Our Christian foundation is what makes our university unique. This is the place to bring prayer requests, discuss theological issues and how to become better Champions for Christ.

Moderators: jcmanson, Sly Fox, BuryYourDuke

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By flamesfilmguy
Registration Days Posts
I don't normally post here but the power of prayer is something I won't deny. I was informed the other day that after I graduate from grad school in May there will not be a position full time for me at Georgia State University. I have until may to find a Job full time. I have some prospects so just pray that God opens the right doors. I'm gonna be trying to pay off a piece of shiny hardware soon so that could also be added for prayer. Thanks fellas.
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
you got it. Maybe Coach Gill needs someone?

PS: First time for love, next time for money :twisted:
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By Sly Fox
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Praying in Dallas

Can we assume that the upcoming purchase locks you into staying in Georgia?
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By flamesfilmguy
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Update: got some promising things down in Valdosta Ga but nothing solid yet. At this point we have talked about it and I'm pretty much willing to go where ever to be able to start saving to support a family. Thanks again guys
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By flamesfilmguy
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bump. just to give you guys a quick update I have an interview on tuesday for the recreation coordinator position for valdosta parks and recreation. I was also a finalist for a job at University of louisville but didn't get it. God is opening doors and i'd appreciate your continued prayers!
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By PAmedic
Registration Days Posts
rock on bro.

keep pounding on doors... one will open!

By kuntryboimike
Registration Days Posts
BJ Williams asked me to post this for him:

I have a second interview with a department at the university for a very big job that would be a major step up for me from what I am doing now (not only monetarily but experiencewise as well) at 1:30 on Friday and if the FlameFans prayer warriors could join me in praying for not only the interview but that I get this job. With getting married in August this would be a huge blessing for myself and my wife to be
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By flamesfilmguy
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Hey guys just wanted to give a quick update on the job search. I interviewed with Mercer University for their head equipment and video coordinator job for the new football team. my girlfriend is a mercer alum and this job would be perfect. The interview went extremely well and I'm waiting to hear back from them in the coming week or so. your prayers are definitely coveted as Im praying Gods will be worked in this one. Again thank you all for your continued prayers.
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By BJWilliams
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Certainly would be for you both FFG...if youre offered about how long would the commute be for you?
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By flamesfilmguy
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BJWilliams wrote:Certainly would be for you both FFG...if youre offered about how long would the commute be for you?
I would move down to macon. its about an hour and a half from my house right now in Kennesaw. Just got a call from coach lamb. he meets with the AD this week and I should know by sometime next week continued prayers are always appreciated. Thanks guys
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By BJWilliams
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Word on FFG's facebook is that he has been offered and accepted the position!
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By flamesfilmguy
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A HUGE thank you to everyone who kept me in your prayers. God truly does know how to bless a guy. I accepted the Head equipment manager position which is also a video position with Mercer and I move down to macon to start August 1. I cannot tell you guys how blessed i am not only by getting the position but having some great friends (some I've met and some I haven't) on this site that have continually kept me in their prayers and given me help along the way. you guys are awesome and help make this board and our university the greatest in the country.
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