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By ALAFlamesFan
Registration Days Posts
Not surprising...although I hope to be suprised and have him speak about principles and with a tone that the vast majority of believers will recognize as Christ inspired.

After this past year I was hoping we might chose a non political speaker this year just to balance things out and move us slightly more toward the Christian center.
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By jbock13
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Maybe he can share a verse from Two Corinthians for us. Nobody reads the Bible quite like he does. And wait until he tells us about the size of his Bibles...
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By adam42381
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jbock13 wrote:Maybe he can share a verse from Two Corinthians for us. Nobody reads the Bible quite like he does. And wait until he tells us about the size of his Bibles...
By ballah09
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It's going to be a tough couple of weeks. Expect shots at Liberty from a lot of talk show hosts and other a likes.
Also they're are going to be so many boycotts at graduation I wouldn't be surprise to see like 50% of the grads actually walk and add in the protests.

How many times do we have to hear Trump speak at Liberty? We really should expect Trump to speak at every convo and graduation at this rate with Jerry unhealthy obsession. Hell he retweets himself and that shows he has major issues.

This is my last hope but hopefully the students realize Jerry uses Liberty for politics, nothing more and it makes everyone associated with LU look like a bunch of idiots. Can't even defend Liberty on this. Like how can a student defend their president who retweets about himself building a wall better than Trump? Who says crap like that?
By ballah09
Registration Days Posts
If I remember correctly TH you never attended Liberty. You're not the one who has to face people outside the Liberty bubble who looks at Liberty in a negative way. People who are associated with Liberty has to answer and defend Liberty in areas such as job interviews. This past year we all have been linked with Trump.

It's easy for Trump supporters with no ties to Liberty to say shut up we're lucky to have the POTUS speaking when they don't have to encounter the problems that the alumni and students constantly face.

I wonder if Jerry has a back up plan when it comes out about Russia and Trump :D
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By cruzan_flame13
ballah09 wrote:If I remember correctly TH you never attended Liberty. You're not the one who has to face people outside the Liberty bubble who looks at Liberty in a negative way. People who are associated with Liberty has to answer and defend Liberty in areas such as job interviews. This past year we all have been linked with Trump.

It's easy for Trump supporters with no ties to Liberty to say shut up we're lucky to have the POTUS speaking when they don't have to encounter the problems that the alumni and students constantly face.

I wonder if Jerry has a back up plan when it comes out about Russia and Trump :D
Well since the left owns majority of media, they'll always will be backlash on Liberty. The relation with Jerry Jr and Trump is just icing on their bitter cake. Also I hope you're being sarcastic with the Trump and Russia part on your comment. Everyone mock Trump because of his tweets a lot(which most folks look at more than CNN and even Fox News)and has a big ego or when he said two Corinthians. I mean who in politics do not have a big ego in Washington? Atleast Trump is honest and not a wolf in sheep clothing. The problem is some folks care more about what others think than their own beliefs. It's terrible for Jerry Jr. to have Trump as a speaker but for liberals it was okay to have Obama as a speaker for commencement or other events? Folks mockTrump, but have you heard some the other politicians when they don't have a teleprompter in front of them? Yeah not better. This is not an attack on anyone but I think it is ridiculous especially for most of LU students. They only see the surface of politics, what is meant for them to see. They have no idea what really goes on privately. Some of the other so call lovely choices are owned by lobbyists and banks. That's the reality of politics, you play the game or you'll be cast out with false media coverage or accusations. I pray that God will use Trump to do His will and I hope he (Trump) will have something impactful for the students. At least he has made something for himself and not mooch off of taxpayers while pretending to do something for Americans to get votes. By the way, I don't agree with all of Trump's policies.
By ballah09
Registration Days Posts
cruzan_flame13 wrote:
ballah09 wrote:If I remember correctly TH you never attended Liberty. You're not the one who has to face people outside the Liberty bubble who looks at Liberty in a negative way. People who are associated with Liberty has to answer and defend Liberty in areas such as job interviews. This past year we all have been linked with Trump.

It's easy for Trump supporters with no ties to Liberty to say shut up we're lucky to have the POTUS speaking when they don't have to encounter the problems that the alumni and students constantly face.

