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By TallyW
Registration Days Posts
What does it mean to be a Godly man today?

What does that look like lived out?
By 4everfsu
Registration Days Posts
Good question. And I imagine you will get many different answers. I would say it is one who follows Christ, puts him first in his life and is not caught up in the material and glitter of this world. I would think it would be one who life is so spirit filled, that people would ask what do you have that they don't. In other words, the walk does all the talking.
I can honestly say I wake up almost every night with this reoccurring thought and it is this. 'One day I am going to stand before God, the older I get the closer I am getting to that day'.
That thought really gets to me. I will be the first to say, I don't read my Bible as I should nor pray the way I should.
Just my thoughts!
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By TallyW
Registration Days Posts
My question stems from the recent threads which have been surprising to me considering what we are supposed to stand for.

This is a copy of my post on the foodball thread referencing what Jeff Barber has brought to LU. I'm posting it here because I've raised concerns on other boards and a single moderator has taken it upon himself to censor any disagreement with this behavior. Should my post be taken down I am placing it here as well.

It's not about being young... it's about being demeaning to women and dishonoring to Christ. I am seriously apalled at where this board has been taken. It's gone from a place where alumni and students can support the school to a place that is increasingly mocks our Savior and the people we're called to rescue. Little boys who can't control their tounge or pants are being allowed to have free reign on this message board. I am honestly disgusted and I'm very shocked that others aren't speaking up to put a stop to it. This University is different because we supposedly have a faith and reward that is different. Time after time I have read "everyone does it" as if it's an excuse. This board has gone from an encouraging and supportive venue for Flame fans and has become a place (at least in part) where men who can't grow up post their garbage for everyone else to deal with. Over the last 2-3 weeks I've been becoming ashamed. If you are on this board and claim the name of Christ I would expect for things to be carried differently.

No this is not a joke post. This is the post of a man who is tired of the sinful attitude that has become accepted on this board. This entire thread is over the line and instead of some people simply ignoring it I would hope they would speak up to stop it. There is NO WAY to justify this before Christ.
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By TallyW
Registration Days Posts
Biblical manhood as I have come to know and embrace it is the concept that men are designed to fight and conquer. We are designed this way for a particular purpose... That purpose is Shalom.

Shalom is a hebrew word which means peace. Not sissy-fied peace, but more like balance. Imagine a see-saw. Peace comes when no one is on the see saw and there is balance to the boards or when one side is balanced with the other.

According to scripture we live in a world where Satan has his way. Satan is described in the bible as 'prince of the powers of the air'. He's given the ability to roam the earth and in his roaming he is 'seeking whom he may devour'. Contrarily, Jesus is called the "Prince of Peace". He is the exact opposite of everything evil. He reigns supreme over everything. Jesus is also called "King of Kings" and he comes back in Revelation 19 in a very masculine way complete with weapons and a tattoo on his thigh that proclaims his name. He's a man's man.

Jesus was our example on earth of who we are to be. Can we be that in the flesh? No. But in the spirit we are able to connect with all he was. We can overcome temptation, move mountains and take down strongholds. The active ingredient to this is obviously faith.

Biblical manhood then is when a man decides his life will not only honor Christ but that he will use all God has given him to fight for something... Shalom. Biblical men take seriosly their Lord and they take seriously the battle for souls. Biblical manhood means we don't demean women for our own jokes or gratification but rather uplift them as people made in the image of Christ and for whom he died. Biblical manhood means we strive for holiness (not according to church or other people but according to what Jesus did and taught us in the scriptures... this means that the legalistic rules like ties and such are out the window but things like modesty or course joking are definately in bounds and worth obeying). We strive for holiness as men because we are a part of the redeemed... we are the men of God... the men who are set apart for His Glory and His Purposes in life. That means no matter where you work or what you do you aim to glorify Christ in that area. It does not mean you quit hanging with those who need Christ... it means that as you hang with them you love them the way Christ does and you point them to a life in Him. The best way we can point people to Jesus is to live lives worthy of our calling and not do it with judgement. We live lives in grace and freedom but at the same time... not taking our freedoms to the point of slapping Christ in the face.

I believe that salvation never lowers the bar for men. The Law said don't commit adultury. Jesus said "If you look at a woman lustfully you have committed adultry so don't even lust after a woman." The law said do not kill. Jesus said we shouldn't even hate. Jesus and his salvation always raises the bar. Yes it's covered under grace and forgiveness but the "standard of living" has been raised and I believe we as men are called to take ownership of our roles and to be real men. Real men who stand to fight for Shalom. Men who find injustice (poverty, sickness, disease, abuse, attacks on the defenseless, attacks on our faith, etc.) and rise up against them not to let satan 'get a foothold'.

Is it difficult to be pure? Yes. Is it easier to give in to our own desires? Yes. But scripture reminds us that without Christ we are slaves to sin and we'll be prone to do what our sinful nature wants to do. In Christ however we are Redeemed (Bought with the blood of Jesus Christ) and so our lives are no longer to be slaves to sin but rather slaves to Christ and righteousness.

There is nothing 'fundamentalist' or 'crazy' about what I'm saying. It's truth and believe it or not, truth can be lived out and a person can still keep their uniqueness. Our sin nature and how we act with it aren't unique. To believe that we have to give into that to be completly human is crazy. That lie makes us think so much less of ourselves than we are. God created us to join him in holiness... his glory fills the heavens... there is no need for light because his glory is that light. We serve an amazing God! I prayerfully ask that other men on this board would stand up and fight for Shalom around here. Let us not give in to our sinful desire and excuse it as acceptable. Men and women of God must stand up. I'm not posting this on a public school board... I'm posting this on a board full of men and women who claim the name of Christ. I'm asking them to be counted for His sake.
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