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By prototype
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47/5-2 wrote: July 1st, 2024, 10:57 am Are there any undefeated teams left in the FFF Baseball League???
I think you know the answer to that one... ;)

Great Job!!!
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By prototype
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Week #14 Top Performers -

Runs - Baybird 56
HR - Baybird 20
RBI - Baybird, Revenge 51
SB - Baybird 14 (ties season high)
AVG - Galbula 0.2923
K - Baybird 105
Wins - Prototype,Revenge 7
Saves - Revenge 9
ERA - Revenge 2.538
WHIP - Revenge 0.936

And there is now no undefeated teams now:) Great Job Revenge. And now I have to take on Baybird - who is Hot and probably had the best week of any team last week, this year. Let's hope his players are tired this week;)

Current Standings -
https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975
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By prototype
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Week #15 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics 53
HR - Baybird 20
RBI - Baybird 52
SB - Prototype, Fanatics 11
AVG - Prototype 0.299
K - Prototype 126
Wins - Prototype 9
Saves - Revenge 10 (ties season high)
ERA - Revenge 2.854
WHIP - Fanatics 0.97

Baybird almost got me this week, but Ohtani came through late with 2 steals to seal the victory!! Good week Baybird.

After 15 weeks - the battle for the 4 playoff spots is legendary!!! The 2nd place team has 7 loses, and the 7th place team has 8 loses, separated by 1.5 games. Will be a crazy end to the season.

https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Category Leaders - Through Week #15 of ASOR Fantasy Baseball League
Runs - Baybird 63 (Week #8)
HR - Baybird 22 (Week #8)
RBI - Prototype 55 (Week #3)
SB - Prototype, Baybird 14 (Multiple)
AVG - Prototype 0.309 (Week #1)
K - Prototype 132 (Week #12)
Wins - Prototype, Galbula 11 (Multiple)
Saves - Revenge 10 (Week #8, Week #15)
ERA - Treasure 1.362 (Week #4)
WHIP - Flames 0.718 (Week #1)
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By prototype
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Week #16 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics 72
HR - Fanatics 26
RBI - Fanatics 79
SB - Prototype 19
AVG - Fanatics 0.286
K - Prototype 159
Wins - Prototype 12
Saves - Prototype, Treasure, Revenge 9
ERA - Treasure 3.346
WHIP - Treasure 1.073

(These do not go towards season highs due to it being a longer week due to All-Star game.)

Updated standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Right now it would be - Prototype, Treasure, Baybird and Fanatics making the playoffs. Gatorbait and Revenge are only a half game back and Galbula only 1 game back.
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By prototype
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Games to watch this week -

#4 Fanatics vs. #3 Baybird


#6 Gatorbait vs. #7 Galbula
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By jbock13
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I can't believe I'm actually in 4'th. I've had a good team, I've just had rotten luck most of the year.
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By prototype
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Week #17 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics, Baybird 49
HR - Revenge 25 (season high)
RBI - Fanatics 51
SB - Prototype 19 (season high)
AVG - Prototype 0.3036
K - Prototype 95
Wins - Prototype, Galbula 6
Saves - Prototype 9
ERA - Galbula 2.543
WHIP - Galbula 0.955

Updated Standing - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

What a race for the playoffs!!! Fanatics pulled off a 5-4-1 win to move up. Galbula beat Gatorbait 6-3-1 to get closer to a spot. Revenge blew out Treasure 9-1 to say "I'm not going anywhere".

If the regular season was over today - the four playoff spots would go to -
National Treasure
Fincastle Fanatics
Team Baybird

Revenge - .5 game back
Galbula - 1 game back
Gatrorbait - 1.5 games back

7 weeks to go.
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By prototype
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jbock13 wrote: July 23rd, 2024, 5:27 pm I can't believe I'm actually in 4'th. I've had a good team, I've just had rotten luck most of the year.
In 3rd now!! ;) I have JT this week... I'm trying to keep him out of Playoffs (He always beats me).
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By prototype
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Week # 18 Top Performers. Sorry a week late.