I wonder if Jerry has a back up plan when it comes out about Russia and Trump :D

Well since the left owns majority of media, they'll always will be backlash on Liberty. The relation with Jerry Jr and Trump is just icing on their bitter cake. Also I hope you're being sarcastic with the Trump and Russia part on your comment. Everyone mock Trump because of his tweets a lot(which most folks look at more than CNN and even Fox News)and has a big ego or when he said two Corinthians. I mean who in politics do not have a big ego in Washington? Atleast Trump is honest and not a wolf in sheep clothing. The problem is some folks care more about what others think than their own beliefs. It's terrible for Jerry Jr. to have Trump as a speaker but for liberals it was okay to have Obama as a speaker for commencement or other events? Folks mockTrump, but have you heard some the other politicians when they don't have a teleprompter in front of them? Yeah not better. This is not an attack on anyone but I think it is ridiculous especially for most of LU students. They only see the surface of politics, what is meant for them to see. They have no idea what really goes on privately. Some of the other so call lovely choices are owned by lobbyists and banks. That's the reality of politics, you play the game or you'll be cast out with false media coverage or accusations. I pray that God will use Trump to do His will and I hope he (Trump) will have something impactful for the students. At least he has made something for himself and not mooch off of taxpayers while pretending to do something for Americans to get votes. By the way, I don't agree with all of Trump's policies.
:dontgetit. Couple of thoughts. Trump has been lying his jerk off this whole election. You can't believe he's being honest, really? Pretty sure students hating on Trump has nothing to do with politics. Obama did speak at commencements, so did Bush with no major issues (both had protestors). Difference is neither of them are asses. Lastly, I'm willing to bet his speech will be about how great he is.
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By 01LUGrad
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Are we moving graduation to a weekday? I'd have to count, but I guess it is possible that commencement falls on the one Saturday out of seven that Trump isn't golfing in Florida on my dime, so maybe it will still work out.
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By cruzan_flame13
ballah09 wrote:
cruzan_flame13 wrote:
ballah09 wrote:If I remember correctly TH you never attended Liberty. You're not the one who has to face people outside the Liberty bubble who looks at Liberty in a negative way. People who are associated with Liberty has to answer and defend Liberty in areas such as job interviews. This past year we all have been linked with Trump.

It's easy for Trump supporters with no ties to Liberty to say shut up we're lucky to have the POTUS speaking when they don't have to encounter the problems that the alumni and students constantly face.

I wonder if Jerry has a back up plan when it comes out about Russia and Trump :D

Well since the left owns majority of media, they'll always will be backlash on Liberty. The relation with Jerry Jr and Trump is just icing on their bitter cake. Also I hope you're being sarcastic with the Trump and Russia part on your comment. Everyone mock Trump because of his tweets a lot(which most folks look at more than CNN and even Fox News)and has a big ego or when he said two Corinthians. I mean who in politics do not have a big ego in Washington? Atleast Trump is honest and not a wolf in sheep clothing. The problem is some folks care more about what others think than their own beliefs. It's terrible for Jerry Jr. to have Trump as a speaker but for liberals it was okay to have Obama as a speaker for commencement or other events? Folks mockTrump, but have you heard some the other politicians when they don't have a teleprompter in front of them? Yeah not better. This is not an attack on anyone but I think it is ridiculous especially for most of LU students. They only see the surface of politics, what is meant for them to see. They have no idea what really goes on privately. Some of the other so call lovely choices are owned by lobbyists and banks. That's the reality of politics, you play the game or you'll be cast out with false media coverage or accusations. I pray that God will use Trump to do His will and I hope he (Trump) will have something impactful for the students. At least he has made something for himself and not mooch off of taxpayers while pretending to do something for Americans to get votes. By the way, I don't agree with all of Trump's policies.
:dontgetit. Couple of thoughts. Trump has been lying his jerk off this whole election. You can't believe he's being honest, really? Pretty sure students hating on Trump has nothing to do with politics. Obama did speak at commencements, so did Bush with no major issues (both had protestors). Difference is neither of them are asses. Lastly, I'm willing to bet his speech will be about how great he is.

I would like the list of lies that he (Trump) has proposed since he lied like a race horse. Also, Bush and Obama are not asses? I'll say one lie for each(although there are a bunch). Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Obama lied about Obamacare. Also, I'm sure the hating of Trump has a lot to do with politics. You may not believe so but politics is involved in everything. Again, these are just your thoughts and not 100% accurate.
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By Just John
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Will the embarrassment never end?

I get we don't always have a Christian as the speaker and I'm fine with that. But IMO Pres Trump takes it to another level. It seems Pres Trump's biggest problem is his hubris and pride. His ego is larger even than the normal out sized Washington politician. The Bible consistently deals with pride, the root of sin. Contrary to some, money is not the root of all evil, pride is. And yes, he is a consistent liar. I don't buy the "but what about Obama" response. That has no bearing on what Pres Trump should be. I prefer my conservatives to act like conservatives and have honor.

