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By prototype
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47/5-2 wrote: July 1st, 2024, 10:57 am Are there any undefeated teams left in the FFF Baseball League???
I think you know the answer to that one... ;)

Great Job!!!
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By prototype
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Week #14 Top Performers -

Runs - Baybird 56
HR - Baybird 20
RBI - Baybird, Revenge 51
SB - Baybird 14 (ties season high)
AVG - Galbula 0.2923
K - Baybird 105
Wins - Prototype,Revenge 7
Saves - Revenge 9
ERA - Revenge 2.538
WHIP - Revenge 0.936

And there is now no undefeated teams now:) Great Job Revenge. And now I have to take on Baybird - who is Hot and probably had the best week of any team last week, this year. Let's hope his players are tired this week;)

Current Standings -
https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975
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By prototype
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Week #15 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics 53
HR - Baybird 20
RBI - Baybird 52
SB - Prototype, Fanatics 11
AVG - Prototype 0.299
K - Prototype 126
Wins - Prototype 9
Saves - Revenge 10 (ties season high)
ERA - Revenge 2.854
WHIP - Fanatics 0.97

Baybird almost got me this week, but Ohtani came through late with 2 steals to seal the victory!! Good week Baybird.

After 15 weeks - the battle for the 4 playoff spots is legendary!!! The 2nd place team has 7 loses, and the 7th place team has 8 loses, separated by 1.5 games. Will be a crazy end to the season.

https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Category Leaders - Through Week #15 of ASOR Fantasy Baseball League
Runs - Baybird 63 (Week #8)
HR - Baybird 22 (Week #8)
RBI - Prototype 55 (Week #3)
SB - Prototype, Baybird 14 (Multiple)
AVG - Prototype 0.309 (Week #1)
K - Prototype 132 (Week #12)
Wins - Prototype, Galbula 11 (Multiple)
Saves - Revenge 10 (Week #8, Week #15)
ERA - Treasure 1.362 (Week #4)
WHIP - Flames 0.718 (Week #1)
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By prototype
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Week #16 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics 72
HR - Fanatics 26
RBI - Fanatics 79
SB - Prototype 19
AVG - Fanatics 0.286
K - Prototype 159
Wins - Prototype 12
Saves - Prototype, Treasure, Revenge 9
ERA - Treasure 3.346
WHIP - Treasure 1.073

(These do not go towards season highs due to it being a longer week due to All-Star game.)

Updated standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Right now it would be - Prototype, Treasure, Baybird and Fanatics making the playoffs. Gatorbait and Revenge are only a half game back and Galbula only 1 game back.
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By prototype
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Games to watch this week -

#4 Fanatics vs. #3 Baybird


#6 Gatorbait vs. #7 Galbula
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By jbock13
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I can't believe I'm actually in 4'th. I've had a good team, I've just had rotten luck most of the year.
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By prototype
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Week #17 Top Performers -
Runs - Fanatics, Baybird 49
HR - Revenge 25 (season high)
RBI - Fanatics 51
SB - Prototype 19 (season high)
AVG - Prototype 0.3036
K - Prototype 95
Wins - Prototype, Galbula 6
Saves - Prototype 9
ERA - Galbula 2.543
WHIP - Galbula 0.955

Updated Standing - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

What a race for the playoffs!!! Fanatics pulled off a 5-4-1 win to move up. Galbula beat Gatorbait 6-3-1 to get closer to a spot. Revenge blew out Treasure 9-1 to say "I'm not going anywhere".

If the regular season was over today - the four playoff spots would go to -
National Treasure
Fincastle Fanatics
Team Baybird

Revenge - .5 game back
Galbula - 1 game back
Gatrorbait - 1.5 games back

7 weeks to go.
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By prototype
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jbock13 wrote: July 23rd, 2024, 5:27 pm I can't believe I'm actually in 4'th. I've had a good team, I've just had rotten luck most of the year.
In 3rd now!! ;) I have JT this week... I'm trying to keep him out of Playoffs (He always beats me).
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By prototype
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Week # 18 Top Performers. Sorry a week late.

Runs - Baybird 62
HR - Fanatics 20
RBI - Galbula, Fanatics 55
SB - Prototype 15
AVG - Revenge 0.3346 (season high)
K - Galbula, Baybird 75
Wins - Galbula, Flames 6
Saves - Gatorbait 6
ERA - Baybird 3.78
WHIP - Prototype 1.069
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By prototype
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Week #19 - Top Performers -

Runs - Galbula 58
HR - Fanatics, Galbula 20
RBI - Revenge 54
SB - Prototype 14
AVG - Galbula 0.3061
K - Prototype 111
Wins - Prototype 7
Saves - Galbula 8
ERA - Gatorbait 2.942
WHIP - Prototype 1.131

Current Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Projected Playoff Seeds -
Prototype #1
Baybird #2
Treasure #3
Fanatics #4

Galbula - Loosing a tie breaker right now for #4 spot
Revenge - 0.5 games behind 4th spot
Gatorbait are on life support, and will probably have to win out to have any chance to make playoffs.
Flames - BJ - there's always next year;)
Last edited by prototype on August 12th, 2024, 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By prototype
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Week #20 Top Performers -
Runs - Baybird 51
HR - Fanatics 17
RBI - Fanatics 43
SB - Prototype 13
AVG - Treasure 0.2841
K - Prototype, Baybird 97
Wins - Prototype, Baybird, Galbula 6
Saves - Treasure, Revenge,Galbula 6
ERA - Treasure 2.471
WHIP - Galbula 0.964

Updated Standings -
https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Current Playoff Teams -
#1 - Prototype
#2 - Baybird
#3 - Treasure
#4 - Fanatics

Galbula - .5 game back
Revenge - 1 game back
Gatorbait - 2 games back
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By prototype
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Week #21 -
Runs - Revenge 52
HR - Revenge, Treasure,Baybird 16
RBI - Revenge 52
SB - Flames 19 (tied season high)
AVG - Revenge 0.2895
K - Revenge 104
Wins - Prototype 12 (season high)
Saves - Revenge, Galbula 7
ERA - Galbula 2.192
WHIP - Galbula 0.974

Current Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Current Playoffs -
#1 Prototype
#2 Baybird
#3 Galbula
#4 Treasure
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By prototype
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Week #22 Top Performers -
Runs - Galbula 63 (ties season high)
HR - Galbula 18
RBI - Galbula 55 (ties season high)
SB - Galbula 16
AVG - Flames 0.2789
K - Prototype 112
Wins - Revenge 7
Saves - Prototype,Treasure 8
ERA - Baybird 2.836
WHIP - Revenge 1.000

Cuurent Standings - https://fantasy.espn.com/baseball/leagu ... =470409975

Still the same 4 -
#1 Prototype
#2 Baybird
#3 Galbula
#4 Treasure
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