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By jack_sparrow81
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Lol, I'm suprised they haven't laid RFK to rest yet. I remember going to a nationals game at the beginning of their first season and the crowd was jumping during a late rally and you could feel the upper deck move significantly. Can't United play at Nationals Park like NYC does at Yankee stadium or even Fedex field?
By ALUmnus
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BIG game tonight. 7pm on FS1. Let's see how the youngsters do against Mehico.
The US's depth is much-improved, but I'm not so sure about their quality. It hasn't really mattered in this match-up, but we'll see.

And stop with the 'dos a cero', you're in America, dangit, speak English!
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By BJWilliams
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We don't have another qualifying match until March according to ESPN so while I do think that to get the Yanks even close to the upper tier of international soccer would take a lengthy rebuilding process down to the deepest roots of the foundation of US Soccer, I do understand to a small degree making a move with an eye toward making it out of WC 2018 Qualifying and getting into the 2020 Olympics
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By adam42381
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I'm not sure either. He had a lot of success with the National Team, but I think they should have gone elsewhere.
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By Purple Haize
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adam42381 wrote:I'm not sure either. He had a lot of success with the National Team, but I think they should have gone elsewhere.
I am hoping he is just a place holder. I like Klinsman. But I don't think everyone in USA Soccer bought in from Day 1 and he was still riding high from his Germany run
Oh well
By ALUmnus
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Jonathan Carone wrote:I don't hate the move to Arena, but I'm not quite sure I understand it. Is he the long term plan or just a stop gap to stop the bleeding?
I think he's under contract through this coming World Cup. So this is basically his tryout for a longer deal.
By ALUmnus
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A couple more cities are getting into the soccer expansion game: Tampa and Raleigh.

http://www.foxsports.com/soccer/story/m ... ina-120716
The day started with the Carolina Railhawks rebranding as North Carolina FC and announcing that they intend to get an MLS expansion team in the next 12-18 months. The club, currently in the NASL, but potentially moving to the USL, will continue playing and is looking at stadium sites in the Raleigh area.

Later in the day, the Tampa Bay Rowdies said they were launching a similar plan. The club, which is moving from the NASL to the USL this year, wants to expand Al Lang Stadium, a 7,500-seat baseball stadium that the soccer team now uses.
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By BJWilliams
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The USMNT lost to Trinidad and Tobago last night and failed to qualify for the World Cup. This will be the first time since 1986 that the Yanks will not be competing.

I was reading some of the comments on Twitter and SuperJon raised the point about the competing goals of growing MLS and the national team...and also the points about how our best athletes are growing up in other sports. I think I mentioned this before, but I really think we may need to blow up our soccer system, all the way to the youth level.
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By Purple Haize
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I guess Jurgen really wasn't the problem. He never got the buy in and when he tried to root out the apathy he got the boot. Arena fared no better.
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By thepostman
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This is a blow to a sport that had seen growth in this country. Every 4 years the world cup increases exposure to soccer in the US. Without that growth will slow down.
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By RubberMallet
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BJWilliams wrote:The USMNT lost to Trinidad and Tobago last night and failed to qualify for the World Cup. This will be the first time since 1986 that the Yanks will not be competing.

I was reading some of the comments on Twitter and SuperJon raised the point about the competing goals of growing MLS and the national team...and also the points about how our best athletes are growing up in other sports. I think I mentioned this before, but I really think we may need to blow up our soccer system, all the way to the youth level.
we are a country of 330 million people losing to much smaller talent pools. the athletes are here, we just don't train them as well.
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By Purple Haize
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Jonathan Carone wrote:Three biggest issues with the USMNT:

1) Pay to play
2) MLS vs US Soccer
3) Thinking we are better/more important than we are
Soccer is a Rich Persons sport in the US. It’s in the ranks of Tennis and Golf
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By Class of 20Something
Jonathan Carone wrote:Three biggest issues with the USMNT:

1) Pay to play
2) MLS vs US Soccer
3) Thinking we are better/more important than we are
Pay to play is the worst. Us soccer from MLS the way down to 6 year olds needs to be team sponsored. Tryouts for every team. Costs are covered as long as you can make the team.

Only when soccer is a legitimate avenue from poverty will soccer in the United States change.

What would the USMNT look like if the best stars in football and basketball grew up honing soccer as their skill?

The United States is not good at Soccer. MLS is better than most give it credit for, but we are not good. USSF needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
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By Purple Haize
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Class of 20Something wrote:
Jonathan Carone wrote:Three biggest issues with the USMNT:

1) Pay to play
2) MLS vs US Soccer
3) Thinking we are better/more important than we are
Pay to play is the worst. Us soccer from MLS the way down to 6 year olds needs to be team sponsored. Tryouts for every team. Costs are covered as long as you can make the team.

Only when soccer is a legitimate avenue from poverty will soccer in the United States change.

What would the USMNT look like if the best stars in football and basketball grew up honing soccer as their skill?

The United States is not good at Soccer. MLS is better than most give it credit for, but we are not good. USSF needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
You are getting wise in your old age
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By Purple Haize
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Class of 20Something wrote:
Purple Haize wrote:
You are getting wise in your old age
What did you call me?
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