked) I should have expected this, but it is so different from how he normally is. Please pray with me, that the he will hear and respond to the Holy Spirit whispering to him, retain his fight and release the anger. Still waiting on rounds.

Update 2: Mike had PT today and spent 30 minutes standing and then was sitting when I left, he’d been sitting for an hour. The panic had returned and replaced the anger. So I believe some of this is medically induced, and some is natural. Time will help us sort it out. But right now their will definitely be panic as he comes off one of the meds and we just have to ride it out.

Update 3: got to his room just in time for him to roll out for a CT-he’s been bleeding from his neck since the trach. His nurse is really looking out for him.
By flamehunter
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Update from a couple days ago:
RE: Prayer Requests
God is Great… The prayers are working

Michelle’s update

8/2/21. 51/43/33

Sorry so late this morning, I came in time for rounds and hve been busy since. Mike is still making progress. He had a good night, got some sleep and passed gas! It was pretty exciting-hopefully poop is on it’s way. And he’s able to communicate more, he’s typing on his phone and that helps a lot.

There are a few pesky issues that have popped up, his trach may need replacing, as there is a pretty certain leak. And his lung which was fully expanded on the 31st is collapsing again. So we are waiting for the attending to come and examine the chest tube. He is definitely malnourished, because of the constant food interruptions due to bleeding.

There is also debate on the blood thinner beginning again. Yes, the risk of bleeds is great, but the risk of clots is more dangerous. The attending put it succinctly-I haven’t had any ecmo patients bleed to death, they have died from clots.

5:00 I actually cried in Mike’s room today-the happiest of tears, praise God for his mercy and sustaining grace. Mike trialed off the ECMO for over 30 minutes. He FELT a little out of breath, but his numbers all told a different story and his blood gas reflected that his lungs can support him! Y’all being off ECMO is close. He wasn’t happy that they start the trial without telling him due to the anticipatory anxiety most patients feel. Now he’s being moved to a chair for at least an hour.
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By Sly Fox
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I have been off the grid for most fo the past week. But here is an update on Mike who is not completely out fo the woods quite yet:
Michelle’s update

8/13/21 62/54/9

Good morning sweet saints. God reminded me last night that He is fighting for us, we need only to be still. As I was preparing Mike that I would need to leave due to visiting hours, his nurse said, “oh, no you have special permission to stay. OIC said you understand his anxiety. But if you need to go, absolutely take care of yourself.”

Well you can guess what I did. He had a calmer night with a total of 6ish hours of sleep and the wake up anxiety was very manageable. He woke up hard at 7:45 after getting 2 straight hours of sleep right into panic breathing. He’s definitely taken some back steps, or side steps, and is a complicated case right now. His mental and emotional state is fragile, he’s still exhausted. Good thing today I’ve got the Jesus peace for both of us.

Keilah will come sit with him so I can get a nap too. Thank you for your prayers. We are all learning about endurance and perseverance.

Keilah will come sit with him today after rounds so I can go get some sleep. He will need a unit of blood, which I’ve been expecting, his kidneys are being closely watched as he is producing urine, but they aren’t cleaning out the toxins, and he’s on a blood thinner for possible PE as well as antibiotics for yesterday’s fever.

Prayer focus: creative wisdom and insight for his treatment team to understand his body.
Over the past week or so, I have seen a number of friends finding themselves in similar situations here in Houston and beyond. It reminds me and I suspect others of our humanity.
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By Sly Fox
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Michelle’s update

8/19/21. 67/59/14

Good morning saints- I ended up staying with Mike all night because he wouldn’t agree to let me leave or let Julie or Keilah stay with him last night. So now he’ll hve them daytime so I can get some sleep. His anxiety is still a constant friend but it’s either not as strong or he’s managing it much better. Our new quandry is his heart. His heart rate is constantly high and seems to have a flutter that is not responsive to their preferred med.

His lungs are responding as they gently walk him down on the vent support which is a good thing. Ok, how to sleep-keilah’s on the watch.

6:20- hey saints, I got a nap-not a full sleep, but Keilah was here for rounds and sat with him for the morning and Julie was here for the cardiologist visit. Keilah was super pleased to hear the fellow understanding and guiding all the other docs and recigning that Mike doesn’t tolerate big changes. He’s been sick for a while and all steps have be done gently as well as clarifying that understanding and correcting this heart issue is priority to the next steps. Cardiology is involved and will work their steps from least invasive first. The good thing is he is tolerating this well and his blood pressure has actually come down to a normal range.

More positive steps- Mike has been watching TV and using the iPad to communicate. He even complimented my new headband.

We also got to encourage and be encouraged by the maintenance worker who came and fixed the ice machine at Fisher House today (we didn’t ask, I think this was God’s gift to Julie) but he is a Christian also and we just encouraged one another in trusting God’s word. Always nice to meet a brother or sister!
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By Sly Fox
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Keep praying for Mike as he still has a long road in front of him:
Michelle’s update

8/30/21 79/71/26

Good morning saints. I came in this morning to them setting up bedside for his PEG-or g-tube. This will be in for a minimum of two months. I just can’t get over the number of procedures they do in his room! So much better than him having to be moved-which can be challenging and painful.

My sister Michelle sent me this article from Bob Russell about being in “God’s waiting room”, I love that phrase. This article expresses my thoughts so well. His grandson has been placed on ECMO in Nashville. If you would like to pray for Charlie as well as all the unnamed souls filling ICU’s around the country. (FYI-There are no available beds on our ICU-this is happening in hospitals all over our country.). http://www.bobrussell.org/lessons-reinfo...ting-room/

11:00 well that didn’t work. So on to IR to have them make a go of it. If they can’t, then surgery gets a go. The nausea and vomiting are still an issue. The nutritionist is very concerned, if the bed is to be trusted (it’s very fancy and can weigh him as well) he’s lost over 60 lbs.
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