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By paradox
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ballcoach15 wrote: October 12th, 2021, 9:04 am
Whatisthetruth wrote: October 11th, 2021, 7:51 pm This is the kind of thing Jr would do when he wanted to squash dissent.

What is a Temporary Student Group, and what is their purpose/mission ?
My best guess would be a subtle yet serious way to show off a fantastic new hairdo.
By paradox
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Not defending anyone. My position has always been to keep a cool head and reserve judgement until the proper time. Right now, we have incomplete information. And the Jane Doe, I think you're referring to, stated that her story evolved over time. That was in the podcast btw. Anything Jonathon related is completely unclear. Thus, the defamation charge. Some of the comments here, not yours btw, but some of the stuff posted here is highly inflammatory and completely unwarranted. The dramatic crowd, who act like they know things that are hidden from public view, are the ones who choose to believe things because they want them to be as such. Either way, we can't make it go one way or the other. It is what it is. We'll see how it unfolds.
ballcoach15, LUOrange liked this
By paradox
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flameshaw wrote: October 18th, 2021, 8:44 am Just wondering how long it will take Save 71 to swoop in and start taking credit for all of this? 8) 8)
I'm no fan of this board and have previously stated actual disgust over the DeMoss, Williams, and Thomas situations. But still try to approach it all realistically and pragmatically nonetheless...Junior always had carte blanche. He's the focus. And he remains the actual scandal. Some seem to miss this somehow.

Save71 seems like they are decent guys, but right now, their ideals are influencing their understanding.
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By LUaddict
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You hit it on the nail regarding the culture of why nothing has changed Postie. .Then you some individuals on here who say that they don't believe the stories because they come they are anonymous (I'm looking at you ball coach). That is what is disgusting of all this is come out and say their stories are not believable. Give me a freaking break.

Of course their reports testimony would be anonymous because there is shame being felt by these woman after being abused, which can last a lifetime. These woman are not even asking for a single cent, they are asking for change so they doesn't happen to other women in the future. They should be compensated if for how the university mishandled their cases
thepostman wrote: October 25th, 2021, 5:07 pm This also isn't about Lamb. I know he'd love for this story to turn into that but it isn't about that. This is about how LU has handled reports of sexual assault for the close to 20 years I have been connected to the University. All you have to do is read this thread to see the reason why nothing changes. Sure, people are quick to call out Jr or even the board but they still have a hard time giving any credibility to the notion that LU covers up sexual assault. It is absolutely disgusting. I'm not surprised anymore and have lost complete faith that anything will actually change.

This is bigger than sports but since this is a sports board I will bring it around. If you think any conference, P5 or G5, would want us to be apart of their conferences with all of this baggage you're kidding yourself.

I am sad for these women. I am sad for the friend of mine from freshmen year who faced similar reactions from LU when she came forward. I feel sad for my past self who rationalized all of that away. I have since apologized to my friend but everytime a new story comes out, I am reminded of it over and over again. If I feel like that can you imagine how the women who were actually ignored feel?

I love a lot about LU and know there are a lot of good people there but until there is real substantial changes made within the leadership structure of LU. Nothing will actually change. Just shallow tweets from our school's president that didn't get it when Jr was running the show and he certinaly doesn't get it now.
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By BlueBlood
When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
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By ATrain
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BlueBlood wrote: October 25th, 2021, 6:25 pm When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
I guarantee you there are many, women and men, at Liberty who have kept silent over fears of what would happen to them if they reported being raped/sexually assaulted.
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By TH Spangler
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@ATrain I bet you're right. Made me wonder how bad things have gotten, so I Googled several universities followed by the word sex. Started with Virginia Tech. Pretty bad everywhere.
By paradox
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Shannon Bream covered the story last night on her show. She had a short clip of Lamb. TBH, he's a little difficult to comprehend in real time. Maybe the clip will emerge and we can make better sense of it. My biggest takeaway was that he claims that he refused to sign his severance. And from what little else I could gather, he was advocating some kind of public listening with regard to the claims. Seemed to indicate that he was discharged over that.

