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By PAmedic
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ya gotta love that crap. "He's not the kind of kid that's going to do something like that on purpose."

ummmm, yeah- obviously HE IS. He DID do it. WE ALL SAW IT you IDIOT.

unbelievable- everyone else is "that type", he isn't like that. Except when driving with a suspended license, speeding, giving alcohol to minors, brandishing weapons, etc. Thats the "only" time he's like that, I guess.

YEESH. (YEAH- I KNOW. innocent 'til proven guilty. RIGHT, everyone's making this stuff up.)
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By RubberMallet
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i'd stick up for my brother to the media too. you gotta take care of that business in house...
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By RubberMallet
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"Sometimes your emotions just take over," Michael Vick said during halftime Wednesday night of the Atlanta Hawks' game against the Cleveland Cavaliers. "I know Marcus. He's not the kind of kid that's going to do something like that on purpose. That's just something he's got to live with, and now it's just time to move on."
this is my favorite though. "sometimes your emotions take over and you accidentally step on someone"
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By PAmedic
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happens to me every day. :roll:
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By bigsmooth
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relative or not when you are wrong you are wrong. is michael gonna defend marcus pulling the gun on those people at mc donalds??
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By RubberMallet
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i dont' expect him to come out and throw his bro under the bus...i wouldn't...

like i said i take care of that business in house...who cares what i say to the media...
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By bigsmooth
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keeping it in the family? so why does michael publicly call out VT, who gave him the oppty. to hone his skills, the school he loves so much and say they overreacted? marcus may need his big brother to call him out publicly, and get his life in order before he ends up in jail. if you want to keep it in the family, keep everything in the family...personal and the VT family.
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By RubberMallet
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what are you talking about? I think VT did overreact...there have been many other worse things i've seen in college football and rarely have a seen someone get kicked off a team for it...this is a little too late...beamer and co should of took care of this a long time ago.

the guy, in the heat of the moment, reacted in a way he shouldn't of....he didn't beat a woman, rape anyone, get caught cokin up, or any of the other terrible things that go down in college sports. worse things happen in a pile than just getting your arm stepped on.

the hokies aren't vicks family....of course mr mexico is going to take his brothers side....hes A) family, B) one who is familiar with techs normal leniency. ronnie wouldn't of gone anywhere if hed of done something of that nature 4 years ago. thats why hes saying they overreacted....hes probably seen the school let much worst stuff slide.
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By El Scorcho
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RubberMallet wrote:the guy, in the heat of the moment, reacted in a way he shouldn't of....he didn't beat a woman, rape anyone, get caught cokin up, or any of the other terrible things that go down in college sports. worse things happen in a pile than just getting your arm stepped on.
Yes. And if that's all he had ever done wrong in his time at VT, then he probably wouldn't have been sent home. However, the providing of alcohol to minors (and not "college minors" but 14 and 15 year old female minors), alleged statutory rape, flipping the bird to fans at the WV game, posession of marijuana resulting in the suspension of his license, the subsequent arrest for driving with a revoked license and THEN the stomping of a player while he was down...the combination of those things is what earned him a trip home. Kinda hard to say VT overreacted. The kid was nothing but trouble for the school from day 1.
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By bigsmooth
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VT gave marcus vick a no-tolerance policy for his actions. he broke that policy. he deserved to be removed from the team. he had already been in trouble before. it was so much more than him stepping on elvis dumervil.

1. the underage drinking and sex thing
2. poession of marijuana
3. driving on a suspended license

Many VT alums wanted him gone, and quite frankly the school did not overract. VT wants solid citizens in their school and as an athlete he is a role model whether we wants to be or not, so the stuff he did was not a good representation of VT.
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By RubberMallet
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he only got that policy because he was a high profile player....

yes i'm aware of all the other stuff he did....regardless, as i've said before i've seen college athletic careers that are 4x worse than vicks, yet you rarely see them kicked off their team. if he was a no name cb, it doesn't happen....
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By bigsmooth
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no kidding! the fact is marcus knew about the zero tolerance policy...he tested it, and he lost. that is the bottom line. he knew the circumstances of his actions. i guess he thought his name would get him out of trouble, well it did not. i just hope he gets his life straight. as far as other atheltic careers that are worse, sure i agree, but that is not the issue. VT did not overreact because of the policy that was set. they followed through with it. if they did not, they look very bad and set a bad precedent.
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By RubberMallet
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bigsmooth wrote: VT did not overreact because of the policy that was set. they followed through with it. if they did not, they look very bad and set a bad precedent.
my point is that VT and other schools usually doen't set these kind of "policy"s with other trouble makers...because little vick is in the spotlight they had to set this "policy". Their rules are subjective to 'what will make the school look better'
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By PAmedic
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here's a little more in case anyone CARES. Another guy that oughta have his mouth taped shut.

Vick opens up about Falcons, brother's plight
Just in case you are wondering whether Michael Vick will ever find his groove in the Falcons' offense, the Pro Bowl quarterback doesn't appear to have an answer, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"I'm a little lost right now," Vick said.
That was just one of a few candid responses Vick gave during a Q&A session with the Journal-Constitution following a recent Pro Bowl practice.

But his thoughts on the team's West Coast offense were among the most revealing.

"My perception of the West Coast thing is starting to change too," Vick said. "We're not doing what I see Seattle doing or San Francisco doing or Green Bay doing. We're not doing those things. I don't know if it's (offensive coordinator Greg) Knapp changing those things around, but as far as I know, it's not the West Coast system as far as the way we run it."

Vick seems to feel that the Falcons simply are not running the offense — which showed signs of improvement last season — correctly.

"We're not dinking and dunking the way it's supposed to be done," Vick said. "It may be hurting me. It may be hurting the offense."

Vick also shared his thoughts on his younger brother Marcus, who is eligible for the NFL draft after Virginia Tech kicked him out of school for various transgressions.

How long would Vick continue to protect his younger brother?

"Forever," Vick said. "My brother is not a bad person. The best thing for Marc now is leaving college, getting away from a bunch of people he was around every day. Now he'll have a chance to play in the NFL and have somebody who can be there with him and can guide him in the right direction."
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