Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

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By LUnpretty11
Registration Days Posts
I know some of you may know, but most of you do not. My mom was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her back almost 4 years ago now. She had a major surgery procedure done 3 years ago to have the tumor removed at John's Hopkins. The surgery was a major success, and the cancer went away. She went an all-natural route instead of chemo and radiation. She is amazingly healthy 5'5" 115lbs and eats very well, so it was a mystery as to why she got the cancer in the first place. Well, almost 4 years later she now has 3 tumors in her back - non of which are attached to her spine or major organs (that's a praise!) - and 12 nodules on her lungs (which are mini tumors). The largest tumor of the 3 is 3 centimeters, while the largest nodule is 1 centimeter.

Please pray that God would again work a miracle in her life and remove these cancerous tumors. Please pray for my dad that God would bring him comfort - my dad does not show his emotions or feelings well, so I am particularly worried about how torn up he must be right now (after seeing what the surgery did to him the first go-round) - and that he would be an encouragement to my mom. Please pray for my younger sister who is graduating high school on June 1st (she will be attending Cedarville University). Please pray for me and that I would not "catastrophe think" - I'm getting married on July 28 and I can't imagine my mom not being there.
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
will do.

tough situation but will pray for PEACE for your family and the best for your mom
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By LUminary
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Prayers here as well.
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By LUnpretty11
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Ya! She got her results from her recent PET scan to check what type of cancer activity is going on in her body. Not 1 of the nodules on her lungs (there are 12) are showing any cancerous activity, and only 1 of the 3 tumors in her back is showing moderate cancer activity. This is a big big encouragement!

My mom is taking a medicine that is not actually approved by the FDA (because frankly the pharmaceutical companies here are money hungry and don't want you to actually use something that will heal you - kemo = $$$$$). I do not remember the name of it, but it is proven to kill the rare type of cancer she has. She has to have shots in order for the medicine to get into her system, so an updated prayer need is that she will be able to learn how to give herself these shots. My mom does not believe that kemo/radiation is good for our bodies, so she is going the alternative medicine route (again-she never contemplated kemo). The Lord answered a huge prayer in providing a nurse to give her the shots, but she cannot depend on her forever. She gets these shots once a day.... Just keep praying that the medicine will work and that God will continue to protect and care for my mom!
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By PAmedic
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great news and will continue to keep her and your family in thoughts/prayers
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