Bream said she would stay on it and keep us posted if anything further develops.
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By Purple Haize
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BlueBlood wrote: October 25th, 2021, 6:25 pm When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
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By TH Spangler
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Purple Haize wrote: October 26th, 2021, 10:53 am
BlueBlood wrote: October 25th, 2021, 6:25 pm When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
Parents need to parent. You can't expect a university to parent 15k young adults. Personal responsibility needs to come into play as well. Charges like these should be taken directly to the local city PD. Universities should receive updates from them and apply their rules based on their findings.
By Yacht Rock
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TH Spangler wrote:
Purple Haize wrote: October 26th, 2021, 10:53 am
BlueBlood wrote: October 25th, 2021, 6:25 pm When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
Parents need to parent. You can't expect a university to parent 15k young adults. Personal responsibility needs to come into play as well. Charges like these should be taken directly to the local city PD. Universities should receive updates from them and apply their rules based on their findings.
I'm not sure what you're saying has to do with Liberty's policies creating a culture that leads students to shy away from reporting a sexual assault.

Liberty absolutely has a responsibility to:
-Create a safe campus.
-Create a culture that makes it safe for victims to report assaults and/or harassment.

That has nothing to do with parenting.
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By Just John
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Purple Haize wrote: October 26th, 2021, 10:53 am
BlueBlood wrote: October 25th, 2021, 6:25 pm When I read the part where girls’ RAs and friends were dissuading girls from reporting matters (because they would likely need to admit to drinking and some sexual behavior which could get them disciplined), that really hit home. I have daughters and I can completely see that happening. I can completely envision a girl struggling with “do I move forward with this - because if I do, It might lead to me getting sent home”.
I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
Very true.

So how does a school have "Christian distinctives" while not get caught in such a Catch-22? How do other Christian universities deal with this?

I think most of us agree we should have some rules against sleeping around and at the very least insobriety, if not teetotalism for students. But we have to avoid the situations we have now. And would someone go to the extreme of accusing another of harassment or worse to stay out of trouble for being drunk or high?
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By TH Spangler
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Yacht Rock wrote: October 26th, 2021, 3:37 pm
TH Spangler wrote:
Purple Haize wrote: October 26th, 2021, 10:53 am

I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
Parents need to parent. You can't expect a university to parent 15k young adults. Personal responsibility needs to come into play as well. Charges like these should be taken directly to the local city PD. Universities should receive updates from them and apply their rules based on their findings.
I'm not sure what you're saying has to do with Liberty's policies creating a culture that leads students to shy away from reporting a sexual assault.

Liberty absolutely has a responsibility to:
-Create a safe campus.
-Create a culture that makes it safe for victims to report assaults and/or harassment.
That has nothing to do with parenting.
Needs to create a safe "campus" and a culture that discourages "dumb behavior". The article I read today said the victim went to an "off campus" Halloween party and "downed 8 shots" then continued drinking. Preventing such behavior starts at home. And knowing better than to assault someone in an drunken state starts at home. No university can raise 15K young adults.
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By thepostman
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I am not going to sit here and try to justify drinking that amount of alcohol but when comparing it to a rapist, I will go after the rapist every time. When someone comes forward with an allegation and has the kind of bruising she had, your first reaction SHOULD NOT be to inform her that if she comes forward she will have to face the consequences of breaking the Liberty Way. That should be the last thing anybody is thinking about. The Title IX office has a legal obligation to follow through on these kinds of allegations and they did not do that on numerous cases. Of course, by not doing so it makes it a lot easier for people in leadership at LU and on this message board apparently, to dismiss the stories of all of these women all together.

Also, Prevo's response is a joke. He made it seem like nothing new has been said and this is just a media storm when in reality new allegations and documents have been unearthed in this most recent report. Now it looks like Johnnie Moore and his PR firm are being brought in to clean up the mess that the LU board, leadership and president all help create. This was another moment in which the board and Prevo could just step down. They are in way over their heads and the fact that they think bringing in JM is the right call when he was there doing Jr's bidding before all of this. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

Some of you guys are proving once again why women wait so long to come forward and why things never actually change at LU.
By paradox
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I'd like to think that everyone wants rape and assault claims taken seriously. Are any of these claims credible? They could be, but we're not in a position to actually know.
By paradox
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Yacht Rock wrote: October 26th, 2021, 3:37 pm
TH Spangler wrote:
Purple Haize wrote: October 26th, 2021, 10:53 am

