Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By Lucas
Good afternoon Fellow Flames!

As some may remember, my wife and I have taken in a 7 year old girl that was essentially left homeless with her siblings (all of which are in homes with friends of my wife). While many have applauded us and given us these great donations for the young girl, the truth after 2 weeks, I find that I feel exhausted from never being able to relax at home, and that while a part of me absolutely hates the situation she has been put in, another half hates that we are taking on this situation.

I feel like an awful person for admitting this, but her attitude, and how much time it's taking to take care of her, is really wearing on me thin.

Long story short, I joined this forum for a few reasons, but I have never even been to Virginia. I graduated from Alabama, grew up Southern Baptist and absolutely hated it. Went kind of wild and crazy for a few years, became a Buddhist, got to actually meet the Dalai Lama when he came here to Atlanta, and from that's where I've been....until 3 months ago. Something stirred in me and my wife at the same time, and since then we've been putting more time and effort in God. From Books, to finally going to church, and all in-between, I'm not afraid to admit that I feel new to the faith. So while I believe God has put this girl in our lives for a reason, the truth is I already feel like the pressure is getting in the way of my daily devotionals and my pray time that I've been working on.

And to top it all off, while I have a well paying job that I've been doing for 7 years (I'm 30 years old), I have really felt the pull to move careers. This is where Liberty comes in. I have applied for their online program, and I think I want to move into the Marketing career, although I'm still open to figuring out what I'm supposed to do.

I apologize to vent, as I know my troubles may not seem big, and in this day in age where I have a roof over my head, a wonderful and supportive wife, a job that treats me well, I am still left unsatisfied with certain aspects with my life.

As weak as it currently sounds, I feel confident talking to you all, if you can, please just keep my family in your prayers as we continue our journey towards God while fostering this little girl.
By flamehunter
Registration Days Posts
Appreciate your transparency. You are not alone in your feelings. God has big things in view that we can never see at the present time. I have been amazed how he takes what I thought were difficult situations and turned them into blessings I never imagined possible. I have no real good advice as to what you should do with the little girl, but lean on Him and He will direct your paths.
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By Sly Fox
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Consider this a safe haven. Most of us with kids and especially those who have family members who have taken in kids like the little girl in your situation completely understand your challenges. Praying God gives you wisdom and discernment.
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By thepostman
Registration Days Posts
Dude. I totally get you're feelings. I am 33 years old with 2 young children and there are many days I feel bad because I think, "man, what was I thinking! ?" But thankfully I get through those moments with the support of my amazingly supportive wife and depending on God.

You're circumstances are certainly unique and I can't imagine the challenges you are facing.

I applaud your transparency and you, your wife and the little girl will certainly be in my prayers.
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By Cider Jim
Registration Days Posts
Lucas, I met a Liberty family last week who has 11 kids--9 of whom they adopted overseas with disabilities. That's not something I can even imagine doing, but I'm sure there is special place in heaven for those who adopt or do foster care. God bless you for your willingness to do so.
By Yacht Rock
Registration Days Posts
Welcome Lucas and will definitely pray. I know one of the thing that helps me especially when I deal with children who are a struggle is to recognize how important parents are to the kids. I know I'm thankful for my kids but it's not without all the effort my wife and I put into them and their godly upbringing. Kids who don't have a positive parental influence are bound to be lost. Amen to the fact that you have whatever time you have to be a light for that child. I'm sure years down the road, she'll look back and be thankful.

What area of work do you do now?
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By Lucas
Thank you everyone.
Yacht Rock wrote: What area of work do you do now?
Live in Kennesaw, Work in Norcross.
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By Lucas
Good news finally is starting to come about. My wife and I have had an offer accepted on a new house in the PERFECT location. It's less than 10 miles from both of our jobs, and less than 10 from church. Inspection is tomorrow, and assuming that all goes according to plan, we should be closing by the end of next month.

I'm also about to share some even better news, but I'm going to save that until I have complete confirmation.
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