Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By Sly Fox
Registration Days Posts
I love it when we have specific petitions to bring directly to the Omnipotent Power of the Universe. Praying in Texas!
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By CCWMichael
Sly Fox wrote:I love it when we have specific petitions to bring directly to the Omnipotent Power of the Universe. Praying in Texas!

Thank you.
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By CCWMichael
Quick update!
As always PRAYERS are requested for full healing.
Today was the beginning of the back end: first chemotherapy after the halfway point. At this point I will not go into full detail but the side effects are a struggle. Ended up being diagnosed with a DVT and PE two weeks ago. Let's just say DVT's do not feel well. My clot ran from my hip to my knee. Fortunately I survived the PE. I am breathing well again and instead of feeling like my leg was struck with a ball peen hammer it just feels pinchy now. That is all good as things are going in the right direction. Clots are a risk with where I am at but the do not pretreat as one never knbows wher it will go and that fact that Luvenox is less than cheap. With Lovenox I give myself shots twice a day and now they will keep me on this until chemotherapy is completed.
I am fighting. I find if I have time to worry I have time to pray and the prayer is much more beneficial than the worry.
Please pray! Thank you.
I will also add to please pray for my wife and daughter as they some at times to struggle with this more than I do. Please pray for peace for them .
God Bless.
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By flameshaw
Registration Days Posts
I pray for your healing, each time I see you post and other times as well. May God comfort you and your family.
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By CCWMichael
WOW! An amazing and humbling experience this past week. The people of God do such great works.
I am just asking for prayer for our entire community.
We attend a small church The towns census is approximately 200.We hold five churches in town. Many born in the 1700's and Early 1800's.
My church helda tag sale to benefit our family. Sold food and many other donated items from church members (clothing, household, electronic, exercise equipment, and so on.)
Many in our church volunteered for cooking, serving, setting up, selling, cleaning up, manning the pay station, and many other tasks.
This small church in one day of sale and weeks of hard prep work raised $3400.10 for our family.
It is one thing when you are donating your time to causes but when you are the beneficiary it is a whole new ball game.
Tough to let pride go for one.
Humbling and touching to see so many who care and love. We never felt like nobody cared during our families struggle this just went above and beyond anything we expected.One tiny church community. Anybody who has trials of any kind understands how struggles can mount. We have been fighting my cancer since my first surgery May of last year and many things personally, financially, and professionally have changed. I am BLESSED beyond belief to have our church family. What a rock to have to begin with, then this.
Anyhow, If I can keep going only four weeks of Chemotherapy left. I almost did not get my treatment yesterday as a result of it's effects on me. Last two treatments were cut by 10 percent, next one twenty percent, and this one he cut back by 50 percent ... he was so close to not treating me this week. I am ready to be done but I have my focus on the end of treatments and beginning to rebuild the many physical things I have lost. I am just thankful to still be here. prepared to meet my glorious maker but if I can delay that meeting I am all for it.
As typical, international prayers for my family especially my wife and daughter are appreciated. They are always more upset about all of this than I am.
Thank you for continued prayers.
God Bless.
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By Sly Fox
Registration Days Posts
God is amazing! Your spirit through this experience based on your posts has been outstanding. If we believe God has things under control ... God has things under control!

Still praying for you and I will add your family to the experience. The end of the treatments is in sight!
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By CCWMichael
Asking for prayers for physical recovery!!
i can not belive how much strength I have lost. Right now I am walking only 1.5 miles in an hour. Knees hurt, hips are in pain. I push to improve. working through the pain is not impossible. A small workout like this is enough to wipe me out. Every muscle, tendon, cartilage needs to be rebuilt. I belive I will do it but now I am not clouded by bravado and understand this will be a ton of work to recover. And, I have not even addressed cardio of upper body.
My goal is to be able to fish this spring and have most of my strength back by September.

I am still taking Lovenox until April. The doctors will not evaluate whether or not the cancer is gone until after I am off Lovenox. I hate waitng for that determination. I will drive on like I am fine until then.
LAST CHEMO TREATMENT ON THE 25th and CHEMO PUMP TAKen OUT THE 27th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Can't wait to ring that bell! Another phase bits the dust!
Spring game still not looking good for me. Behind the scenes my wife is trying to make this happen but I am not so confident so early out of Chemo. Anyhow, we have a financial mess to get in order. I had a dream when I started I would return to work quickly however, reality is now another thing. My physical recovery has a ton to do with this.

I am BLESSED! I have made it this far!!!! I would not have made it this far this well without prayers and my faith in our Lord and Savior.

Thank you all for the prayers.
By Old Red
Praying for you this morning! I remember my own cancer treatment, & recovery, like it was yesterday. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Glad to see you keeping the faith! Please keep us all in the loop.
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By CCWMichael
Old Red wrote:Praying for you this morning! I remember my own cancer treatment, & recovery, like it was yesterday. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Glad to see you keeping the faith! Please keep us all in the loop.
Thank you for the prayers! I don't want it to be a marathon but against my desires it will be.
I certainly will keep updates coming.
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By CCWMichael
flameshaw wrote:Continued prayers for you my dear brother. May God give you more strength day by day.
Much thanks!
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By CCWMichael
Prayers requested! Another surgery coming May 1. Both ports being removed.
I am most unbalanced with this one. I still have a clot in my leg. The port on the left has been not used in months so the clotting in there is, well, what is expected when ports are unable to be flushed. The second port was temperamental the last three treatments. My history with my surgeries has not gone well. First one two weeks with an NG tube. I was to be in for only three to five days. second one recovery was slow was to be in two to three days was in one week. And, the port failures ......

I know I am in good hands but my mind is worried about this one. I pray every time I worry but I still struggle with comfort.

I have my CT for chest, abdomen, and rectal area scheduled for July 26. I will meet with the chemotherapy doctor on July 3rd to find out whether I am cancer free or not.

Thank you all for your prayers.
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