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By aredd33
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Yesterday on my way home from work two young ladies (my guess is around 20 or so) stopped me to talk. They identified themselves at missionaries and when they said their names they said introduced themselves as "sister so and so" (I don't even remember their names) they were also both wearing very long skirts and not pants (not that this necessarily means anything just thought I'd point it out). They asked me about Jesus, if I knew who He was and if I had a relationship with Him. Then asked what church I went to and why I went to that church.

Then it got really interesting, they started talking about "the prophet" they never said a name or gave any indication who he was. They asked me what it would mean to me if I knew there was a prophet living today just like Abraham and Noah and several others that they listed. They said that God did not leave or abandon, I don't remember their exact phrasing, the earth for us to just do as we please. That God has sent us a prophet just like in the old testament to guide us and lead us. They also told me their are 12 disciples along with the prophet they kept mentioning. They then asked me if I wanted to know more about the prophet and the 12 disciples at which point I declined and they very politely thanked me for my time and went on their way. I really wanted to know who this prophet was and who they were but didn't want to get sucked deeper into that.

Anybody have any idea who they could have been? Who is this prophet?
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By jbock13
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By aredd33
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Oh okay. Me and my wife talked about that but I didn’t really think it was them. The way they talked about “the prophet” made it sound cultish.
By olldflame
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aredd33 wrote: March 31st, 2023, 2:44 pm Oh okay. Me and my wife talked about that but I didn’t really think it was them. The way they talked about “the prophet” made it sound cultish.
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By aredd33
Registration Days Posts
I guess I’m now realizing how little I knew Mormons and what they believe.
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By Sly Fox
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The thing that threw me off was the long skirts. That typically is one of the branches of the LDS.
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By alabama24
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aredd33 wrote: March 31st, 2023, 4:11 pm I guess I’m now realizing how little I knew Mormons and what they believe.
* They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers.
* They believe we all pre-existed and our brothers & sisters are waiting to come down (hence the need for more kids)
* They believe that God was once a man, and like him, we can become a god.

They use language which sounds evangelical but has completely different meanings.
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