Runs - Baybird 62
HR - Fanatics 20
RBI - Galbula, Fanatics 55
SB - Prototype 15
AVG - Revenge 0.3346 (season high)
K - Galbula, Baybird 75
Wins - Galbula, Flames 6
Saves - Gatorbait 6
ERA - Baybird 3.78
WHIP - Prototype 1.069
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By prototype
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Week #19 - Top Performers -

Runs - Galbula 58
HR - Fanatics, Galbula 20
RBI - Revenge 54
SB - Prototype 14
AVG - Galbula 0.3061
K - Prototype 111
Wins - Prototype 7
Saves - Galbula 8
ERA - Gatorbait 2.942
WHIP - Prototype 1.131

Current Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Projected Playoff Seeds -
Prototype #1
Baybird #2
Treasure #3
Fanatics #4

Galbula - Loosing a tie breaker right now for #4 spot
Revenge - 0.5 games behind 4th spot
Gatorbait are on life support, and will probably have to win out to have any chance to make playoffs.
Flames - BJ - there's always next year;)
Last edited by prototype on August 12th, 2024, 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By prototype
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Week #20 Top Performers -
Runs - Baybird 51
HR - Fanatics 17
RBI - Fanatics 43
SB - Prototype 13
AVG - Treasure 0.2841
K - Prototype, Baybird 97
Wins - Prototype, Baybird, Galbula 6
Saves - Treasure, Revenge,Galbula 6
ERA - Treasure 2.471
WHIP - Galbula 0.964

Updated Standings -
https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Current Playoff Teams -
#1 - Prototype
#2 - Baybird
#3 - Treasure
#4 - Fanatics

Galbula - .5 game back
Revenge - 1 game back
Gatorbait - 2 games back
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By prototype
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Week #21 -
Runs - Revenge 52
HR - Revenge, Treasure,Baybird 16
RBI - Revenge 52
SB - Flames 19 (tied season high)
AVG - Revenge 0.2895
K - Revenge 104
Wins - Prototype 12 (season high)
Saves - Revenge, Galbula 7
ERA - Galbula 2.192
WHIP - Galbula 0.974

Current Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Current Playoffs -
#1 Prototype
#2 Baybird
#3 Galbula
#4 Treasure
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By prototype
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Week #22 Top Performers -
Runs - Galbula 63 (ties season high)
HR - Galbula 18
RBI - Galbula 55 (ties season high)
SB - Galbula 16
AVG - Flames 0.2789
K - Prototype 112
Wins - Revenge 7
Saves - Prototype,Treasure 8
ERA - Baybird 2.836
WHIP - Revenge 1.000

Cuurent Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Still the same 4 -
#1 Prototype
#2 Baybird
#3 Galbula
#4 Treasure
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By prototype
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Week #23 Top Performers -
Runs - Flames 44
HR - Gatorbait 16
RBI - Baybird 46
SB - Gatorbait 12
AVG - Flames 0.2894
K - Baybird, Revenge 96
Wins - Fanatics 10
Saves - Treasure, Gatorbait 6
ERA - Fanatics 1.440
WHIP - Flames 0.957

One more week to go -
Current Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Playoff Positions will come down to the last week!!

Prototype, Baybird and Treasure are locked in to top three spots. Battle for the 4th and final spot will come down to Galbula, Revenge and Fanatics. Galbula wins and they are in.
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By prototype
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Championship is set and again it's -

Galbula (@LUminary against Prototype.

Galbula has been playing better as of late, but should be a good matchup this week.

Good Luck Luminary!!! Maybe, you can let me win one this year;)
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By LUminary
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Good luck to you as well! I had to dig to get here, glad to be in the final. Always a challenge.
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By prototype
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LUminary wrote: September 23rd, 2024, 1:23 pm Good luck to you as well! I had to dig to get here, glad to be in the final. Always a challenge.
I give up... I can never beat you. Are you paying my players to take the week off again? Every year;)
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By LUminary
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prototype wrote: September 25th, 2024, 10:23 am
LUminary wrote: September 23rd, 2024, 1:23 pm Good luck to you as well! I had to dig to get here, glad to be in the final. Always a challenge.
I give up... I can never beat you. Are you paying my players to take the week off again? Every year;)
I’m off to a good start but it’s way early. Expect it be close. Postponements throwing a wrench into it. Great chess match!
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By LUminary
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Hats off to Prototype. Fine season and nice comeback in the final, which went to the wire. Very competitive league this year. Enjoyed it, and will see you all next season!
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By prototype
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Officially declare Prototype and Galbula (LU Luminary) Co-Champs!! Tie in the final - epic...

Thanks to everyone who played. Enjoyed having the new teams this year. Thanks to everyone for keeping it competitive this year.

Lots of fun - see everyone next year!!
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