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Dr. Boyd Rist

Posted: September 16th, 2014, 8:47 pm
by phoenix
Just found out that Dr. Rist passed away on Sunday. He was teaching on Friday and felt bad, and was rushed to the hospital where they apparently started chemo immediately.

Dr. Rist was a mentor and friend to my wife. She's known him and his family since she was 8. His wife and daughter were a part of our wedding. This loss is hitting her especially hard tonight.

Pray for his family, and for the many lives he touched in his time at Liberty.

Re: Dr. Boyd Rist

Posted: September 16th, 2014, 9:45 pm
by alabama24
Praying for the family.

Re: Dr. Boyd Rist

Posted: September 17th, 2014, 9:19 am
by Kolzilla41
Dr. Rist was a great man. I interacted with him a lot in my 7 years at Liberty. It's a big loss for Liberty and I am sad for his family.

Re: Dr. Boyd Rist

Posted: September 17th, 2014, 9:47 am
by BJWilliams
I agree with bob. Dr Rist was a great man and wonderful provost. My condolences to the family

Re: Dr. Boyd Rist

Posted: September 17th, 2014, 10:05 pm
by Cider Jim
Dr. Rist and I shared an office suite for 9 years: I've never known a finer Christian man. He was polite, professional, and my chief academic mentor at LU.