He is my president and I hope he does well for the country. That does not mean I think he has any business being the Commencement speaker. I can't see this ending well. I was pleased Jr. went completely non-political last year for a Commencement speaker. I think it would have been a good idea this year. I can't imagine it was very competitive to book him. :D

Again, it's my opinion, but I think Jr. is putting his friendship and support of Pres Trump ahead of the school.
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By flameshaw
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Not sure about all this negativity. I had several guys at the gym this morning tell me how impressed they were that The Trumpster was coming to The Burg. One even asked me if I could get him some tickets. I really don't have time enough left to to care about what people think, who hate what I believe. In the long run, it is just pissing in the wind. 8)
Peace out.
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By cruzan_flame13
thepostman wrote:Probably should of waited another year before extending an invite. Unless he won't make it that long and gets impeached....

Impeached? Based on what?

To folks who are stating that it's an embarrassment of Trump coming to speak at commencement yet had not the same attitude with Romney, they need to stop talking and keep their head in the hole that they took it out from. Romney, the same person who approved of a similar type of healthcare system like Obamacare in the state of Massachusetts was not an embarrassment because he was the typical lying candidate that you 'ol timers are used to. No matter which side they are on, either democrat or republican, the wolves in sheep clothing have some of you guys on the left/right paradigm bickering as these folks pretend on attack each other on t.v. while they play golf together on Sunday. Trump is accused of lying, but still there's no examples what he's lied about(I'd like some and while you're at it show me a politician who actually accomplished what they've preached from their platform). Word is that he lied about Russians interference in the election, yet there is no evidence to prove it. How is it that they've gain intel on General Flynn corresponding with the Russian ambassador if they (U.S. intellgence) don't spy on people? Where did they get that information(possibly use foreign intelligence to gain information and to not have any fingerprints of wrongdoing)? How is it that a NY Times contradict their own report posted on January 20 ,2017 which states that Trump and affiliates were wiretapped? Or House Committe Chair Devin Nunes stating that Trump's personal communications and other associates were swept up by the intelligence community as they were eavesdropping on foreign "targets?" It's suppose to be confidential, yet they posted Flynn's incident which is a crime. But that's okay to folks because the intelligence community can do whatever they want as they spy on foreign and domestic individuals to "fight terrorism." The point is that the opposition of such actions which includes Trump speaking at Commencement will not affect Trump or Jerry Jr. What's funny is that those who are ashamed of this decision believes in lies that is propagated by the news and politicians who don't even know the difference between Crimea and Korea (Maxine Waters). If Trump was so pro-Putin, why would he plan to bring back coal as a major natural resource in the U.S. which is big competition to big oil companies and natural gases? Russia's biggest export is natural gases, so Trump's decision has plummeted gas prices in that country (Trump must be a terrible Russian agent). Trump is not a perfect man and has some positions that I don't agree with but this is quite ridiculous now.
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By TH Spangler
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flameshaw wrote:Not sure about all this negativity. I had several guys at the gym this morning tell me how impressed they were that The Trumpster was coming to The Burg. One even asked me if I could get him some tickets. I really don't have time enough left to to care about what people think, who hate what I believe. In the long run, it is just pissing in the wind. 8)
Peace out.
I've had nothing but good feed back from friends in NC and old friends back in 757. Having a setting president come is great! Just think if Hillary hadn't stole the primary from Bernie we might have had him back instead of Donald.
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By adam42381
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Cruzan, someone could post a significantly lengthy list of all the lies President Trump has told, but I'm sure it would be written off as fake news. You're on the bandwagon, along with a large number of other folks. Facts no longer matter.
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By Purple Haize
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thepostman wrote:It is good to see it still doesn't take much to get people fired up.

The impeachment comment was a joke.
I took it as a joke.

Anytime any President can speak at your graduation it's a good thing. It's not an embarrassment to have the leader of the free world, whether you like them or not, come speak to your town.
You can debate his policies or character all you like. But to say that having the POTUS come to Lynchburg is a bad thing is deranged
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By thepostman
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At the end of the day bringing in a politician will always bring criticism. I think it is cool that the school is bringing in the POTUS regardless of how I may feel about him personally.

The thing I have always had a problem with is Jerry's love affair with Trump and how he has attempted to paint him as someone that upholds Christian values when his entire adult life has proven otherwise.

Have fun, Lynchburg, with the security crap storm coming your way! :)
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