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By BJWilliams
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Hey guys, if you could continue praying for my wife. As you know, we are expecting our first child, a boy, in June. Thing is that she has been dealing with a lot of nausea and just a couple days ago, woke up in the middle of the night with another migraine headache. I have talked to friends and according to them, she shouldnt be experiencing the kind of headaches and nausea she is experiencing. She tells me that she is fine but as her husband I cant help but be worried about her every day (which makes things difficult...even work)
By flamehunter
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Praying BJ. Definitely need to let her Dr know. Probably nothing more than hormone changes but you don't want her to just pass it off either.
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By thepostman
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Praying for sure. I know it can get stressful.

I would avoid listening to friends when it comes to the health of your wife. I know they probably mean well but if there is a real concern see what a doctor says. When it comes to pregnancy there is a lot of conflicting information out there and a lot of it is not completely accurate.

Tough all around, that is for sure
By jack_sparrow81
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Praying for your wife and family, BJ. My wife went through something similar with our daughter almost two years ago, which ended up being diagnosed as Hyperemisis Gravidarum. It's pretty much morning sickness that last all day for the majority of the pregnancy. For the first few months, her doctors were pretty much telling her to tough it out and never truly diagnosed it for what it truly was. We moved to the west coast of Florida halfway through the pregnancy, and found a doctor that was familiar with it and was able to somewhat contain the nausea. God definitely got us through everything. I would definitely notify her OBGYN either way.
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By BJWilliams
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Thanks guys...she has an appointment tomorrow morning for another ultrasound to make sure the baby's heart is doing alright and then she has two more appointments next week.
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By BJWilliams
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Update: Alina had an appointment last week and she is now a high risk pregnancy because when they looked at her ultrasound, they found that there is only one artery running from her to the baby through the umbilical cord, where according to the specialist who was also there, there are supposed to be two arteries and one vein so he is concerned about the baby getting sufficient blood supply. The baby is still active and moving and "kicking the fire out of me" (according to Alina), so they arent pushing her delivery up all that much, but they do want to keep an eye on her in the coming weeks and will be inducing labor on June 11. We do have an appointment next week to check on the baby's progress and then another appointment with the high risk pregnancy specialist four weeks after that and then an appointment every week in the month of May. Continue praying for her and pray for me that I can be strong for her and for me because it pains me to see her cry when thinking about our son.
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By BJWilliams
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Thanks guys...its not bad enough that they are going to rush her in and get the baby out of there (although they could if they needed to) but its enough of a concern that they wanted to set the wheels in motion instead of waiting for baby to come out when he was good and ready.
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By BJWilliams
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Had another ultrasound yesterday and got no answers...in fact the doctor and nurses were HIGHLY disrespectful to my wife, much of the time not even talking to her but to a friend that went with her to the doctor while I was at the office. She is going by as I write this to get her records from the doctor we have been seeing the last few months (I wont give the name because Im still red hot over how she was treated) and is looking into switching to the Forest Women's Center for the remainder of the pregnancy. Pray that they can fit her in next week and we can get some actual answers instead of being talked down to.
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By Purple Haize
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BJWilliams wrote:Had another ultrasound yesterday and got no answers...in fact the doctor and nurses were HIGHLY disrespectful to my wife, much of the time not even talking to her but to a friend that went with her to the doctor while I was at the office. She is going by as I write this to get her records from the doctor we have been seeing the last few months (I wont give the name because Im still red hot over how she was treated) and is looking into switching to the Forest Women's Center for the remainder of the pregnancy. Pray that they can fit her in next week and we can get some actual answers instead of being talked down to.
Sucks BJ. I know doctors and theirs reputations if you need help
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By BJWilliams
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Just got a text from my wife...we will be going to Forest Women's Center next week and for the remainder of the pregnancy
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By BJWilliams
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Update from my wife: First appointment at Forest Women's Center went well, baby is still healthy and growing normally, she LOVES the midwife she has there, a couple of the good nurses from the place we were at before now work there and they were in the room as well and she is set to go in for another appointment in two weeks (week of April 25) before we go see the specialist and then get weekly appointments for a fetal monitor the whole month of May followed by one more appointment the week before we go in for induction.
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By NotAJerry
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So good to hear that there were a few familiar faces and that she seems more comfortable there. Hopefully the reduced stress will help out long term.
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By BJWilliams
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Update: Alina is in a lot of pain and has been since last night. Her water hasnt broken so we arent suspecting early labor, but she is having contractions throughout the night. We suspect its Braxton Hicks contractions (a friend who had her third child last week describes them as "practice contractions") but we wont know for sure until Thursday.
By TDDance234
Registration Days Posts
BJWilliams wrote:Update: Alina is in a lot of pain and has been since last night. Her water hasnt broken so we arent suspecting early labor, but she is having contractions throughout the night. We suspect its Braxton Hicks contractions (a friend who had her third child last week describes them as "practice contractions") but we wont know for sure until Thursday.
I wouldn't mess around. I'd get her to a doc ASAP rather than waiting until Thursday. Prayers for both of you.
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By BJWilliams
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Talked to her midwife just a bit ago and it is Braxton Hicks contractions since she isnt dilating at this point. She is scheduled for a checkup next week but in the meanwhile she just needs to rest and ride them out as best she can
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