I mean you can report the rape and the boy will get in trouble. But so will you for being out after curfew and drinking a beer.
It’s the horrible Christian College Catch-22
Parents need to parent. You can't expect a university to parent 15k young adults. Personal responsibility needs to come into play as well. Charges like these should be taken directly to the local city PD. Universities should receive updates from them and apply their rules based on their findings.
I'm not sure what you're saying has to do with Liberty's policies creating a culture that leads students to shy away from reporting a sexual assault.

Liberty absolutely has a responsibility to:
-Create a safe campus.
-Create a culture that makes it safe for victims to report assaults and/or harassment.

That has nothing to do with parenting.
So, it should make perfect sense for any college that prohibits dorm interactions and drinking on campus to be safer due to the prohibitions. Those measures would be extremely title ix friendly.

But, no one likes to be judged, especially when vulnerable or after a tragic event. That part is concerning. We all know about judgmental jerks who are drawn to religious organizations.

Sounds like the alleged assaults mostly happen off campus and under circumstances not endorsed by the school. So, local law enforcement would need to be involved. Were they?

Finally, since judgmental jerks do in fact exist, the claims are possible. So then, is the alleged jerk behavior random incompetence or is it administrative procedure? The class action suite is supposed to prove that it's all deliberate and intentional for the purpose of suppressing women's rights in reporting assaults. That information is not yet available.
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By thepostman
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paradox wrote: October 26th, 2021, 7:46 pm I'd like to think that everyone wants rape and assault claims taken seriously. Are any of these claims credible? They could be, but we're not in a position to actually know.
Yes. With a lot to receipts. But for some reason you have an easier time giving an institution that had proven time a time again to be lead by weak leadership the benefit of the doubt than some of these women who are sharing a ton of photo evidence that at the very least make them credible.

I also know because I once saw it with my own two eyes how sexual assault victims were treated. I turned a blind eye because I gave LU the benefit of the doubt that they'd do the right thing. I was 20 and very naive then. Not so much now.
ATrain liked this
By paradox
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So, you believe there's an official deliberate conspiracy against women reporting claims? But you and I don't really know anything regarding the validity of the claims. Maybe, we'll know later. TBD.
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By stokesjokes
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to have 22 public Jane Does and seemingly many more private stories that we have yet to hear, we’re beyond random incompetence.

I think part of the defensiveness from the side defending the university comes from a misattribution of intent. I don’t think anyone is seriously saying that Liberty purposely set up a system designed with the intention to hurt women.

It seems, though, that Liberty set up a system that prioritized other things above the safety and care of these women and them being hurt was the result.

As Dallas Willard would say, “your system is perfectly designed to yield the results you are getting.”
By Yacht Rock
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paradox wrote:So, you believe there's an official deliberate conspiracy against women reporting claims? But you and I don't really know anything regarding the validity of the claims. Maybe, we'll know later. TBD.
Based on my dealings with admin, I absolutely believe that the handling of these cases was intentional and deliberate.

I’ve seen too much to think otherwise.
ATrain liked this
By paradox
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stokesjokes wrote: October 26th, 2021, 8:17 pm

I don’t think anyone is seriously saying that Liberty purposely set up a system designed with the intention to hurt women.

That's what the class action suite is trying to prove. The key word is deliberate.

btw...the people that pretend to know things that are unclear are the ones being defensive. I would just caution you guys to be more patient and level-headed. Rushing to judgement is never the way to go.
By stokesjokes
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paradox wrote: October 26th, 2021, 8:35 pm
stokesjokes wrote: October 26th, 2021, 8:17 pm

I don’t think anyone is seriously saying that Liberty purposely set up a system designed with the intention to hurt women.

That's what the class action suite is trying to prove. The key word is deliberate.

btw...the people that pretend to know things that are unclear are the ones being defensive. I would just caution you guys to be more patient and level-headed. Rushing to judgement is never the way to go.
Note the word following deliberate in every count in the lawsuit: deliberate indifference.
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